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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I wouldn't like it to be possible to stumble along a helicopter with guns on it. Where anyone can find one and just fly along the coast killing everyone. Flying needs to be on a sim level. Somewhat challenging and slow. Like only first person veiw
  2. methr1k2dop3

    Question about current build

    I see in patch notes they changed the amount of vehicles that are spawned. Can anyone shed some light on how much? I kinds gave dayz a break and i was waiting for vehicles.
  3. methr1k2dop3

    loot spawn count

    play on different servers. will be plenty of them. me and my friends had no problem finding servers in the mod.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Team friendly

    I wonder if it would be a good idea to have some sort of team/alliance when joining a server. If you join this team/turn friendly mode on you wont be able to damage other players with this. You can also choose just as easily not to have it on and be independent. (Everything is fair game) No real way in game to identify if some one has this. maybe there is i dont know. Every thing stays exactly the same, you dont spawn anywhere different and you cant communicate with others. You dont have any advantage or disadvantage. People that want to role play and team up can. 1 reason i usually dont team up with people is because i know the second they see me or find a weapon they will try and kill me. People that want to run around and be bandits can do that just how it is now by not turning this on. So in theory it wont really change anything. or maybe it doesn't make you immune to damage its noting but a green marker or something of the sort.(armband or shirt) If you kill someone with a green marker you will lose your green marker. If you kill someone without a green marker you keep still keep yours, and you shouldn't lose a minute of sleep over it because they had to have already killed someone with clean hands. Might be a way of identifying bandits. A big ugly green marker is pretty ugly so maybe you can start off with some kind of armband. Very loose and far fetched idea. Defiantly not for hardcore mode. Can only spawn with this on, once killing someone it turns off. Maybe you can manually turn it off but once you do that you cant turn it on again until death or X amount of time.
  5. methr1k2dop3

    loot spawn count

    of course. I always hated how its one big hive. Your character and all he does should stay on that one server.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    loot spawn count

    i always liked this idea, but 9/10 times im going to be on a few private shards. I always hated the fact people can just server hop then walk in to ele like they are a bad ass or something.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    I hope they dont add anymore weapons like this. So everyone and their mama is gonna be in the tree line "killing bandits". Justify it all you want but really you are griefing. you are 300 meters away, just run..... Not saying we shouldn't have them but ammo for these should be uber rare. (so people cant easily obtain 40 rounds and just camp popular loot places, eventually they will have to go find ammo)
  8. methr1k2dop3

    Fuel Source Depletion And Alternative Fuel Sources (Server Uptime)

    Im for the idea for hardcore servers. hopefully we can have more vehicles but none of them have any gas.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    Craftable Sniper Rifle

    it would be cool to build something similar. Cannon of sorts. of course this thing is stationary and really have one shot. Might add nice elements when we get vehicles/helicopters in. Build one at your base or on the side of the road to snare a moving vehicle or put down a low flying huey. Of course this isnt something easy to make. Ammo for this is rare, or not easily crafted. Cant be loaded up and fit in a backpack. Can be sabotaged and will misfire killing the shooter. ( person using it would have no idea its broken) Can only shoot one time, as it takes some time to load it up again. Basically you are pretty much a bad ass if you build this contraption in the right spot and hit something. Once we have some kind of base building it would be cool to have
  10. methr1k2dop3


    I am not necessarily talking bout global chat. but some way to reach out to people you have encountered to be able to team up. I was on a random server/fresh spawn. I have 5-6 zombies on me, i run up the police station all the way to the top and close the door. i here them all growling and snarling. Then a guy walks up and asks if i could use his help. He has a gun and i watch from top of the tower shoot 3-4 of them. he walks up kills the one at the door. I say thank you and tell him there is a group of assholes around killing people. he asks me if i need anything overall it was such a friendly experience. We NEED more of this. I guess ill just sit up at night and look at the moon hoping he is looking at the same time.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Clearing this up: DayZ is NOT years afterwards

    Well if it takes place days after the outbreak there should be plenty of vehicles and guns to go around.
  12. methr1k2dop3

    How do I not panic/shake when I get in a gunfight?

