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Everything posted by BasedJay

  1. BasedJay

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T Processor 3.50 GHz.8 gbs of ram.Gigabyte Radeon HD 7870 700gb hard drive600w psu.can I run it? And also what setting would be best for me in game? And how many fps?
  2. BasedJay

    Hacker using my name

    I just downloaded DayZ and joined this server where you start off with tons of gear. I know it wasn't the best thing to do, but since I had a limited amount of time to play, I figured this would be fun. I started playing and made my way to Cherno. Suddenly, something typed with my name saying I was going to get the hacker a car. I clearly did not type it. Are there hacks like that that can use your name to type? Is there anyway I will get banned?
  3. BasedJay

    Hacker using my name

    Okay hopefully nothing happens. Anyway, thanks for the fast replies everyone!
  4. BasedJay

    Hacker using my name

    It said I typed "MERCURY I'LL GIVE YOU A CAR" Someone said it out loud with there mic and I quickly typed "I didn't type that". It typed again and I quickly aborted... are private hive bans global bans? I just bought the game and don't want to get banned for a stupid reason ... Sorry if I'm so paranoid. I just don't want to get banned :/