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Everything posted by heathy87

  1. heathy87

    Playing at night

    i think it would just be nice if your natural night vision would actually get better, if its a cloudy night it really does get dark, most ppl don't know how dark night time is because of city lights or street lights, the town i live in over the last year or so has started turning off the majority of lights at around 1am and it is DARK out there. although your eyes do adjust over time which doesn't really happen in game, what i see happen is the moon change position and light everything up. but your at a severe disadvantage if you choose to play on a server where ppl have NVG, because they can see you and you can't see them, playing at night is fine if you've just started or are on with very few others.
  2. on the original hive server they are, yes, i took a break for a few months, before i'd only ran into 1 or 2, but when i started playing again last week, i ran into one every 2 or 3 hrs.
  3. heathy87

    How dangerous are the zombies REALLY

    i think currently the zombies are just an inherent risk because as most ppl know, where there are zombies there are players, tbh the pathfinding makes them laughable, for the most part you can just kite them around all over the place, so i would say their actual danger level is negligible compared to even the most useless player. although there are them times when you underestimate them, in swarms, with little ammo, they can box you in quite well.
  4. heathy87

    Whats your luckiest moment?

    i wouldn't say it was particularly lucky but i was playing on orgins and the server was pretty packed, i went to the air field near sabina, saw a mi-8 right at the end by the 3 industrial hangers but it was broken, i spent about 4 hrs fixing it up and then crashed it into the city trying to get it closer to the fuel tank, i thought 'well that sucked' so i went back to get my body and then back to the air field to see it had respawned, spent another 3 hrs fixing that one up and then crashed it into a forest.. i think the lucky part of the whole ordeal was that i, not once, ran into anyone during that whole debacle, even though the server was at over 30 players the whole time. might have to try it again sometime, but i think ill refuel it more than those previous tries. there was a day during or 6 where the loot must of been bugged but i remember going into the bottom shop in berezino and found like 4 ghillies just sitting there, i nabbed 2 and quickly gtfo. then again on namalsk found a uh1 on a hill, told the guys in side that i had found a working chopper, went to pick 2 guys up who actually killed me for the chopper, after the server restart they pulled me into a skype convo and for the rest of the night we went around baiting ppl and looting, it was a good bit of fun. a nice change from solo play.
  5. i'm not too keen on random elements myself, like theres a random chance to get infected, its ok i guess, but too much random becomes stupid, just battling the rng then.
  6. yeah free advertising seems harmless, everyone knows Heinz make the best sauce, although i'm not much of a bean fan, i could eat their spaghetti hoops all day. im guessing they would need some kind of contract to avoid litigation.
  7. tents are counter to the idea of single life game types, its true, having them in the game though is necessary, once you have geared up, its only right that to continue the hoarding fetish which becomes a passive trait once you have everything and done everything, that you have some place to put stuff, and no, vehicles aren't the only places you should be able to store things, i guess the only problem is that the knowledge of a previous tent is known by the gamer in a fresh spawn so, there's nothing you can do to stop that apart from deleting them on death, but still, that takes away a potential treasure trove to be found by someone else, i say let them stay, its not really harming anyone any more than say the uncontrollable hacking. it is one of the only methods of stockpiling and well tbh i've been playing since 1.6 and i've not yet bothered to drop a tent anywhere so its not like everyone uses them. there is no real way of punishing death in a game because noone will play it simple as that. it might be fun the first couple of times but then it gets boring having to deal with some arbitrary system punishing you for failing, when losing hours of game time should be incentive enough to not die. i only log in for brief periods to check out new iterations, the glitches and the amount of hacking has shunned me away currently, although i've not yet ran into a hacker i have my character from i lost my ghillie in and so if i die i've lost probably a week of play time invested purely into one character, that alone makes me not want to put more time into it or run the risk of being killed by non-legitimate ways. also stalker rocks (currently playing misery mod myself), so does metro, dayz should definitely steal the hazards from those games, such as radiation and chemical spills, the power stations and other areas should be death traps not only from infected but from neglected machinery and other problems. hell they should just outright steal the anomalies and have everyone on the server running for cover randomly twice a day.
  8. quite hilarious when you think about it isn't it johan, its all about gearing up, its just like wow, well to be quite honest i'm not ashamed of what i get enjoyment out of, wow, dayz, stalker, minecraft.. i play all that shit. to read a post saying 'tents are counter to the purpose of the mod'. what purpose is that? survive? thats the only stated goal i've read. if surviving entails stockpiling loot to save you time IF you manage to die, who cares. well i'm still reeling over the fact that everyone is playing exactly what they hate, gearing up simulator... hahah thats made my day. truth be told there just isn't enough tools in the mod currently, you can gear up, you can fix vehicals and you can pvp, thats about the extent of the mod. when you have done 3 of the 3 the only thing left to do is start again or give up for a while.
  9. heathy87

    So criticism not allowed here?

