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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    Melee combat

    i think they should definitely get a solid mele system in. and it be more responsive. and have a lot more and different types of weapons. taking zombies out silently is critical. and in a realistic scenario one could grab just about anything and use it.
  2. methr1k2dop3


  3. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz sa campaign?

    yeah you're probably right. i just get bored sometimes, i collect enough beans and weapons to supply a army and just sit there like wtf do i do now. would be nice to have something to do than go hunting for bandits. i was thinking of something kinda like how WoW and other games are set up there are pve objectives to do in a pvp world.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    fast and slow reload

    i see. in the SA do you have a abundance of ammo that you need to reload more than once or twice?
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz sa campaign?

    i think adding small objectives than just surviving might make it a bit more interesting. for instance have a random spawn of citizens that need food. help them or kill them. maybe not a full blown cinematic campaign. give people stuff to do on low pop servers. different servers could choose to have it or not to have it.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz sa campaign?

    give you like side missions or scenarios in the world to complete while the multiplayer chaos is happening.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz sa campaign?

    maybe even a campaign to progress online? for instance when you join a server you have the option to do the story mode with in that server. and your progress is saved only to that server. and of course the possibilities of bandits and heros helping or not helping.
  8. when i started my real name was default and i was to lazy to change it. can only imagine the creepiness when people would talk to me via teamspeak.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    fast and slow reload

    i have to disagree. were talking nickels and dimes here. basically only difference is putting the mag in your pocket and dropping it on the floor. just will complicate things and only save 0.005 of time. the way ammo is in this game i rarely have to reload anyway.
  10. methr1k2dop3

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    i personally think it wouldn't work. servers want to create a unique environment and maybe these persistent items are small but its not how the server creators visioned their world. maybe a option on servers to turn on and off persistent items, that might be pretty cool.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    if you start off with a couple things it wont kill the game. you eventually gonna need ammo and food/water. most servers give you basic starting supplies anyway
  12. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    not necessarily start with everything you need. just enough to make a small influence on where and what you start off with. like i was just using those as examples. maybe just make different type of civilian load outs. Farmer Doctor Tourist Mechanic. and each will spawn in there respectable place. with just a small boost in spawn gear. the possibilities are endless. servers will do different things. really no different in what they do now. some servers you start off with a bunch of gear and some absolutely nothing. in a nutshell have a option to choose a load out, and a good server will balance all the options.
  13. or just learn to play in third person and hotkey camera switch. so you can easily pop in and out of third person to take advantage of this OP third person veiw. problem solved plus imo, third person is more realistic. you get a better feel of your surroundings that first person just can't capture.
  14. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    well yeah, but there are servers that let you start off with sniper rifle. like you could be a sniper with a dmr but no ammo. or you can be a civilian with a car but no gun, a soldier with a assault rifle but no food and water.. just examples. server admins would change it. maybe just have different type of civilians and which one you pick will dictate where and what you start off with. spawning as a military person you could choose to pick off civilians or work with them. but either way you go you have a need for anothers starting loadout.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Spawns On The East

    servers i play on i have spawned on the east coast and even right in the middle of cities. once i spawned in a city way North.