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About graal_148@hotmail.com

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  1. I met sds today and they were super frendly.. like hubert
  2. Probably the best server out there, SDS is like the most friendliest clan there too!! Strongy recommend, Keep on rolling Rolle :)
  3. What is a helo :P Helicopter or ?
  4. graal_148@hotmail.com

    screen shots?

    If you play through steam u can always press f12 :P
  5. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Veteran Server has crosshairs?

    Edit the config file and set Crosshair and that to 0 ? Or the server my friend already have settings in the.. umm website u go into to manage the server.
  6. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Stuck in "debug plains"

    have you tried asking alle for help?
  7. graal_148@hotmail.com

    very serious counter hacking :)

    I.. I dont get it..
  8. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Stuck in "debug plains"

    have you tried restarting it ?
  9. graal_148@hotmail.com

    How Long Does It Take For A Huey To Spawn?

    Nah 1 they changed
  10. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Don't know what to do - Vehicles in my server

    If they gave you a new instanceID it will take 7 days i think for vehicles to spawn. If they gave you an old instanceID, wich is kinda like giving out an old map. Vehicles wont be at the spawn points, more scatterd around then :)
  11. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Some crc error?

    Orderd a new hardrive. Cant wait to get it so i can play :P hopefully...
  12. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Some crc error?

    I have had some guys telling me that i need a new hard-drive too since its maybe cause its hard for it to read the files. I got the money for a new hardrive and i havnt treated mine so good. haha But.. yeah i actually need a new hardrive too since mine is running out of space :P
  13. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Some crc error?

    Bump. also if anybody wants to do the thing i said earlier it must be steam version...
  14. graal_148@hotmail.com

    Some crc error?

    pl0x help