    Maybe pick up Arma 3 and play wasteland. Get comfortable with the style of combat. If you have arma 2 play the dayz mod. Some overwatch servers are usually packed and its a frag fest on the coast.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    Medic here. Everyone is starving to death

    That would be pretty cool to come across something like this. 90% of the stuff are damaged items almost useless. Don't get me mixed up, i dont want to see ammo/guns/food/water like this. Just things that dont really matter by them selves.
  14. I uninstalled Dayz months back because it was just dry. NO zombies. The ONE zombie you might come across was bugged to all hell, and it turned into this retarded boxing match that was buggy as hell. Could walk to cherno to NWAF with out having one encounter. Just alot of walking around, no loot anywhere. finding a weapon and ammo was always great at first but then the hours ticked by and you soon to realize it doesn't mean shit. That being said i only had 247 hours played so maybe i didnt play enough to get the full alpha experience. But today i installed Dayz after hearing about the .50 patch And i am impressed. Its defiantly come along way. There were zombies. ( not as much as i was hoping for) There was loot. but still was dying of hunger/thirst. Game just overall ran alot better. (had better FPS) Im happy with the loot spawn right now. I wish you didnt need to open cans tho, that seems pretty dumb. Only thing i hope for in the future is adding more action. Im happy with the direction this is going and i cant wait to get home tomorrow and log on!
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz doesn't feel like dayz and heres 2 reasons whyu

    Id rather just your basic ambient sounds. no werid music plllz
  16. methr1k2dop3

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    I would be ALL for something like this if we had vehicles and vehicles were not super rare. Imo full on sprint should have a limit. regular jog no limit. Really only save your precious sprint to avoid bullets or zombies, not a form of transportation.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    0.50 stable....

    Well i didn't know the answer. so i was interested in post. but to see replies to tell him to get lost.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    0.50 stable....

    Really i dont see how its a big deal.... Like shit he is just asking a question. We are not all frequent flyers to this forum.
  19. methr1k2dop3

    Comfort level

    IMO you shouldn't die of thirst and hunger. (well yeah eventually) But eating and staying hydrated should benefit you in other ways. Sprinting longer, more focus when aiming your weapon, less likely to get sick. are some examples. I call it your comfort level. Types of food differ. So if you spend the time to make a fire and heat up that can of beans its gonna be better than just eating them cold. Hunting and the food that you will get would be a better tier and benefits you way more than eating some stale cereal you find. So its not a matter of finding food and water but more of what and how you do it. Do away with "hunger and thirst bars". Makes no sense that you fall and die because you didn't have your 8th can of beans for the day. Dieing of thirst and hunger can take days.
  20. So how exactly important is it to have 2 hard drives? Like one for the OS and another one for all your stuff like games/applications. The machine i plan on getting has one drive 2TB. I was wondering how important it would be to install another drive or its not that big of deal. I understand putting another hard drive in is rather easy but are there different types? here is link http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-essentio-desktop-12gb-memory-2tb-hard-drive/5818029.p?id=1219159703153&skuId=5818029
  21. methr1k2dop3

    Decided on a PC but have one concern.

    Thanks! One more question, when buying a HD does power supply have anything to do with it? 500w i shouldn't worry about power?
  22. methr1k2dop3

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    This is it! This is going to be the update that fix why im not playing! hopefully.
  23. methr1k2dop3

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    He snuck in "3 years" tho.... lmfao. so it will be out in 2020. the ps6 will be out by then,
  24. methr1k2dop3

    Status Report: Week of 04 August 14

    goodstuff. but if people want "pve" servers just have option to turn damage to other players off. i'm more interested in zombies. There is not enough of them and trying to smack one with a bat is insanity and should be a lot easier. Like im clearly swinging the bat at his face but nothing registers and zed continues to slap me until i bleed.
  25. methr1k2dop3

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    So whats all this hooblah with dean announcing dayz for the ps4? someone link a video of those words coming out of his lips?