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About TheSparklyHero

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  • Interests
    Zombies, Dogs(Zombie Dogs and Normal Dogs), Video Games, Anything Crazy, DayZ, Breaking Bad, Computers and Being Funny.

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  • Bio
    I spend most my time on my computer or with my friends!
  1. TheSparklyHero

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    Does anyone know how the test went last night?
  2. TheSparklyHero

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    I wish rocket could be like "Screw it, lets release this!".
  3. TheSparklyHero

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Will we be able to see what people submit to the feedback tracker? I think the feedback should be limited to the devs to make sure people don't use it to find glitches they can abuse.
  4. TheSparklyHero

    A few SA Suggestions!

    Well I'm making a list of features I think could be cool to have in the DayZ Standalone! • Anxiety, well what if when you are shot at or someone near you gets killed you may panick and get an anxiety attack? Same goes for when you kill your first victim your character could get anxiety and this could be something that doesn't affect you after time. • Cooking, we should be able to use stoves or other cooking tools found in houses to cook meals or boil water. • Jammed guns, guns jamming could add some depth to combat as you might need to spend some time fixing your gun in the middle of a fight. • Knocking people out, hitting someone in the head with your fists or a blunt weapon could make people pass out this could be a way to disarm a player without killing them. Please tell me if you want something added to the list!
  5. TheSparklyHero

    What was your highest ever Fps on DayZ?

    123 when in the wild!
  6. TheSparklyHero

    DayZ Standalone - Co-op Mode

    Im not quite sure what you mean here. If you mean a mode without pvp, then no. The thing I love about DayZ is that you never know if someone is going to shoot you in the back or ask to form a clan.
  7. TheSparklyHero

    DayZ Low FPS in cities.

    I failed with the text color.
  8. TheSparklyHero

    DayZ Low FPS in cities.

    This affects both DayZ, DayZ Namalsk, DayZ Origins and DayZ Taviana
  9. TheSparklyHero

    DayZ Low FPS in cities.

    Well I'm having issues with my FPS in cities. When not in cities I get around 75-120 fps on very high but as soon as I go into bigger cities my fps drops to about 25-40 with an avg of 30 fps. I've tried using lower settings both in game and using the nvidia cp and none of these help. I have a GTX Titan and an Intel i7 4770k @ 3.5GHz. Also if I stare at the ground or sky my fps goes back to 75-120. Anyone know of some fix for this? I've changed the config file to improve my fps too. Thank you in advance!
  10. This looks so awesome! Can't wait for SA, I've been checking all of your(Rocket's) twitter posts for news and I like what I see! :D
  11. We have now formed out clan and I've made a teamspeak server for the clan to use! If you feel like joining please read bellow and connect to our teamspeak. Rules • Must be mature! • Must know how to play DayZ! • Must be on TS3! • Must have skype! • Must be nice to other clan members! • Must not rage when killed!(It's fine to get mad just keep control or mute your mic if you go insane). Info • TS3 IP: • My skype name: noahgilroy • How do I join? Connect to the teamspeak! • What do we do when you join? Well when you join we will ask you some questions and when we are around 4-5 players we will go play the game :D
  12. TheSparklyHero

    Starting a group!

    I have you on skype :/
  13. TheSparklyHero

    Starting a group!

    Well I'm looking for someone to start a group with. I've been playing DayZ alone since my friends started playing other games or stopped gaming fully. I've started to feel that playing alone is getting boring as all of the players I ever see are hostile to anything that bleeds. If you feel like you want to join just read the rules and fill the form at the bottom of this post. :beans: Rules • No Hacking! Anyone who hacks will not be allowed in the group and will be reported! • Must be mature(You don't need to be a certain age as long as you are mature). • Needs to know how to play the game! I don't want anyone who doesn't know the basics in the group as it would cause the rest of the group alot of trouble! • No killing group members to steal stuff! • No begging for stuff. • No threats against other group members. • Be honest with other members of the group! • Must have skype! Form Age: Skype: IGN: Real Name: Location: Time Zone: How long have you played DayZ?: