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Everything posted by cd_willo

  1. Hi All, Just wanted to drop by and say hi and to let you all know that Collateral Damage (http://clancd.co.uk) have launched a UK private hive. The current settings are: Veteran UTC-6 (Midday - Midnight day schedule) Tracer Off 3rd On Nameplates Off. Standard loadout, survival is key! Sidechat is allowed as long as you aren't abusive. The server is still fresh with loot and crash sites, so come along and get some gear for the war! If you have any suggestions / feedback please feel free to drop by our private hive forum http://clancd.co.uk/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?35 Look forward to any feedback. Willo
  2. cd_willo

    Collateral Damage DayZ Private Hive

    Server is definitely getting more popular. The AI bandits add an excellent challenge to the server as they can get the drop on you and cause some damage. It most certainly made our members more cautious.