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Everything posted by plexico

  1. plexico

    Well, I combat logged.

    Log off against hackers, sure. That's just unfair. But log off because you don't like the reason why someone is KOSing you? It's not trolling because he kills you when he doesn't need to. They are assholes, but they are playing in a legitimate way that is a part of the game. Logging off because you don't agree with why he is killing you just makes you a bigger ass hole. If you are going to quit every time you are playing with someone who's play style you don't agree with and you see as "trolling", why do you even play this game at all? KOSing is a legitimate way to play, but logging off is an exploit just like duping or hacking.
  2. plexico

    Well, I combat logged.

    You bring dishonor to your family.
  3. I know in Arma 3 you can lower your pistol by double tapping CTRL. This was a problem in Arma 2 DayZ which made situations with two survivors with pistols very tense, because neither of them could lower their weapon.
  4. plexico

    Fire-warmed food.

    Chicken noodle soup to warm you up on a cold night? Yes!
  5. Epoch/Overpoch servers usually have really shit frame rates for everyone. That is because of a massive amount of bases, unoptimized scripts, vehicles, and players in the map. I can get 40-60 FPS average in the original DayZ mod but I hop onto Overpoch and get like 20 everywhere :(
  6. Yes, that should do you quite well. Like he said above this game is in alpha, but you still should get really good FPS, outside of cities of course.
  7. plexico

    Hardware Question - Where's My Bottleneck?

    I'd say its the slow hard drive, seeing as you get great FPS only with occasional microstutter. Maybe pick up a new 5400/7200rpm one or an SSD..
  8. plexico

    death & your items

    Oh, well that sucks. Hope they change that soon because those experiences of finding geared bodies in random places were amazing :(.
  9. plexico

    death & your items

    I think after 10 mins your body disappears and leaves just a pile of loot, and your gear doesn't go away until someone picks it up or the server restarts.
  10. plexico

    military vehicles?

    Yeah, it would be pretty cool to find a HMMWV maybe with a .50cal on it but it would have to be incredibly rare. Not only the vehicle itself, but the ammunition and parts. Nothing like APCs or tanks, that would spoil the game, after all this isn't Overpoch.
  11. What exactly did you try so far? Reinstall steam if you haven't already.
  12. plexico

    Haunted Elektrozavodsk

    I'm pretty sure some player just snuck up on you. The chem light is a red light, AFAIK there is no bug that randomly spawns chemlights.
  13. The game is meant to be punishing, one wrong decision can ruin everything for you. There's nothing wrong with preferring more casual games, but to say this game blows because you suck at it is just arrogant. And FYI you can get tents and set up a base/camp so when you die you can get some gear back but the catch is you have to remember where it is and run all the way back.
  14. plexico

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    It wouldn't really change much from the current game even with the respawning zombies and all. They are but a mere inconvenience in the grand scheme of player interaction.
  15. plexico

    What happen with my graphics?

    I don't see the problem, your game looks fine to me. My guess would be you mean the ATOC(alpha to coverage) setting which enhances the look of trees and grass.
  16. plexico

    My first death in DayZ.

    BS a 5 foot drop wouldn't hurt anyone but a senior citizen well past his expiration date.
  17. Ragdolls. It feels much more satisfying to kill someone when they slump to the ground like a real dead body vs a static animation that you've seen 1000 times.
  18. plexico

    Lock Vertical FOV

    Agreed, it also makes mil-dots useless because almost everyone has different FOVs.
  19. plexico

    OH MY GOD-Check this!

    The MOD was in development since January 2012, the standalone was not even announced until very late 2012(barely 2013). Yes, the development is oddly slow, but endless complaining will not speed it up. All we can do is wait, and who knows maybe when Rocket leaves the team development will speed up 10 fold. Also notice how after almost three years the mod's zombies are still broken twitchy demons that can detect you through solid cover? That's because its a mod. The only way to fix that is to make it a new game, which is exactly what Bohemia is doing.
  20. plexico

    OH MY GOD-Check this!

    The mod has been in development for almost 3 years.
  21. plexico

    Getting on top of the roof

    How are we supposed to know if all you give us is "some building"?
  22. There should be an option for it to show your GPU usage in MSI afterburner. Tick "GPU Usage" in the on screen display section or something like that.
  23. Low end AMD processors tend to be bad in this game, but you should be getting better. I'm not much help with these types of situations but I suggest you run MSI afterburner and use the on-screen display while you play to see how much of your CPU and GPU it is using, then tell us what happens. This also might be a case of the game using your integrated graphics instead of your dedicated card, but I'm not sure that even happens on desktop computers.
  24. Mind telling us your exact CPU model? Quad core AMD doesn't say much.
  25. plexico

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    From what I've gathered Enfusion is just the name for what they will be calling the engine from now on, and you can expect to see 64 bit support, DX11 support, and some other fancy stuff.