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About big_mike

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    On the Coast
  1. I've been having this same problem since i installed No weapons are spawning for me at all. Trips to the NE airfield, a dozen deer stands, and the Berezino military tents (all across multiple servers to make sure) have found me absolutely no guns at all. Just tin cans and some occasional AK mags. I also get the no entry for weapons issue when I'm loading a game. I had this problem prior to 1.7.1 with ghillie suits, hatchets, and heatpacks; it would say the config bin for those items had no entry. I could still play, but those items would not be visible or be usable by me, even if someone placed them in my backpack or me and a buddy were both looking directly at where they would be. 1.7.1 fixed this problem, and everything was spawning beautifully, but the hotfix messed it up somehow. so no weapons are spawning for me, which is tough, because a lot of us aren't getting food or drinks either :/ I also can't gather meat from animals I've gutted since the patch :/ me and multiple other users can gut a goat, but once it's gutted there's no gear button when you scroll over them, and no way to get the meat. this patch is tough on us survivors :/ EDIT: I could "just ignore it" when hatchets and ghillie suits didn't work; annoying, but the game was still playable. but i can't just ignore it when no weapons are spawning, no food or drinks are spawning (however i've read they're already working on a fix for the food and drinks). all i'm getting are tin cans, backpacks, and watches :/
  2. big_mike

