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Everything posted by Kra

  1. Kra

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    This is why some people hate TS3. It completely ruined having random encounters like this (granted they arranged a meeting spot in the first place, its later on that I'm talking about). This is the vid that convinced me into DayZ in the first place. I dare say it was inspiration for alot of the early players. Pay close attention; That is the first vod in a series, I highly recommend watching them all. You just don't get gameplay like that anymore. Bring back the old dayz...
  2. Kra

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    Well this certainly turned into an ..interesting debate. I pity the poor OP who probably watched this thread unravel in both shock and awe lol. Look, bottom line is, imo THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE ANSWER. It just depends on the way you are playing. And I'll add down the bottom here, whoever's idea it was to make zombies agro from direct chat without some kind of volume detection, needs a swift kick to the head. We need a 'whisper' before you go and do that otherwise it really does make the ingame comms useless. (At least I think that was in a vanilla server..)
  3. Kra

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Couldn't remember, but this could be from awhile ago, I'm sure I heard him in a video recently talk about it, I will see if I can find it. I do remember that stream tho, and it makes sense. Now mind you, of course never is anything solid, maybe they'll think of a way to float 100's of thousands of people all at once and he'll cave to demand lol :] EDIT: And found here in joystiq from pax, still don't know where that video is :/
  4. Kra

    All New DayZ Breaking Point!

    I started playing this the other day after someone made me aware of it, it is brutally difficult but with compromises. The zombies definitely act differently, they can be really easy to lose, but if they actually catch up to you its a completely different story. I'm having a blast. Actually found an old push bike! (Mind you completely broken at spawn in.) Night time is very picturesque with the fog and permanent high moon, works perfect with recording or streaming, don't need to adjust brightness at all. You now start with a taser that disables people for 20 seconds, rather than a revolver, should make for some interesting encounters. Updates everyday so far, sometimes more than one a day. Make sure you use their launcher/updater and if it stop working, delete the launcher and download it again. Apart from that, they always seem to be active on their TS3 if there is any problems.
  5. Kra

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Actually, as far as I can tell from all the current interviews/panels, SA on public release is actually going to have less features than DayZMod. We're going back to barebones DayZ while they play catch-up with the new engine. And with the MMO style client/server architecture, there is a higher chance at more lag (with different behaviour to current) until it is refined and ironed out. I'm actually really interested to see how they handle client/server communication, MMO style in FPS is something generally avoided afaik. Once all the foundation is complete, I imagine things will start rolling pretty fast and hard, but alot of people will definitely need to brace themselves for at the start, it may be nothing like they imagined. There are good reasons why they are talking about releasing limited amount of keys and trying to downplay the alpha release as much as possible.
  6. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    No, I never said it was invalid. Of course it isn't as most traditional companies do actually adhere to whatever systems they've developed over the years. I guess what I should of said instead of "People need to accept the fact that the traditional definitions of "alpha" and "beta" in regards to software development just aren't relevant in this day and age.", I should of said "People need to accept the fact that the traditional definitions of "alpha" and "beta" in regards to ALL software development just aren't relevant in this day and age.". And in my opinion, "release model" is most definitely a part of the software development cycle. I never said it was invalid, I said; it is changing. Hell if you read a little further up in your article, you'll see that they came from IBM hardware testing days. Perfectly outlining that the meaning of the words change, especially with context. Everything you quote pretty much reflected everything I said in the first place just with more words making it a little clearer (disregarding RC because it isn't relevant in this discussion and pretty much falls under beta anyway in regards to releasing a paid unfinished product). Using Wikipedia is a good example actually, Wikipedia's definitions are revised all the time. Just check the version history of what you linked me. I did rush that post a bit because it was already getting too much and the attention span of the average forum reader leaves much to be desired. I tried to keep it simple. As for Minecraft, I was there at Indev, so I know exactly what you mean about the stability of it, again my downfall here was using too few words. When the Alpha (what he labeled as alpha) blew up in popularity he felt that it wasn't fair that it was crashing so much so he spent a fair amount of time (IN ALPHA) to clean as much as he could to the best of his ability. Sure it was still crashy and buggy, but compared to other alphas I've had access to, might as well been mid beta. In fact Minecraft was still implementing base game features after 1.0 which confirms what I was saying that traditional "alpha" and "beta" didn't apply there because the biggest distinction between alpha and beta (in the traditional sense, in my opinion) was feature lock. With that last sentence you could of described any part of Minecraft development, even into the release! I agree with what you say in your follow up post, it's pretty much always been that way, internet hasn't changed it much. I was brought up with this type being described as "backyard (or schoolyard) experts" and thus was taught not to open my mouth unless I truly knew what I was talking about. Spreading disinformation was a punishable offense in my house. Anyway, way to much time spent on this drivel.
  7. Kra

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    I feel as though the two different schools of thought here are related to those inclined to immersive/role-playing type gameplay, and those who just play the game. Immersive players are the ones who skulk around every corner, spending most of their time in 1st person, never agroing a zombie. The general player just runs as fast as they can around zombies because they know the limitations of the game and exploit that. To an immersive player, even that is cheating. I think what would be nice to see would be more popular moderated "role-playing" servers with rules like SS13. Although the ones I have seen in the past never seem to last long, because 1st person only etc, just seems to be too damn scary for the average player. People need that voip crutch because isolating themselves, not being able to talk to someone else, makes them feel too uncomfortable. Sure you wanna play with your mates in a group or whatever, thats great, just don't berate other players because they like to play the game a bit differently to enhance their immersion.
  8. They go to jail for the little details! As for cruisers, YES PLEASE. Even though they aren't really practical at all, I want one! EDIT: And to add, I only want this if I can shoot while driving :P
  9. Kra

