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Everything posted by Foxtrottaco

  1. Foxtrottaco

    Am i a bad person?

    The best thing is I was in the steam chat with Final Start when he did all this.
  2. Foxtrottaco

    Trading Post

    I'm looking for Face mask bandanna's and balaclavas I will trade Weapons, ammo, medical supplies and canned goods. hit me up on steam if you want the trade Foxtrottaco.
  3. [PN] - Pool Noodle Private Military Company If interested in Joining message me [PN] Foxtrotaco on steam (Currently Recruiting!) Clan games include: DayZ (Mainly ATM) & Counter Strike: Global Offensive we also have a Minecraft server. Clan Requirments: Microphone/Headset, Age 15+, Trust/Friendly towards ALL members
  4. Foxtrottaco

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    this patch sucks balls now im all for zombies to be harder but its a bit out of balance that zombies call give a sickness that kills you really and then to make antibiotics super fucking rare think of balance i mean also taking out those guns should have been replaced with alot more guns every i have talked to doesn't like the update (not impressed) DEAN HALL you where the chosen one