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Kylelem62 (DayZ)

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1 Neutral

About Kylelem62 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Please leave constructive criticizm! And please don't downvote without leaving a comment! If you want to play with me (NA only) PM me on youtube. Any suggestions will be ready and taken into account. Additionally if anyone knows if it is possible to port Arma 2 or Dayz models into a 3d editor (Cinema4D) Please inform!
  2. Kylelem62 (DayZ)

    Kyelem62's Dayz Adventures

    Please leave feedback and PM me if you wanna play!
  3. Kylelem62 (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Dayz Adventures with Kylelem62. PM me on youtube if you want to play!
  4. Kylelem62 (DayZ)

    Kyelem62's Dayz series

    Hey guys, I'm new to Dayz Forums. Just made this account to share my youtube channel. As you all know, most dayz players are familiar with FRANKIEonPC, well I made my own youtube channel inspired by his dayz series. There will be weekly dayz videos (sometimes more often). Check it out and please give feedback! Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/embed/S2WGsxWB24c