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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    i dont know about 24 hour lock. But this exploit definitely is ruining the game for me. Gear should just stay on server.
  2. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    They were doing it to troll the shit out of some twitch game streamer. Taking down every game he was playing. LoL, Dota, Battlefield, battle.net
  3. methr1k2dop3

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    Perma death makes this game. With out it i probably woulda have gotten bored.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    I have a weird feel in my anus that this thread is going to be a monster. inb4 Derp rants start. Never even knew who they were till they took down Leauge of legends. Sucked because after a 12 hour work day i was hoping to hop on and get some games on. I felt weak and violated. Hope the fuzz catches up with them.
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    Dayz wants to stay away from "gamey". Im sure there will be awesome end game content. Base building, vehicles, clans, rare items, other regions. If you have 1000 hours into any game you will eventually get some what bored of it.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    i roll a peice of paper up in a ball put it on the w key then set my phone on top of it works like a charm. imo just add it we do it anyway. Doesn't really make the game easier.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    I'm trapped in a glitch-room from the prison

    Hppened to me a bunch of times. Press V and vault out into the room with the desk n stuff. try it in first person and in 3rd person. just try to run back in the room. sprint and jump
  8. methr1k2dop3

    Stop changing spawns until....

    Just go North the second you spawn. there are PLENTY of towns and houses that are usually untouched becasue every one and there mama spawns and walks along the coast. They should change it up. Every one spawns way up North. South would be the new North.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    Constantly losing character progress

    well put. coulda left out the insults tho. Its frowned upon here. But yes i beleive this is a known issue and im sure it wont be a problem here in the next couple of updates.
  10. methr1k2dop3


    From what im hearing its pretty rare. Some people search for hours and some find them the first 5 mins. I personally haven't seen one and i have been to almost every town.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Getting injured

    I think going color blind is a bit outdated. Id rather see a limping or decreased movement. Maybe a blurry, black, and white screen when you are minutes from death. Nothing grinds my gears more than getting nicked by a zed and have to walk around with a colorless atmosphere. Dayz is beautiful but i find myself frustrated trying to enjoy it. If anything i want to see hindered movespeed upon being shot. no sprinting or jumping until you heal up. Shooting people doesn't feel right becasue they go into a crazed sprint and its hard to tell if you hit them. I think they should fall down or start limping depending on the shot. chest and head shots should be kills Anywhere else should bring your character to a stop or at least to a slow jog. EDIT** I havent really seen to much about vehicles. are they planning to add choppers? Are they going to up the vehicle count compared to the mod. IMO vehicles should be everywhere. Gas, batteries, tires and other things should be the tricky part. On average i would like to see a estimated :50-1:20 for your average joe to freshly log on find and fix a car. Just some of my thoughts! Happy zombie killing my friends
  12. Only real thing i see wrong with these servers is logging onto them gearing out easy because no one is killing each other then logging to a normal server. Just because you dont like the way they play game you log on and go bambi hunting i dont think its a valid reason. but w.e. PvP is 90 percent of the game. One thing i absolutely love about Dayz is how authentic player interactions are. it being good or bad.
  13. Chernarus is plenty big to do "testing" you could easily find a quiet corner some where and do this testing. shoot i played on a full server today for about 4 hours walked to Balotaa then to NWAF and didn't run into one person.
  14. I think these servers are nothing more than encourage people to work together and RP. They wont and cant kick you for killing people. They expect people to come on and KOS.
  15. agreed. but in the end you are just ruining the experience for people that want to roleplay. I dont agree with these types of servers but logging onto them and trolling is another thing. If there is a group of people that want to play grab ass in Cherno then let them there is plenty of servers for us to play on. let them have their RP fun
  16. Do you guys get this riled up when a hacker breaks the rules and kills everyone? I'd hope not. If private hives are coming for SA, then no KoS servers are coming. Logging onto these servers and searching for someone to kill every single day is a bit angry. Im confused i thought private hives were allowed to kick people for any reason? havent seen any private hives yet Im sure there will be plenty of "no pvp" and "RP" servers once that happens
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    I know that feel man. I stay the hell away from ladders and firehouses when i really dont want to die.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    Getting the spawn spawns.

    I dont know why people still hang out on the coast. The time it takes you to get to a city on the coast you could be in the middle of chernarus away from bambi campers. Loot gets better as in its not as crowded.
  19. If they want to roleplay then leave them be in peace. You are still allowed to kill people BTW. (they cant kick you because of that anyway its against the rules) Its just a place to encourage people to team up and work together and not have deathmatches in Balotaa. why are you so angry. You are still allowed to be a bandit PvP is still there Just the majority of people on the server want to have something more then senseless fragging.
  20. I just think you secretly like playing on "No Kos" servers. You just need a front. So people don't start asking questions.
  21. if people want to play a game a certain way then let em. does no good going onto server and start trolling. I personally think these servers are dumb and totally miss the point of Dayz.
  22. methr1k2dop3

    Spawn changes need to be changed

    I have just as much luck instantly walking north. I rarely even mess around with Cherno anymore.
  23. methr1k2dop3

    'No Disconnect Zone'

    I think we should just start with some sorta log out timer. Some people will suffer with DC's but getting rid of the exploit would be worth it. 30 secs is to short, i vote for 10 min timer to log out. this means to log out safetly you would need to get to a truly safe spot. Maybe a sleeping animation to go along with it. IMO would be better than just specific spots you can logout.
  24. methr1k2dop3

    This community....(kos complaint)

    Servers claiming to have PVP rules dont mean jack shit on official.