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    Depends on the situation, I try to avoid shooting anyone, but if I'm in town chasing a certain item and there's a chance they might loot it ahead of me (I play slow and stealthy) I will take them out.
  10. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    People need to accept the fact that the traditional definitions of "alpha" and "beta" in regards to software development just aren't relevant in this day and age. The old accepted standard for an alpha was; internal only, broken code everywhere, cramming in every idea they could think of, you would be very lucky to even be able to see a screenshot of alpha content, let alone video footage, let alone PLAY it. Beta was feature lock, code polishing time, late beta was popular to open up to the public to find the bugs the paid testers couldn't find. Public beta to release was usually only a few months at the most. That was flipping years ago, times have changed. With Minecraft, everyone realised that it was possible (and interactive and fun) to 'crowdsource' game development testing. Notch was the one to decide that, because he was releasing to the public, it wasn't fair to leave his dirty code all over the place, and kept it as clean as possible. In fact Minecraft released to the public during development so early that it wasn't even a game, it was just an engine where you could place blocks. Hardly anyone likes continuing to use 'alpha' and 'beta' in these new development models, but its just the way it is and it's up to you to keep with the times and understand that the meaning of words can change. EDIT: As for release dates, it boggles my mind. To think that if ANY time frame is "suggested" or alluded to, he's been very careful with the wording to point out that it is NEVER solid and anything could happen between here and then. Because, thats life! Shit Happens™.
  11. Kra

    quickest question ever

    Vanilla is the original icecream flavour. I have none in my house. Its 3am. Why did I have to read this thread :(
  12. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I might be a little bit off topic here cough :rolleyes: ,but I've been searching around and I haven't seen if they've said that something like permament scarring on your character would be a possibility. I know he's said something about having the environment shaping your character, and I remembered someone had a good idea about persistant scars, but never heard if they are actually thinking of doing it. Anyone seen something about that?
  13. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Now you're just trolling, no one could possibly be that stupid.... right? RIGHT? /weepsforhumanity
  14. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    If you're implying I went to some trouble, that was a straight copy+paste, sorry the 'noun' parts distracted you. My point was to read the 3rd definition again. "an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate" - Hardly refers to world scale. This, what we're doing right now is cancerous. This behaviour isn't constructive, and is so commonplace that it is hard(impossible) to eradicate, therefore is cancer. Guess I was just pissed off eariler after reading page upon page (not just this thread/site) of people seemingly unwilling to just read what was in front of them and jumping to baseless conclusions. Was just hoping someone out there (even after a little prod) would gain a +1 reading comprehension.
  15. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    If you wish me to spell it out for you, I can. Though I thought pasting the definition would be sufficient. I may be wrong, reading comprehension just isn't what it used to be these days.
  16. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Definition of cancer noun [mass noun] a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body:he’s got cancer | lung cancer [count noun] a malignant growth or tumour resulting from an uncontrolled division of cells:most skin cancers are curable [count noun] an evil or destructive practice or phenomenon that is hard to contain or eradicate:racism is a cancer sweeping across Europe Taken from: http://oxforddiction.../english/cancer
  17. Kra

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Did anyone actually stop longer enough to think about why the information came from some reporter? I dunno, maybe something to do with a portion of the DayZ Dev team being at PAX (a gaming convention)? Its quite easy to figure out if you look at the tags on the article... EDIT: At least the comments here have nothing on the ignorance in the comments on the article itself. 2nd EDIT: And as for the Mt. Everest thing, you know why you don't hear about other developers going on holiday during a development cycle? Because they wouldn't even tell you they did in the first place! It's unfortunate that in your company you wouldn't "be allowed" to take holiday (you could hardly climbing Mt.Everest a holiday) despite more than 7 months notice. But instead of complaining about someone elses success in their career, perhaps you should be looking at your own and making changes.
  18. Dude, thread is almost a month old. This is borderline nerco.
  19. Inspired by another thread; Ipecac. So I can spike my mates water bottle and watch him go to town.
  20. Funny thing about the brain and the way it works, the more you keep telling yourself you can't change, nothing can fix it, I can't help it, etcetc, the more truth you give to those statements. If you don't want to be a certain way, then flipping do something about it. Nothing is ever hardwired in your brain. Used to know someone who actually derived pleasure from vomiting. He somehow ended up associating being happy with vomiting, every time we went out he'd be going off to have a puke and not because he couldn't handle his alcohol, it was because it gave him a good feeling. He realised how silly this was and modified his behaviour to prevent it from happening.
  21. I remember reading awhile ago that apparently they already tried DayZ Mod script in Arma 3 in the BiS office and it mostly already works (with a number of glitches/broken functions of course). So I imagine there will definitely be someone out there who would take it upon themselves to port it over.
  22. So I looked around and couldn't see a recent poll of this, and considering the recent turn of events, thought it might be appropriate. Lets get the ball rolling on this one :thumbsup: Feel free to link this to other threads/communities to get their opinions as well, as I don't frequent anything other this site for DayZ related stuff. Please, comment to elaborate on your choice or if you think the poll should be modified in anyway. I was thinking I should make it multiple choice for instance, but decided there should be enough options for everyone. EDIT: If you have already voted and wish to vote for others as well, feel free to delete and re-do your vote. I don't think it would skew the results as all changing it at this point. Some may still only choose one. The poll is multiple choice now, feel free to choose as many (or as little) as you'd like.
  23. I suppose, the law never stopped commercial bureaucracy in the past did it lol.
  24. Thats the standalone you're thinking of, its going to be sold to make a profit so permission required whereas the mod is free so the copyright doesn't apply there.
  25. Kra

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Thats why they break so often. B)