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Everything posted by plexico

  1. Honestly even if they got the game up to battlefield 3 in terms of optimization then his rig will still struggle. Getting a whole new PC seems like the most logical thing to do, $200 isn't going to get him anywhere in upgrading terms.
  2. Why is everything you say on every post completely unhelpful or simply rude. Though I think it is time to get a whole new PC, you're going to be spending quite a bit if you want DayZ to run a lot better and why not throw a couple hundred ontop of that and get yourself a whole new rig? No need to spend a whole grand though.
  3. I'm pretty sure that processor has a locked multiplier anyway, so he can't overclock it. Really even if he could he would be still seeing poor performance because his whole rig is out of date. My advice, just save to buy a whole new rig, I really suggest building it but if you're positive you don't want to and are okay with lower performance for more money then go ahead and buy what you can.
  4. For only $150, I don't think there's anything you can do. To make the game play better you're gonna need a new graphics card, processor, power supply, motherboard, and a ram upgrade would help a bit.
  5. plexico

    Rad Doll: What do you want to see?

    I hope it's better than ArmA 3's rag doll physics.
  6. plexico

    Can i run DayZ on my computer?

    I don't really think you can. If you can you're probably not gonna get more than 15 FPS anywhere, and thats if you lower your resolution a lot and play at the absolute lowest.
  7. plexico

    DayZ (S) not working on my new windows 8 Laptop

    What are the specs of your new laptop?
  8. plexico

    Pc specs

    If you're getting like 2 fps, then that PC will be a great boost from that. The graphics card is pretty low end, i'd suggest atleast a radeon hd 6670/gtx 640 or something higher. Is this a custom built PC or a pre-built? And how much are you buying it for?
  9. plexico

    Ruined stuff when u shot sameone?

    Even with the terrible grammar, I agree. It seems a lot of the people here didn't actually take the time to understand the post and just bashed on him. It really does make no sense to shoot someone in the chest then every single thing they have is damaged, but I'm pretty sure they're working on that.
  10. It's definetly possible to stop teleport hacks, and has been before. There will always be some sort of hacking but it is very possible to stop teleporters.
  11. plexico

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    I'm pretty sure a baby crying for 30 seconds would be too much, people could easily hear something like that when they didn't even know you were there and kill you when you wouldn't have even been killed. A little "beep-boop" sound or something would suffice.
  12. plexico

    There Is Hope For DayZ

    Even if you made it so I instantly died as soon as I killed another player, I'd still shoot someone on sight every once and a while just for shits and giggles.
  13. What is your current power supply wattage and model? It might not be enough to support the rest of your parts, and probably isn't if it came with the PC.
  14. plexico

    The grass problem

    This isn't really a problem, more of a solution. If you could see tall grass everywhere, only people with high end rigs would be able to get anything above 30 fps. I think snipers being able to see you is less of a problem then getting 13 fps everywhere.
  15. plexico

    Binoculars need to be implemented

    The zoom isn't an unrealistic magical feature as it seems to be. As said by one of the mods before(forgot which one) your eyes have a much better "resolution" than your monitor does, allowing you to see much further than you could in DayZ. The zoom is added to compensate for this fact. Don't imagine zooming as a magical advantage, but imagine not being zoomed in as a crippling disadvantage. As for the actual topic of this post, I 100% support adding binoculars. Binoculars are one of the core things to the game that I expected to already be in the game when it was released for alpha testing, but since I don't own the game yet this is my first time hearing that binoculars have not been added. Dean give binoc pls
  16. plexico

    The first dayz mod

    I don't see what you mean about DayZ mod. The mod has barely changed, all they really did that was major was add as50 and add the infections you can get easier.
  17. plexico

    Most recent Frankie video featuring Cowboys!

    Why has this been posted 3 times within 2 hours?
  18. Imo this would be a horrible implementation. I would definitely not play DayZ if they actually added this, so I'm glad that I'm 99.9% sure Dean would never do this. This goes against the very core ideas of DayZ, and really doesn't even make sense.
  19. plexico

    evetything getting ruined after falling 5cm

    inb4 furious alpha warnings and insults
  20. Just because someone enjoys the game doesn't mean their a retard that doesn't understand disclaimers. Is it some kind of sin to say "I wish this game wasn't as buggy" or "I can't enjoy the game right now"? Not everyone that even mentions enjoying the game needs to be reminded of the disclaimers.
  21. plexico

    Looking for a list of Optimized GPUs

    Just some suggestions That PSU is a bit overkill. A 600w will do fine. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151095 This one is 620w and modular. If you're going to be playing a lot of DayZ, that i3 won't really cut it. I'd suggest getting an i5-4570 or better with the money left over from getting a cheaper PSU. It's sort of wierd to get a high end 760 and then an i3.
  22. plexico

    Looking for a list of Optimized GPUs

    What are the specs of the build you're planning on buying?
  23. plexico

    Looking for a list of Optimized GPUs

    I don't think building your PC based on what GPUs are optimized in DayZ is a worthwhile investment. If they get all the GPUs optimized soon after you build your machine, you just held back the potential of your build for the alpha stage of one game. It's your choice, but I would just choose the best one you can afford and wait.
  24. If you have THAT much money to spend, get a bigger SSD. 120gb will fill up quick. I would probably get a SeaSonic m12ii 850w instead of that psu, that 1000w is a bit overkill and SeaSonic is pretty much the best brand you can get for PSUs.
  25. An SSD does not change your FPS at all, it will maybe just stabalize it and keep away random spikes.