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About Renzakuken

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Renzakuken

    Newbie and Vehicles

    Thanks! I shall try both asap, any suggestions with re-fueling my boat? Also, I parked my ATV up on a hill, sideways so it was parallel with its crest to my right, come back an hour or so later, to find it seems to have slipped between two trees. Any attempts to access it see me re-equipping my weapon! What gives?
  2. Renzakuken

    Newbie and Vehicles

    Hi! Thanks for the speedy response. I've tried refueling the can but no option comes up :S Am i doing something wrong?
  3. Renzakuken

    Newbie and Vehicles

    Hi everyone I'm somewhat new to dayz, I've gotten the basics of survival and so on in the wild. However, I've recently found my first working Huey and ATV, today I even found a speed boat (I think they're called Ribs). I've grouped them together, using the ATV as a base for supplies, the chopper for search and rescue of fellow bambi's and the rib for finding equipment. The huge problem I'm facing is refueling all of these. I've got a 20L jerrycan that's full (if it were empty there'd be a red cross through it, much like water canteens). I've tried going up to all 3 and scrolling through the menu that comes up, there's no refuel option! I can refuel the ATV if i find a petrol station, can I also do this for the Huey? How can i refuel the boat too? :S Renz
  4. Hey Used to play DayZ around last summer but stopped due to other commitments. Is anyone looking for a casual player to join their group? Renz