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About michaelfraz

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    On the Coast
  1. michaelfraz

    Dayz Crashing computer

    Dublea and h3retic, I will have him try that out. Hopefully we can try to pinpoint the issue from the BSOD msg. I will also have him log his system specs and post them on here so you can view that. My only hope is that a BSOD does pop up for him so that we are able to log something with it. It will be probably 3 hours or so from now on when we can test this considering he is at work at the moment, so if you can check back in around 3 hours from now and hopefully I will have some info for you regarding on what you asked for. Thank you so much by the way!
  2. michaelfraz

    Dayz Crashing computer

    There is no BSOD and it doesn't turn off like it lost power. I will describe basically what happens. He starts off loading Dayz through DayzCommander and it loads just fine. He runs around in the game for anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes and then the game freezes. A few short seconds into the freeze the computer restarts itself automatically. So in short, once he is in the game for 5-10 minutes the game freezes and it forcefully restarts his computer. Like i was saying before, this is the only game that does it to him and we have no idea why. Perhaps a bad file? I don't think its a hardware issue as well. I told him today when he gets home from work to reinstall the game completely to see if that will fix anything. If anyone has any ideas or knowledge on why this is happening though let me know because its quite annoying that he isnt able to play.
  3. michaelfraz

    Dayz Crashing computer

    Sorry just saw your message on here H3retic. Its definitely not his psu because if I remember correctly he has a 850w one. Yeah its only Arma that is causing this to happen to his computer. He is able to play honestly any other game you can think of without an issue. I told him to try and uninstall everything arma related completely and reinstall everything again because maybe perhaps he had a file get deleted by something (who knows with software these days). We checked his cpu and gpu to make sure nothing was overheating, and made sure that his stuff wasnt OC'd either. We even tried putting him on a single monitor and it still crashed on him. Not really sure where to go from here besides just a fresh reinstall since I can't find any info pertaining to this situation. Basically he can load the game, then after 5-10 minutes of running around it just crashes his entire computer. We thought that maybe skype may of had something to do with it, so we tried talking through dolby but that wasnt it either, so we dont think there is a software conflicting with it either. It is just a really odd issue.
  4. michaelfraz

    Dayz Crashing computer

    Not that we are aware of. He monitored it (he has dual monitors) and kept an eye on it until his game crashed. His gpu and cpu were just fine, not in any type of harm of overheating. I know Dayz/Arma II pulls a lot to play but its just not really making sense at all on why it would be forcefully restarting his computer( or you could say BSOD then rolled into a forced restart). I tried looking all around for help regarding this but couldn't find anything and i really dont want $25 bucks to go down the drain for nothing :-/.
  5. michaelfraz

    Dayz Crashing computer

    I bought Arma II OA for my friend so that he could be able to play Dayz with me. He is able to play for maybe 5-10 minutes before his computer crashes and reboots itself without warning. His specs are absolutely fine for the game (he tested it on the canyourunthis website) and he is able to play all other games on high settings (such as wow,borderlands,and aion for example) with his computer. We have tried to brainstorm ourselves but we haven't made any progress. Has anyone ran into this issue or can anyone help?