    DayZ Stories

    im low on health. around the 4k mark. im heading east from cherno to hopefully meet up with my buddy somewhere in elektro for a blood transfusion. i only have basic starting gear, but at least i have a compass and an ak74 with 2 clips. long story short, i had survived about 4 survivor/bandit encounters since creating this character, and i needed a transfusion, or at the very least a matchbox and knife so i could go hunting for a bit. as im leaving cherno, i check a barn for supplies. nothing. just a dozen dead zombies and empty tin cans. ive seen some chemlights laying on the ground, lit, leading up to this spot, so im a bit weary. a little bit further east, across the main road, are 2 more barns. im seeing more lit chemlights strewn across the ground, so i proceed cautiously. nothing. just more empty tin cans and a dozen or so more dead zombies. i know im on their trail, so i keep moving east. after a couple minutes of running, i can see a road flare lighting up a secluded spot with 3 barns/farms next to each other. i slowly creep up onto the hill overlooking the 3 barns for a better vantage point. by the time i get up there, the road flare is done fore. must have missed them :/ but wait, there goes another one in the same spot! i whip out my ak, get iron sights, zoom in, and wait to see what happens next. one survivor runs out of the barn and on top of a pile of haystacks. i can handle one, he doesnt even know where i am. i need food. i have him in my sights. i can take him. another survivor runs out of the barn, also onto the hay pile. shit. and a third. damn. this is going to be tough. theyre all standing on the hay pile, with a few zombies running after them. road flare still burning bright as sunset, i watch them easily take out their zombie groupies. then a silent second as theyre standing on the haypile, the three of them, zombies dead, flare lighting them up, and me with my ak sights on them and dangerously low health. fuck it, i need the beans. i start firing off shots at them. one goes down, i keep firing. another goes down, the third goes prone. at this distance, im only hitting target with like one out of every 4 or 5 shots, but thats all it takes to kill two of them. proning homeboy gets up and runs into the barn, my shots wizzing past his body but not connecting. "come in here and finish me off cunt." as hes challenging me, i get tagged by one zombie i aggro'd with my firing range. i kill him, but im bleeding and i lose enough health to be back into the blurry screen with a violent shake at every heartbeat. "come kill me, im logging off anyway." no thanks, i cant even see the barn, let alone hope to take on someone when i have like 3k health. one minute. two minutes. he disconnects, and i check his fallen comrades. beans, the magical fruit! i get my health up a little, but they were all still makarov noobs, so i keep heading east to elektro. remember guys, road flares WILL attract attention from desperate, almost dead survivors, so be careful! i make the 20, 30 minute treck to elektro with a painful pulsing. thankfully, ive been down this road a few times before, and im climb to the top of that lovely mountain inbetween cherno and elektro, the one right by the road. such a nice view :) so quiet, too. anyway, around this time, i notice side chat blowing up. some kid is stuck in a firehouse and needs morphine. he keeps asking people for help, but all he gets are responses from bandits planning on killing him. on any other day, i would laugh at such a noob mistake, giving away your position like that. either morphine kid at firehouse was either setting a trap, or he was already in one. i have one morphine left.... but i REALLY need a transfusion, and my buddy was still doing cool things IRL. i was desperate. i admit it. i knew i was taking a big chance. "still need a morphine?" i ask. hes at the powerplant firehouse, and i know hes got a bandit coming closer to finish him off. i tell him he better hope i get there before the bandit does. i keep running toward elektro, eyes open for traps. i see the powerplant, tell him im a minute from him. he adds me to steam. i walk in, dont see anyone. i walk to the top of the tower, where he was, and all i see on the ground is..... oh shit. satchel charge. its a trap! but not for me! after he added me, homeboy told me that they were setting a trap for that other bandit, and that they would let me live cuz they thought i was nice :3. homeboy walks up to me, we look at each other in the staircase for a bit, he tells me they have a sniper aiming at my domepiece so i better be careful. i grab the scoped m4 laying at the base of the firehouse and follow him up to the big mountainrange overlooking the firehouse and all the rest of elektro from the north. he has at least 2 buddies with him. all ghillied'd. turns out, these kids are the server admins. and they have every gun and suit in the game. and they hack :/ whatever. they let me stick around, i watch them blow up the supermarket, the firehouse, then the firehouse again. satchels are pretty cool :) they kill a few players, get killed a couple times, aggro about a hundred or so zombies but manage to kill them all in the firehouse. after about an hour, they give me a silenced m4, nightvision, silenced stanag clips, the whole kit and caboodle. (what the fuck does that even mean). one of them goes to bed. ive been suggesting we keep moving to berezino. they want to come along with me, so we move out. as we make the hour or so long trip north, we share some stories and get to know each other. i tell me 2 admin allies about my encounter with the 3 kids at the barns. how i would never have trusted them if i didnt need the transfusion so bad. how one of them wanted to kill me on sight, but the other suggested they see if im friendly first. they shoot each other in the knees a couple times, i patch them up a couple times. were past a treeline, and were at berezino! berezino, how i love thee! some kids like cherno, while others prefer elektro, or stary sober, or the NW airstrip. me, i like this place just fine :3 i show them the berezino sights. these kids have never even left elektro! i show them the hospital. which was handy, cuz these kids have no problem shooting each other with DMRs and attracting all the zombies in town, along with anyone who happens to be listening. so many times i think i should just peace the fuck out and let these kids get themselves killed. but, i patch them up a few times, transfuse them since they dont even trust each other to do it :). i show them the military tents. just my luck, i find a god damn DMR for the first time ever with 3 clips, after i already have the best silenced m4 in the game. we head to the deer stand nearby. guess what? my first time ever finding a silenced mp5. with 3 clips, and another silenced mp5 with 3 more slips right next to it :/ so we keep moving to the apartments. well, i do. these kids at this point are just shooting each other and the dozens of zombies they attract. as im looting the apartments, instead of covering me, they meet talk in sidechat with a guy who has a car. my 2 allies meet up with one guy named Applejack, who has a van. im in teamspeak with the server admins, and i can hear one of them suggesting they just drive off and leave me at the apartments. my other ally says fuck that and they drive up to the apartments to get me. the entire time i was at the apartment rooftop, watching them with NVG's through my silenced scope, sights on them, the car, then them again, thinking "no, its not time yet." they honk the horn a couple times, i run down the stairs, and jump in as weve got a half dozen or so aggro'd zombies on us. we drive out of town, hop out, and kill the zombies still chasing after us. theyre arguing over whos going to drive. the one who wanted to kill me hops in the drivers seat, but the my other ally shoots at him, scares him, and makes him get out. he then gets in, and runs into his admin buddy. as theyre yelling at each other, laughing at how far his body went, im still just chilling in the backseat, waiting for us to get the fuck out of this spot before someone sees us. everyone is still alive, homeboy is just a little hurt from the hit and run. a side note: they offered to give me a ghillie suit, even put one in my backpack. but, for whatever reason, my game doesnt let me see or pickup or use hatchets, heatpacks, or apparently ghillie suits. so im stuck looking like any other regular survivor. and nametags when you point at someone are off. and my mic is shitty, so it had stopped working in teamspeak at this point, but i could still hear them. i look at Applejack, our makeshift ally and escort. he looks just like me, like a regular ol' survivor. hes just standing outside, waiting for the 2 admins to stop arguing and figure out whos going to drive. im still in the backseat. i get a real life grin on my face. its time :3 i hop in the drivers seat and drive off. shaking, smiling, and heart racing in real life, im out of there before they even know whats going on. a silenced m4, night vision, gps, like ten silenced stanag round, coyote backpack, and now my own van. not bad, considering where i was just an hour or so ago :) but eventually, my conscience gets the best of me, and i tell them im heading back to pick them up at the berezino military tents. but heres the best part: the entire time, since my mic was down and theres no nametags and i wasnt ghillie'd, they thought that Applejack was the one that drove off and i was still with him, when it was actually the other way around :) so these kids are cursing Applejack, whos also pissed at me and separates from their group. as i arrive in berezino, i hear them saying they see a car. but its not mine. not even 2 minutes later, a tiny little car come flying past me. once hes past, i hop back into my van and head to a "safer" spot by the military tents, off the road. im telling them in side chat to get back in quick, but theyre way in the other direction. before i know it, im dead in one shot. Applejack is triumphantly announcing that he got the van back in side chat, so im left assuming it was him. i spawn, meet up with my admin allies who had all died by this point, them still thinking Applejack fucked us over, i was with them the entire time, and that i had somehow sneaked away and found a van :3. i tell them i think Applejack killed me, and they get pretty pissed. eventually, Applejack logs off, the admin who wanted to shoot me at first logs off, and im chilling with my one surviving admin ally. right by the elektro powerplant, on top of the hill, where i met them a couple hours ago. its about 5 am east at this point, so i write down the server name and say ill see him around. they still think it was Applejack who stole the car :3