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About BlueNinja6

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    On the Coast

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  1. Meant to say fire a sniper accurately. Seems like I've seen a few videos where someone gets run up on, they spin around, fire the sniper while standing without looking down the scope, and the bullet goes right where the crosshair is/would be. Are they really that accurate? (I haven't picked up any snipers so I don't know for sure). And no idea what you mean by "'normal' snipers"
  2. Snipers are Mid to Long range weapons. They don't need to be nerfed at long ranges because this is their purpose. However, they are heavy weapons and extremely difficult for anyone to carry around and use like an assault rifle, so I don't think you should be able to use a sniper as such in game. It shouldn't be an all around weapon, just as an assault rifle shouldn't be able to accurately be used at long ranges. How would people feel about making it required to be kneeling or laying down in order to fire a sniper? Or maybe have it required to carry the weapon on your back in order to walk/run. I think this would make it much more difficult to use at close ranges, and you wouldn't be able to just spray and pray if you ran across someone carrying an SMG or an AR. It would make snipers a more balanced weapon, effective at long ranges but not so much at close ranges, as they are intended to be used. Edit: D'oh! Just found these have been brought up already
  3. BlueNinja6

    Building a Computer

    This is pretty much what I built a few months ago. Went with a gtx 550 ti to keep cost down. Spent 500 bucks and I haven't seen below 40 FPS in DayZ (720p and default settings). Probably won't run too many games on ultra quality, but honestly, do you really need to?