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About TheRingStiing

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheRingStiing

    Looking for a small group

    looking for a small group of players my skype is m.purvine79 im 16 and tired of playing alone haha so if you wanna hit me up just do so :)
  2. TheRingStiing

    Looking for players for Breaking Point.

    hit me up i would enjoy playing with you skype: m.purvine79
  3. TheRingStiing

    Wanting a small group of people (1-4)

    im 16 and from the U.S.
  4. TheRingStiing

    Wanting a small group of people (1-4)

    im from the U.S. and im 16
  5. wanting to start up a small group. Skype: m.purvine79 and i have teamspeak so if your interested in joining a small group of people just message me :)
  6. Age: 16 Location: Alabama Occupation: Student Timezone: Central How long have you played the game: About 2 Months Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): I play vanilla and Breaking Point What is your favourite gun: I cant really choice i have a few that could be my favourite What is your playstyle: Kinda lead runner/gunner goes in before everyone else What is your favourite role: Scout kinda like to be lead guy that goes in What are your strenghts: Good Shot and good at communcation What are your weaknesses: Not all that great at stealth What is your in-game name: Marcus What is your Skype username: m.purvine79 Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: we fixed up a bus and held at devils castle and a group of about 6 showed up and a standoff between the two groups we lost though. :(
  7. TheRingStiing

    Looking for a small group

    Im 16 and looking of a small group of 3 or 4. My skype is m.purvine79 if you wanna play just add me on skype :)
  8. TheRingStiing

    Looking for a small survivor group.

    Skype: m.purvine79