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Everything posted by Esolu

  1. Esolu

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    My girlfriend says you can have her beans too. :)
  2. Esolu

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    I see the hate coming from people. I apologize. Like a true Canadian should. We don't all swear like that. In fact, I've updated the OP with a more friendly video that you CAN show your wives and girlfriends. I'll post it here again. Once again. Sorry if I've offended people.
  3. Esolu

    Why you should play DayZ with your girlfriend.

    lol, thanks for all the suggestions. It's really not that bad. You're just being an asshole. Forever alone. EDIT: I'm Canadian. We all talk like that.
  4. Esolu

    Killed a man with my words

    Could you be... Chuck Norris? *Esolu has been knocked out* "When you are star struck by Chuck, you get knocked out-the-fuck."
  5. Let me reiterate regardless of your current experience: Rain gets you wet on experimental.
  6. When the status on my pristine green raincoat went from wet to damp, the quality was brought down to worn.
  7. I'm going to try give you a constructive counter-argument to your statement. Starting with: I would rather be killed in an airfield up north than to be shot without warning on the coast with nothing. It's always very jarring to be killed by someone with your philosophy. Like when you catch your best friend fucking your wife, or finding out your pet died. -- You spawn fresh. Start running down the tracks with excitement and fear. Then BOOM! 'You are dead.' - Your heart just drops into your stomach and you're left with a sour taste. It's probably the worst thing you can do to someone in DayZ. Where on the other side of your philosophical coin, I always feel absolute relief upon being shot up north, while fully geared. My gun and gear gives me peace of mind, but also total paranoia. At least I have a chance to shoot back if you miss. Furthermore, if I'm killed quickly I usually let out a nice sigh of relief, relax back into my chair, and smirk it off. Teh feels, bro. You've got them on the wrong categories. You've twisted the reality of how people feel when you kill them for your own sinister justification.
  8. Ah, but here's where your wrong. You didn't buy entitlement. You bought access to an alpha that the Lead Dev told you not to buy. On the forums, on the steam page, and in the game.
  9. Esolu

    Horde of hundreds zombies spawning

    The pathfinding looks the exact same as the zombies in the mod. What's going on there?
  10. This. Every single time. Because the needs of lone wolf KOS kids, like Alleycat, are more important. He wants better things than canvas pants. Better stop work on the new found memory leak, just for him.
  11. Alleycat, you just gave me cancer with your incredibly selfish sense of entitlement. You really don't know how development works, and it shows. The head artist pushes out new screens on Twitter, almost daily, of the things they are working on. Also it has been mentioned that by Rocket that the next major implementation is hunting and cooking. That comes right after persistent storage. But seeing those things don't fit your play style, I'm sure you still won't be happy.
  12. Esolu

    Damn nature, you scary!

    Weather has gotten really scary in the experimental branch. It happens fast, try not to miss it!
  13. Esolu

    Damn nature, you scary!

    Thanks for the replies! It really did freak us out. I thought everyone should see. :)
  14. Esolu

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    So much this. I think people are failing understand the mechanics behind the causes because they truly haven't been figured out, or even had it explained them. But I truly think you have explained how I imagined the system working as well. I can imagine triage's after firefights, and rushing to save friends. But it won't be generic, as you mentioned. It will be more of a factor of who has the medical knowledge to determine how to fix him in a short amount of time. Right now it's just a matter of checking a pulse and determining if the patient needs and epi-pen for unconsciousness(regular heartbeat), or a defib for a heart-attack(irregular heartbeat). Pretty simple right now, but I can see the potential with the addition of CPR and other things. Have you ever shot someone down that killed your friend(s)? Well, here's your chance to bring them back if they aren't dead. Slap the cuffs on them for some shit talking, and burlap sack torturing. The potential is huge.
  15. There can always be exceptions to the rule. No harm in explaining your situation to them.
  16. Esolu

    Did you really put in heart attacks?

    For the record, I think heart attacks are a very realistic addition, and I would be incredibly distraught if removed. I am really digging Dean's vision for this game right now.
  17. There will always be a minority of people that kill it for the majority because of their 'feelings'. This thread is an example of said people.
  18. Esolu

    Search before you post

    There's already a hundred topics about this... haven't you heard of the search function? :P
  19. The barter system is the only system that would be around if there ever were an apocalypse. Well, at least the most popular, until something of value is found. In Metro, it's bullets. In Fallout, it's bottlecaps. In the popular video 'My DayZ Story', when zombiemaster and Andy are forced to fight to the death, you can hear one of the kidnappers yell, 'I GOT TEN MEATS ON ANDY!', - Because in the mod, meat was by far the best food you can get, thus it was a great currency for trade. My guess is, come the introduction of hunting, meat will once again rain supreme as the best trade currency.
  20. Esolu

    Best PVP Places

    That's not PvP. That's called being an asshole. How is that even remotely entertaining?
  21. Esolu

    Best PVP Places

    Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. Because that is quite exhilarating. Although I found making contact with big groups up north can lead to good trades that both groups need. It also leads to great PvP. I'm just hoping this thread doesn't break down into, "Go hang out at the rock formations at Kamyshovo and kill freshies." - Sorry if my context was taken out of context, by me.
  22. Esolu

    Best PVP Places

    KOS kiddies. KOS kiddies everywhere! If you clowns want PvP, go play COD or WoW. The only good PvP in DayZ is the breakdown of random meetings. EDIT: Sort of like that last scene in The Walking Dead Season 1 Finale:
  23. So you answered your own question, for yourself... Gold, man. Gold.
  24. Here you go: http://bit.ly/1bheUIG