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Everything posted by deathnote12311

  1. Server IP: Hello All Bambi Canada is a welcoming Epoch Server with many features such as loot spawn custom buildings, Ai missions with very smart Ai that reward various things like Osprey's, Mi17, weapon caches, armored vehicles and, more! We also feature many hidden caves with military barracks and small weapon caches, backpacks. Added extra construction sites and, industrial area's. We have several very dedicated admins that will help any Bambi in need. We are a very bambi friendly server but, we also welcome bandits as well to even the odds of survival. We have added additional protection with tall rock mountains in Stary trader zone to prevent players from sniping you as you leave or enter, newly improved anti-theft/safezone at traders (virtually impossible to steal from backpacks rest assured). Rules: 1. Zero hacking 2. No running over players in trader zones 3. No duping items 4. Don't complain when you die 5. no butt kissing... we don't give handouts here We do not offer any pay to win loadouts, or bases of any sort. You are free to donate to support the server (if you want), we will put your name on the loading screen, or give you something random as courtesy. Owner:Death Owner: Aritanya Admin: The_Organization Admin: Sean Map Designer &Mods: CAVEMAN Pictures =========================================================== Revamped Trader City Bash with protection from campers New North Barracks protected by AI North Barracks Revamed Stary Trader with protection from campers Moar custom buildings! Server IP:
  2. No we do not allow players to build in loot spawn areas as many of the caves have barracks in them, however we will be putting caves that are not loot spawns which we will allow you to build a base in.
  3. Server IP: Anyone is welcome to this server, we have a welcoming community full of average regular players. We are currently very new and, will be implementing more plugins as we go along so please bare with us!! We have several new buildings with great loot spawns in every major city such as barracks, huge condo complex, extra trader items and, much much more! We have several rules that we stand by and will not tolerating 1.No Hacking 2.No Camping Traders (you will have 3 warnings) 3.No running people over in Trader cities 4.No Duping/Exploits 5.No griefing 6.Don't be an asshole 7.Enjoy your stay! Warning, we do not approve of butt kissery or pay to win loadouts of any sort. Server IP:
  4. People please stop bashing on Eli, this is a place to advertise servers, not a place for keyboard warriors and, by bashing on him you are making this server look even worse then it should be. Take this argument somewhere else. @Eli Porter: I understand your frustration, but there is a difference between voicing out your opinion and, spamming side chat. If you really wanted to voice out your opinion you should email the admins.Your opinion matters so please email us even if we may or may not see it, you still tried. Also you were not perma banned as stated above by Cave and, you were only banned for 48 hours because of your spamming. His intentions were not to stop you from stating your opinion but to stop you from spamming on side chat because, it is irritating to admins and, other players. You are always welcome back, we will be friendly as we always were. Also from today on I will be in charge of the complaints email so if you have any complaints email me and, I assure you that I will read and follow up on all of them. (I will include the email address below) New complaints email: (devilsorchard13@gmail.com) -Death
  5. deathnote12311

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    Why would you even want it on the Xbox One... It's utter bulshit
  6. deathnote12311

    Squad Member Waypoints

    Yeah, that would destroy the point of DayZ but, there should be squad waypoints like in Planetside 2 where you can waypoint and, your whole squad can see the waypoint, so you don't need to constantly be shot down with your whole squad in a heli