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Everything posted by ango122

  1. ango122

    Looking for a partner/group

    What is your ingame name?
  2. ango122

    Looking for a partner/group

    Ok remember server number 25
  3. ango122


    I was thinking of downloading the taviana map but I wanted to know if there is any vanila servers that are populated becuse I have searched, but I cannot find one that is a populated vaninla server. Please post some good vaninla servers that have peaple on it, thanks.
  4. I know a good offical server but its pvp free it's ip is
  5. ango122

    Looking for a partner/group

    I would like to team with you, I have a friend who's on with me too il tell you the server I play on, my ingame name is ango I'm from austrlia the ip for the server is it's a offical nz server but be wary there is a group of servers that come up play on the one that is 25 this is what 25 looks like http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ type that in and it will come up tell me if you want to team! Plus il give you my extra beans!
  6. Can sombody please tell me what the new food types that they added in 1.7.7 I already know there is chocolate,chips and that's about all I know. But what new foods are there not just beans or soda.
  7. ango122

    New food types for 1.7.7

    Pistachios, meal ready to eat, and trail mix we're added in 1.7.6!
  8. ango122

    New food types for 1.7.7

    Have you updated? because they defiantly have added these things, But I think you can only find them in super markets
  9. ango122

    New food types for 1.7.7

    Oh and there is also canned stew
  10. ango122

    Low FPS! Help!

    If I disable Anisotropic Filtering will that help with fps gain?
  11. If you disable Anisotropic Filtering does that increse fps
  12. ango122

    A car

    Ok so I found a vehicle just called (car) is this a glitch or is it haked becuse they normaly say old hatchback and things like that
  13. ango122

    A car

    Yeah mine was white
  14. ango122


    I was on the server, fockers platoon.i was just running towards Cherno and then evry person on the server got teloported into a little arena thing. And of corse they all shot each other so I jumped to the ground, pretending to be dead. I then saw a bandit shooting all the dead body's so I shot him dead then the admin said server rollback log of now. So I loged of and was back where I was. Why the hell do the hackers do this!!!
  15. Il buy it and spend ages looking for a good server
  16. ango122

    DayZ Inspired Book (In Progress)

    Will you put up more of the great story?
  17. ango122


    It was very anoying when they did it becuse I spawned actually back from where I was when I got teleported so I had to run a lot
  18. Is it a vanilla server or is it when when you spawn with stuff
  19. ango122

    Do you parachute?

    Yeh I need some helicopter training
  20. ango122


    Ok so I got dayz for my laptop and it works but I is there anyway to speed it up becuse it only goes at 3-6 frames but sometimes higher
  21. ango122


    Ok that worked thanks
  22. ango122

    Do cars, tents, etc. despawn?

    Can someone tell me if my car will despawn I will be back on today but haven't been on seince yesterday I put my loot in it for my friend who died but will it be gone when I come back I did hide it in a place where no one will find it
  23. ango122