    yeah ppl can defend this transition all they want and it was going to happen from the rumors that have been circulating for a while now. I think the point ppl are trying to make is that, we paid money to play the mod, yes we paid for arma 2 but our intention was to play dayz so we can keep that semantic shit out of it, the fact is who the hell wants to fork out EVEN MORE money for another alpha that isn't exactly in any better shape than what we already have. ill probably get it eventually it just seems a bit of a leap of faith type deal going on. not to mention this murmuring about the dual development not exactly working out as well as some may expect. which means the mod probably will end up getting dropped which means we basically paid for a game that gave us a couple of months of enjoyment and then got dropped. I'm not even against this thing, i just think the timing is shit.
  10. honestly i thought this was going to include a genuine logical reason, like, why would you buy the stand alone when the mod is still being developed. i think it would be nice to do it out of generosity ofc, but i guess if enough ppl switch it could cleave the community in half. meh. i did lol at pic though have kudos or beans... not both ! :)
  11. heathy87

    So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

    well i've not logged any hours for a week or so, i can't play with the artefacts even if it curable by some random string of tasks but i really can't be bothered to fuck around every time i go near a glitched entity.
  12. nice post by the OP, has indeed raised not new but continuously prominent issues. I really hate reading this forum so many post makes me want to hulk rage, quite frankly the only reason i keep this page open is to get the new patches when they come out, but reading the slagging off 'go back to wow' wtf kind of comment is that, like that has anything to do with the OP and their gaming preference, why does disliking and finding glaring issues with a game, require the need to be told to go play another game, i'm guessing if anyone wanted to they could go and play 'insert random game here preferably one that has a massive following and a tiny hater base because they got kicked from their guild for being an arrogant dickface and now feels the need to associate anything or anyone they dislike with their past life failures' ... sorry i got carried away there.
  13. heathy87

    All the hacker posts you make.

    I haven't been playing much since because the artefacts just make it impossible. but this thunderdome thing looks hilarious, you got to admit there is some funny shit that comes from this hacking at least it skips all the creeping around bullshit and simply drops everyone within griefing range. the way its going, i rather doubt there will be any end to the crap that will end up being script hacked into any world, so long as its part of the core game ie, the commands which allow this to happen must be open and or accessible, until they are either removed or blocked entirely eg: running the mod from its own executable.. its not going to get any better. the remedy is possible or it must be possible to at least limit what you can accomplish by removing that aspect from even being part of the mod itself, what makes it possible to edit scenarios on the fly, that aspect of the game needs to be separated from the mod entirely before any progress is made.. unfortunately the likely hood of that being even remotely possible given the age of the game and time consumption of such an undertaking could very well be not worth the time money and effort given other options. even so lots of folks seem to be clinging to the hope that the stand alone won't suffer the same fate, although i guess where there is a will there's a way. would it not be cool if the ppl creating these hacks instead scripted up ways of preventing just that, wouldn't it be equally epeen worthy. not nearly as much tears and whine threads but definitely more epeen!! common folks do it for the epeen!
  14. 20 pages when all it takes to realize is that, virtual lives have no value, yes in a real life apocalypse zombie or not, for the most part the chances of you being in your home area is probably pretty great unless you travel every day, so there's that, your not likely to go around, at least initially, gunning down your neighbours for their cupboards full of beans and spaghetti hoops, in most cases finding a person that isn't a zombie (in a zombie apocalypse) would be a godsend, in game your not going to be spending the rest of your potentially short existence with anyone you meet, you can barely communicate with them and making friends in a 2 or 3 hour play session is not something everyone is willing to do. if you chew on all that, yes DayZ is a deathmatch, what did you expect? .. now go log into your favorite mmo, /w friends list, 'hey ppl buy dayz and group up with me so i won't keep getting out gunned' .. and its no longer a boring solo gank fest. the only way this was going to work is if ppl outside of the game group up, it does happen in game, although its grown a lot since its inception the community has reflected the fact that it really isn't a desolate world populated mostly by npcs with a penchant for zigzagging, but a myriad of different worlds populated by loot hungry FPS gamers who like to mix their FPS's with their RPG's 2 genres with usually high personal goals, get lewt get kills get epeen etc etc. i think ppl should keep throwing ideas into the suggestion forum, there are many things that could be added to the game to spice up the PVE and make the game not all about the PVP. instead of penalizing ppl who want to PVP make real incentives for grouping up and partaking in group PVE. if there were certain tasks or objectives that can only be accomplished with 2, 3 or more players, grouping up suddenly has value. especially if you know where something is and you have no current group. (vehicles are a good first step but this concept should be expanded upon immensely. they are far too sparse for them to be considered as an incentive currently.)
  15. you can shave a fraps file down with windows movie maker, each gig works out to about 100meg in the end maybe more maybe less.
  16. heathy87

    Graphical Issues

    i updated to catalyst 12.6 and i changed the scene complexity variable, it only fixed the problem untill i quit and reloaded the game then the problem was back again.
  17. heathy87

