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DeathWatch Paul

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Everything posted by DeathWatch Paul

  1. DeathWatch Paul

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Thanks Micheal I`m glad to have you on the server dude,
  2. DeathWatch Paul

    Dayz origins crafting/repairs

    If you want you can join this teamspeke PhantomOne.teamspeke3.com and I can give you guys a few pointers on what to do.
  3. DeathWatch Paul


  4. DeathWatch Paul

    What is wrong with today's Dayz players?

    Well i have played this game for about 4 months now, and I haven`t killed a single player so no not everybody is a bandit plus a never ever combat log.
  5. DeathWatch Paul

    dayz epoch teams?

    mustygaming has an epoch server you should check it out http://mustygaming.com/Forum/ server IP Port:3102
  6. DeathWatch Paul

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Hay man the servers still new so where still growing but we have about 15-20 regular players. and more joining every day. I play as a hero so I try and help people out as best I can. if you have any other questions then please do not hesitate to contact me on here or skype. DeathWatch Paul.
  7. DeathWatch Paul

    A Gun You Never Found Before?

    RPK and I know it`s not a gun but I have never found a satchel charge. :(
  8. DeathWatch Paul

    LF Origins Squad/Clan

    Hey lzolated I have sent you a PM. :)
  9. Do you play dayz origins?
  10. DeathWatch Paul

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Thanks sayWhat. :)
  11. DeathWatch Paul

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Glad you fixed it. I hope to see you on the server soon.
  12. I have been playing on Balota Buddies about two months now and I have not see a single hacker. so if your looking for a safe place to play then BB servers are the place for you. :)
  13. DeathWatch Paul

    Looking for DayZ Origins Group

    Hello Blue me and a few friends have just started are own Origins server about two weeks ago. we should be building a stronghold soon. so if your looking for a new server your welcome to come join us. myself and the other admins are aged between 28 and 40 so you want get any BS admin abuse.you can join are group or go lone wolf it`s up to you. so if questions feel free to send me a PM or and me on skype DeathWatch Paul. Server information: Official DayZ Origins #GX Phantom One IP: Port: 9802 Teamspeak: PhantomOne.Teamspeak.com
  14. DeathWatch Paul

    hi :)

    if you ever need any help send me a PM. :)
  15. Are you over 16 years of age? and do you play on dayz origins?
  16. DeathWatch Paul

    Origins anyone?

    how old are you?
  17. DeathWatch Paul

    Looking for more players to group with - Origins

    Hello sixstringer me and a few friends have just started are own Origins server about a week ago. we also play as heroes we should be building a stronghold soon. so if your looking for a new server you and your group are welcome to come join us. myself and the other admins are aged between 28 and 40 so you want get any BS admin abuse. we could even help you build a hero stronghold as we have spear blueprints to trade or you can just join are group it`s up to you. so if questions feel free to send me a PM or and me on skype DeathWatch Paul. Server information: Official DayZ Origins #GX Phantom One IP: Port: 9802 Teamspeak: PhantomOne.Teamspeak.com
  18. DeathWatch Paul

    Looking for survivor(s)

    Hello Phil if you ever switch to playing origins and need some people to group up with send me a PM.
  19. DeathWatch Paul

    New player here, and wondering

    Well Dayz at the moment is a mod using the Arm2 engine. Dayz standalone is a game currently development
  20. DeathWatch Paul

    can the steam version of dayz run other maps

    I have a steam version and with Dayz commander I can play any map/mod
  21. DeathWatch Paul

    New player here, and wondering

    in my opinion Arma2/Dayz is one of the best games I have ever played.
  22. DeathWatch Paul

    New UK Based DayZ Origins Server

    Hello everybody I am one of the Admins for this server. am always willing to help any new players that join the server. it`s a great start for new players and veterans. there`s still lot`s of freshly spawned vehicles and unused locations for base building. so whether you play as a Hero or Bandit your all welcome to join us.
  23. DeathWatch Paul

    Comic Series: Nooby McNoob

    it`s good to catch up with my favorite thread. love your work jeff
  24. DeathWatch Paul

    Just started and found an amazing server commmunity!!!
