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Everything posted by Kra

  1. If you are banned from the DayZ database by the DayZ staff, you will never load.
  2. Thread summary: ADHD kid with ADHD friends get bored with playing a game in development that is not even halfway complete. Uses this experience to make a troll post. Stops posting when called out on his "statistics". Seriously though, even rocket himself has said that there isn't enough in the game to keep it interesting past a few days. Of course there are going to be more elements put into the mod. Instead of making a troll post like this in some kind of lame attempt to get a rise out of the dev's, how about you go into that suggestions part of the forum and suggest what you want to see in the game?
  3. Kra

    Global Ban

    Enjoy that global ban. Edit: Now that I'm home after being on the road for 4 days, I actually bothered to have a look at that thread. And the post that that guy replied to, you only said that you were banned. Not global banned. Big difference. I'm fairly certain that if that person had known that you were going to appeal a global ban, he wouldn't of told you to submit a ticket or use the ban appeals forum. Either way, you went about things the wrong way and you have to realise that in this particular forum, we see a handful of your kind a day. And 99% of the time, they are a hacking/cheating POS with not enough brains to type one word into Google and expect everyone else to do it for them. This forum needs more moderation. Perhaps change the subforum description to include "NO GLOBAL BANS". Please lock this thread.
  4. Kra

    Global Ban

    Instead of "oh you're all dicks for telling me I'm doing something wrong", how about after you realised that global ban appeals don't belong in this forum, you apologise profusely to the moderators and forum for doing the wrong thing. Maybe then you would warrant some respect. I doubt this would happen as this feels more like a troll post than anything.
  5. Chopper spawn is currently disabled until rocket is happy with the desyncing. Too many passengers were getting killed by lag. They weren't deleted or removed, very old servers may have some stashed, but with the changes since to the mod and hive, they've probably all disappeared. Rule of thumb: if you see something completely unusual, switch servers immediately. This has saved my arse numerous times from server nukes.
  6. The lack of balls in this thread disturbs me. Even wocket, zombie agro was fun last patch :(
  7. Well then perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension. Op says nothing of global ban, and even goes on to say he can join other servers. Saying admins do not apply battleye bans is incorrect and led me to believe you do not know how it actually works. And you accuse OP in your 1st post of scripting. Hence false accusations. Do I need to link the definitions of the words I am using?
  8. As far as im aware, you can use battleye to issue local bans. So yes this was (probably) a battleye ban (initiated by server admin). No this wasn't a global battleye ban. Please be more careful of accusations with limited knowledge of how the system works.
  9. You honestly think "YOU'RE GONE, YOU'RE A RETARD. BYE." is less childish than what they did? Riiight. And he should feel bad, dude even fails at cheating.
  10. Kra

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yeah don't wear camo either... just lost brand new unfired as50 :(
  11. Now obviously the mod isn't far enough through development for this kind of change to be implemented (wouldn't want someone stuck unable to move in order to suicide with an in game method) but I feel this should be considered at some point. I honestly feel that there would be alot more interesting encounters if people weren't able to suicide with just one click. As for those who use respawn to get closer to their death point, or teammates, I say; suck it up princess. As a team, earn a car and get your mates to pick you up, or find one of the dozens of bicycles scattered along the coastline.
  12. Kra

    Remove 'Respawn'

    Hmm, okay I can accept that it is still needed. Perhaps something along the line of putting a timer on it (click, wait 10-20 seconds then death) would also help those who have accidently respawned instead of clicking on the options menu. I know I've done it before. That combined with limited respawns within a timeframe would be much more suitable. As it is at the moment, it's completely absurd being able to spam respawn.
  13. Kra

    Remove 'Respawn'

    I too use the respawn method to get back to the team, and have spent probably 20mins respawning and more trying to get a 'good' spawn. If in each of those times I just sprinted full speed back toward the team, probably would of taken less time. So many benefits, people are forced to explore more, death is even more feared due to unability to regroup just name a couple. You know you can die from starvation right? The way I see it this game is about survival and consequences from the choices you make, not about how fast you can gear up. Being stuck somewhere because you made a silly decision and having to wait to starve to death should have some kind of emotional impact. Maybe you won't be so quick to get yourself in that situation.
  14. Kra

    Remove 'Respawn'

    Yes. Undoubtedly, yes.
  15. Before you upgrade to an AMD cpu, have a look at this fps consistency test. http://www.hardocp.com/article/2011/11/03/amd_fx8150_multigpu_gameplay_performance_review/2 I was just about to upgrade my AMD Phoenom 965 black to an FX-8150 bulldozer when I found this review. I have felt these jumpy fps even with my 965. After alot more cpu heavy comparisons I've decided to go 3rd gen i7 (I stream and record now). i5 2500k is ideal for Arma. And yes, Arma is incredibly cpu dependant. Arma is all about 1st core performance, 6-8 cores will do absolutely nothing for Arma.
  16. Kra

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    I want a wheelbarrow or shopping cart. Ridable and gear space. Driver pushes from behind. I wanna put this thing up a hill and roll uncontrollably through Cherno bouncing off walls :)
  17. You could say that the Op has lost, and the accused is Winning. :|
  18. Date/Time: 21/06/12 - Between 11pm-12amAEST What happened: Okay 2 different odd things happened. Right after I stopped recording video of course. Teammate notices a bunch of items in the grass off to the west of tractor. All over the ground about 10-15m away, (could of been spread further, we gave up looking) there are all sort of items that we all had between us. As though someones bag had a hole in it, and all these items were dropped in lines where they'd been running. Each individual piece had to be picked up ie: they were not in gear groups. Ok, odd. We picked up what we could, thought that perhaps we'd dropped moving stuff around in the tractor. Other guys log off and leave me to move the tractor to a safe location. I finally find somewhere I'm happy with and hop out to save it. Hmm.. can't get the save option up. Try to move it a couple of times and as I'm outside trying to save it, ZOOP, pow, suddenly I'm teleported like 1 or 2 km's back to were the tractor started, by myself looking at some dude driving in a jeep across the field we were near before the guys logged. I freak out and run back the way I was driving to try and find the tractor again. I found it exactly where I left it and could save it this time. Where you were: Somewhere in the middle of the map What you were doing: Pretty much covered above. *Current installed version:, and OA Beta 93965 *Server(s) you were on: NA *Your system specs: NA *Timeline of events before/after error: Find tractor Drive tractor Raid town Kill people Load loot into tractor Loot explosion Mates log off Drive tractor Hop out, attempt to save tractor (nope) Teleport back to tractors original location (~5m off of it) Run back to tractor Save Logout
  19. Kra


    Oh leave em alone, we lost all our local servers and the next best thing are 1.7.0 servers or!) NZ servers. You'd be a bit riled up too :P
  20. The more you spam, the less inclined they are going to be to look into it. Patience is a virtue. Did you try to contact the server admin themselves? Maybe they genuinely thought you guys were exploiting bugs.
  21. I love this forum, gives me some good laughs when I get home. How do these kids not understand that everyone keeps logs?