    Graphical Issues

    I'd like to confirm this also, i only just got and tried and it seems that certain areas or entities are causing these crazy artefacts. at first i thought my gfx card died, ill try that scenecomplexity setting and see if it helps.
  18. ive only joined one server recently i played for a few hours but all the loot was strange, within 30mins i found about 6 cheque packs 4 pouches 3 alices and only smaller piles of loot some food and ammo but in supermarkets it was mostly JUST bags, i haven't played since but it seems to me that in some cases the loot might be fucked. either that or the server i joined hadn't been restarted for a looong time. i lost my ghillie the first time i joined a server so i've been hunting for a new one aswell.
  19. yeah the saw wins i dropped my fal for it strait away, got 5 boxes of ammo atm so, 1000 rounds, i will say though, it is not the best in cqc its great for covering your buds but it isn't as good as a carbine in close.
  20. personally i agree and have stated before that a way of seeing who is in your team should be enabled in the game. the squad system already exists, its simply needs a method of adding and removing players into it, what it would enable could be completely upto the server settings, on regular you could get tags on veteran you simply get portraits or no indication whatsoever. all it really does is assist groups with knowing who is actually part of their group or not. ofc all the purists will say this sort of thing ruins the whole game and is evil because its something other games do that this one doesn't and for that reason alone doesn't belong here. but the end result is more willingness from random players to form groups knowing there is a smaller chance of being shot in the back by your so called 'friend' because they had no idea who you were since everyone practically wears the same skin.. its something to chew on, i don't think it would be any more intrusive than being able to see your health and water level as a icon on the screen which steps right over the realistic boundary from the get go, yet the benefits could be substantial depending on what information 'grouping up' actually presents. really all it comes down to is , time + effort = reward, if time and effort equal a high enough reward, it could be worth it, if the time it takes and the effort it requires is not worth the reward.. its not worth it. essentially there is no actual way to tell if the guy running toward you is one of your teamspeak buddies (sure you can say 'hey fred,dave,bob,steve. is that one of you running toward me.. oh im dead never mind'), i have heard and read quite a few stories of how some random guy has managed to infiltrate a group of players for a decent amount of time before they became aware of that persons presence, this sort of thing just wouldn't happen so easily in reality, in game we are all stuck with the same skin practically and very limited noticeable and or recognizable facial features, in reality it would take seconds to 'see' if someone running toward you is one of the group or not, in game currently, its practically a gamble given the situation. sure you can keep ears on team speak and continually update your position and what you can see yourself, most teams don't break apart that much, even when scavenging a team will stay within 50m of each other and move as a unit, still that is the perfect time for some random person to slip into the scene and start blasting ppl not only scoring perfect kills but creating confusion in the process. at least with a system like this in place team speak doesn't sound like this as much. 'is that you!' 'yeah thats me' 'whos that over by the hanger!' 'oh thats just me' 'i see a guy lying down in the hedge' 'oh thats just me' i could go on.
  21. heathy87

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    funnily enough alt + f4 doesn't work for me, if i want to dc i have to do it through the menu. pressing alt and f4 opens one of the squad command windows. :P i don't see there being a legitimate way of stopping ppl from exiting a game, if you look at wow for example, which has a 15 minute lockout from battle grounds when you /afk out, that system is flawed for DayZ because it doesn't actually fix the problem. stopping ppl from logging out entirely will just prompt ppl to keep the task manager in the background, alt + tab, end process = win. what else is there?
  22. I guess its mostly just disappointing that, the fact that nearly everyone that isn't your team speak buddy is practically non-friendly or simply shoot on sight. i'm guessing the situation where 2 (or more) completely random strangers decide to team up and roam around, is probably happening in the less than 5% chance of occurrence.. nothing to be mad about really, just that currently its easier to shoot someone with no second thought because its not worth the effort to team up risking practically everything with no real benefit that can't be outweighed by staying solo.
  23. heathy87


    It doesn't really matter if the game is really difficult when you first try it, the uncertainty is a large factor in why DayZ has become so popular. when everyone spawned with the makarov, in the beginning I imagine lots of ppl were teaming up, once the influx of players reached critical mass, well it started getting very deathmatchy. Now when you start a life/story in DayZ at least the initial 1hr, isn't met with noob on noob pistol duels, instead its more about survival in the initial stage, finding what you need to keep going, if you die its not that much of a loss, just respawn and try again. if it were really easy, most of the appeal would be lost entirely. a lot of the fun comes from getting passed the starting point and getting armed getting meds and tools. once you do that at least for me now, i feel like just killing my current char so i can go back and do it all again. Basically having the difficulty the way it is, contributes to the replayability.
  24. heathy87

    dayz is losing its meaning

    lol 'this game was awesome when it wasn't cool'
  25. heathy87


    the punishing difficulty is probably half the reason why most of us love it, even if you think your pro, the game slaps you in the face and says... no. but its quite easy to learn, impossible to master.