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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3


    hmm i believed there was a sleep option by my tent on a couple servers i have played on. Not exactly sure what it did. Kinda just sat there for like 10 seconds and got up. i don't remember the names of the servers. A overall fatigue meter would be interesting, as long as it didn't make players feel like there was a daily cap on what you can do in a day and have to log off or sit for hours. Not talking about being winded after sprinting. I believe a well rested player that hasn't been doing to much running should get the drop on some one that just ran from ele to cherno. but really i'm content with how it is now. Maybe encourage players to walk? Walking from city to city sounds pretty horrid tho.
  2. methr1k2dop3

    Squad Member Waypoints

    would be friggin sweet if you could find various color of clothing. maybe you and your buddies for instance could try to find blue camo outfits for all of you. or maybe colored arm bands.
  3. methr1k2dop3

    Need some dayz friends

    lol... my sides. the hurt. @NWBTU check out the server list forum and just try to make friends in game. i met a few cool amigos looting ele and cherno markets. goodluck
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Become a infected!

    if anything your corpse will come back to life as a zombie. but not user controlled.
  5. methr1k2dop3

    More Vehicles!

    i dig it. there should be a lot more vehicles. specially in the city. and fuel should be a precious resource.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    yes. this is not about how much gear one should start with. Thats a different thread. This is about servers having a another creative tool in their arsenal to make a more unique and realistic feel to the game.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    yes. just examples i was giving. i personally play on servers where you start off a bandage and a can of beans. gear could be small or big depending the server. Mechanic- nothing but a tool box Doctor-a couple bandages and morphine Civilian- a map and flash light Soldier- a backpack
  8. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    this isn't a pick your gear suggestion. its suggesting to choose your identity pre infection. and SMALL or large influences on where and how you spawn depending on what server you play on. This would be a great example of things servers could do. You could be flying over cherno and your plane goes down and you managed to to parachute out and land with basic things one could carry in moments notice. Ship wrecked and floating slowly to shore. Local civilian held up on top of a building running short of supplies. Tourist visiting before the infection. possibilities are endless.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    People are missing the point. This isn't about how much gear somebody should start off with. Choosing your roll before the infection could influence what cloths you start off in and where you spawn and thats it. And remember this is just a function that could be enabled or disabled. Love to see how creative servers can get with a feature similar to this. Age selector is a great idea.
  10. methr1k2dop3

    More Buildings.

    lol wal mart. maybe a bit bigger. if anything make a different model of a super market. a gigantic superstore will make scavenging food stuffs a bit too easy.
  11. check your email maybe still have those handy receipts they send you after you purchase something.give you like a order number or something. - confirmed, i kept my email and it gives you a confirmation number and tells you to keep the email best of luck to you!
  12. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    it was just a example of something a server could do. maybe giving civilians cars and soldiers weapons is a little much i agree. but if one was to make a good set up it could encourage people to work together.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    Add moar Rivers.

  14. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    i agree. choosing a role before the infection would make it feel more authentic. make a small impact on starting items and spawn points.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    We Need New Maps - Seattle

    i would love to see a concrete jungle.
  16. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz sa campaign?

    yes. that ending was insane. i laughed like a lunatic.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    someone in the military! i actually have a military grade first aid kit. i think in most cases if a zombie apocalypse were to happen the majority of us wouldn't have nothing. the lot of us own cars and guns. have fully stocked pantries. well at least over here in the states. but i personally like starting off with minimal gear. its imo more fun.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    and remember people were not discussing starting items. were talking about servers ability to give a player options to spawn. it be a lot of supplies or not, is not the issue. could be as little as what clothes you start off with and what areas you spawn in.
  19. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    Explain please.
  20. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    yeah thats great for people that have been playing and know what their doing. but that when things gets really frustrating. spend 2 hours gathering supplies and die to some strange bugged zombie hitting me through a wall. imagine if you were a newer player trying to learn how to play.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    backpack and bandage is to much? thats insanity. you have to start with something. if you were a civilian or a solder in a zombie apocalypse you would have nothing but the cloths on your back? giving servers more spawn options would be great. and ok if you like to start out with nothing could join a server that has stripped down load outs. a civilian with nothing but a thing of food spawns on the coast a mechanic with nothing but a toolbox that spawns around a city. ... ect. people are missing the point.
  22. methr1k2dop3

    if someone wants

    keep map up in browser http://dayzdb.com/map#4.107.037 tells you where loot spawns are also vehicles. some server add a lot more buildings and cars watch youtube videos on how to go about using tents and bags. important to get in and get out. if it takes you a lot of time to loot a store or military building you have a greater chance of encountering asshole bandits. be patient. make friends. play the arma 2 basic training and learn how to fly helos and get familiar with weapons and how to use them. join noob friendly servers to get a feel for the game. when you spawn it will tell you where you're at on the side. look it up on the map and shoot for the closest city or military base. military bases = good gun good gun= protection from bandits protection from bandits= easier means of getting supplies supplies = survival survival = win learn how to find and repair vehicles. once you get a whip you can get around a lot faster and kill that long walk in between cities. you can store guns and supplies in the trunk of cars. also if you find a tent you can store extra gear in them so if you die your tent will still be up. remember where you put your tent, keep it by the coast out of sight of other players. go north. a lot of people spawn go to a city on the coast and pvp. learn how the loot system works. keep atleast one of each medical item on you. and learn all the symptoms here is a handy page. http://dayz.gamepedi.../Status_Effects 1-2 morphine 1-2 painkiller at least 3 bandages antibiotics and epi pen i usually don't carry all the time on me because i rarely absolutely need them but bandages,morphine, and pain killers are a must and you can find it all usually 100% of the time in a hospital. so check that map and grab a goo supply before you venture out north! if you accidentally fall or something in the middle of nowhere and don't have morphine your pretty much boned =( so ALWAYS have morphine. a zombie could come up and hit you one time and break your leg. also there is a GOOD chance if you get shot or hit by a zombie you will start to bleed. so bandages are a MUST. if you run out or don't have any you're pretty much dead. good luck! -Dustin McLemore
  23. methr1k2dop3

    Am i right?

    lol... yep on high pop servers but i like to kick back on a low pop server once in awhile. kite zombies for days. and i'm usually that asshole. mostly because i log on with a friendly state of mind and get killed 3-4 times. fuck it kill them all!