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Everything posted by plexico

  1. plexico

    Any way to optimize Arma 2?

    Please tell us your system specs. It may not be due to the optimization, but your hardware.
  2. plexico

    Thoughts on the M107 / AS50

    What's with people necro posting lately? Check the date on this thread.
  3. You should be able to play with your new CD key, you may have to do some weird stuffs to get it to over write your old banned one.
  4. plexico

    DayZ server thing issue

    Vanilla DayZ means regular DayZ with no added buildings,vehicles,skins, or any changes.
  5. plexico

    DayZ server thing issue

    Public Hives are all vanilla DayZ. They are connected to each other, so if you started on one public hive you can continue on another public hive. Currently there are little vanilla private hives, and there are none which are very populated daily(30+ players). Due to that I stick with public hives because I don't like to be started out with everything I need to survive and having cars/weapons everywhere.
  6. His is a special case, if you upgrade your graphics card you're definitely going to get better FPS.
  7. I play as a friendly player but it's fun to go on a private hive and test out your sniping skills by camping high traffic areas. Hate me if you want but it can feel quite rewarding to make a headshot on a player from 600m, it's not the same on AI.
  8. I believe the problem is the SLI. Turn it off if you can, if not remove one of the cards, one gtx 560 will work fine. Edit: I heard in another thread that DayZ absolutely hates SLI, but I don't know how factual it is.
  9. As much as I love first person, I don't think you should ruin it for all the people who want third person. I think you should either A. Make third person's camera closer to the character so its like an over the shoulder type view like in GTA or B. Host an equal amount of third person and first person servers, so one or the other isn't left forced to play 1st or 3rd when they don't want to.
  10. plexico

    Need help on increasing my fps

    $1000 rig? That's hard to believe. If that costed you a thousand dollars you got ripped off. I believe your processor is lacking, DayZ is very CPU-intensive, some people with way better rigs get about the same FPS as you. There are many optimization guides you can look up but they won't do much other than getting you a few more fps.
  11. I know vehicles won't be in but, where did you hear zombies won't be in it? The standalone dev blogs they've shown had zombies in them.. it wouldn't make sense for them to take them out.
  12. plexico

    Don't shoot! I'm friendly! -holds hands up-

    The current surrender key in the mod requires you to have no primary weapon, or else it just puts your hands up for a couple seconds then automatically puts them down. I think it should automatically throw your weapon down if you put your hands up, and it should already be binded instead of forcing the player to find and bind it himself.
  13. plexico

    Helicopter crashes and Parachute changes

    You can already survive helicopter crashes if you know what you're doing in ArmA. Take the emergency landing training mission in the scenario menu.
  14. plexico

    DayZ AllStars! (comic)

    That was amazing, I laughed out loud at the string part.
  15. plexico

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Hopefully enough to make bandits not want to shoot on sight. Or maybe people will just start to aim for areas that don't damage gear.
  16. plexico

    pussy guy hacker

    Great video, I hate hackers.
  17. plexico

    Namalsk Revival with Chocolate Milk

    I would play but 250+ vehicles and you spawn with guns..
  18. plexico

    Bandit Help Needed

    Shit, sorry. I need to learn to read the dates of comments more.
  19. plexico

    Bandit Help Needed

    Stop with this shit already... it's been said countless times that he got someone else to type for him originally but now he is trying to improve on his English. Why can't you just leave it at that, he doesn't troll at all and actually adds to the community.
  20. plexico

    can i play dayz? Fps really low

    You'd be surprised, people play this game integrated graphics and shit CPUs all the time, but don't expect more than 20 fps average.
  21. plexico

    Frame Rate Issue!

    That's pretty normal, DayZ is badly optimized, there are some guides you can look up though to get the most out of your computer.
  22. plexico

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    My friend is gonna buy a desktop, I was wondering how fast it would run DayZ. Here are the specs: Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6670 1GB CPU: AMD FX-Series FX-8320(3.50GHz)RAM: 8gb DDR3OS: Windows 8
  23. plexico

    new player: a guestion

    You can't get ArmA II free, they stopped doing it. It's not on steam and the BIS website doesn't let you download it.
  24. plexico

    Worthless Points of Interest: I Nominate....

    NEAF is basically Balota Airfield but harder to get to. Once I found a DMR in the ATC though.
  25. plexico

    my favourite building

    No one tends to check the Apartments and they have some great loot spawns, its like a pub and a grocery store combined. Sometimes I can get geared purely off of them.