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Everything posted by epoloski16

  1. Earlier yesterday or the day before, I mentioned that I'd have to kill on sight at NWAF if nobody responded to a general hail I'd posted in side chat to circumvent the server's no-PvP policy. After a threat from Lucy, one of the admins, and even after I'd apologized to brown nose up to it, I was banned for "team killing." I'm relatively new, so I'm not sure whether carebear servers are even officially endorsed. I just want to know why it's an official server on account of its maniacal admins. I mean... Even mentioning the words "kill on sight" are enough to get you banned on this server, for Christ's sake. Anything that can be done? I have some screenshot evidence of Lucy's ridiculous behavior, for what it's worth.
  2. epoloski16

    Arbitrarily banned from US 8546.

    A five-word response isn't quite what I'd call the gold standard for clarity, but all right. If you're referencing the server's status as "dead," that must've only just happened. There is a God. Thread closed, I s'pose. :P