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Everything posted by InkCat

  1. Respect to you classic bandit
  2. Im in a clan on gldayz server and i have a few stories and one of them was a adventure i had between otmel and baltoa I spawned on the island of otmel with my makarov and started swimming towards the shore instantly. I had already found a ak in one of the added barracks and had 1 clip. Half to the shore line i took a bullet to the head and was knocked out. turns out there were 2 guys on the shore in front and behind me who saw me. after i got knocked out they engaged in a firefight for about 5mins when i regained consciousness. I got on the other shore just as the guy was reloading his sidearm and put 19 bullets in his side killing him. the other guy claimed to be friendly and to have blood so he swam over to me. I noticed him looking in my bag so i put 3 bullets in his skull and continued. Halfway to cherno i picked up one of my friends and we were headed towards another firefight. there was a wall that separated a dock from the road and a armed bambi and another clan member(Enemy) were having at it. My friend took the direct approach.... and lasted 15 seconds. I went around the wall and came out on his side getting him with a single AKM shot to the head killing him. I turned my attention to the bambi(Who was huddling on the ground trying to kill me) and put 10 bullets into his side killing him. I walked out of there barely alive and only ran into one guy in cherno who i killed. I got to baltoa to be taken out by some friendly fire ironically. I have plenty more to share but want some feed back before i do. Thanks
  3. InkCat

    1v5 Bandit Shore Fighting

    When its a makarov shot it does
  4. InkCat

    DayZ Memes

    I lold
  5. InkCat

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    No Some players need a gun that can hit over 1000 meters away It comes in handy to take down helis and for pvp If you dont like it i geuss you should find a server without it
  6. InkCat

    sanity meter

    I see what your getting at It could be like a sanity meter that starts at 100 If you are a bandit and kill people it will start to go down or if you just stay in the dark with Z's to long As its gets lower and lower you will start to see things Ex. Another player running, Hear shots, see vechicles going by etc. But after arround 10secs they will disapear Also no canibal pls
  7. InkCat

    First day on Balota Buddies

    I kill heros like you
  8. I shoot them with dmr i get beans and ammo win win