Hi everyone I'm somewhat new to dayz, I've gotten the basics of survival and so on in the wild. However, I've recently found my first working Huey and ATV, today I even found a speed boat (I think they're called Ribs). I've grouped them together, using the ATV as a base for supplies, the chopper for search and rescue of fellow bambi's and the rib for finding equipment. The huge problem I'm facing is refueling all of these. I've got a 20L jerrycan that's full (if it were empty there'd be a red cross through it, much like water canteens). I've tried going up to all 3 and scrolling through the menu that comes up, there's no refuel option! I can refuel the ATV if i find a petrol station, can I also do this for the Huey? How can i refuel the boat too? :S Renz