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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3


    Would be cool if you can make offline worlds like minecraft. have a hardcore mode.
  2. I would love to some kinda system to choose who you spawn as and start with different equipment.(and of course servers could customise it) For instance you can choose to spawn as a civilian and start off with a pistol and a semi working car and a great food supply. Maybe spawn has a solder and start off with a military weapon and limited food. ( different types of solders like a sniper, paratrooper, infantry man, medic, and have supplies adjusted) maybe a local farmer? And start off at a farm. maybe a local mechanic? only problem i forsee is everyone spawning as a sniper or something stupid but thats where the server admins can come in customise stuff and just take the function out completely and every one start off as a civilian on the coast. for example adjust snipers to spawn with a rifle but no ammo and in the middle of nowhere. I think would add a realistic feel to it. the possibilities of having to interact with different players and trading services. for example; a civilian drives down the coast and encounters a soldier spawn walking could give him a lift and have a solder protection, or could leave him in the dust. this might be a old suggestion or already implemented on servers, i just started playing a week ago. might be good for business to. them long walks on the beach after a death is frustrating for new comers and i think scares people away from the game. i'm pretty new to this game. only bad thing about it is i didn't start playing it sooner.
  3. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    i really don't understand why people think sniping should be more difficult. i understand that getting picked off from a 12 year old because of simple point and click sniping system can be frustrating but i think a good player should always take in consideration a well trained sniper could be lurking in every hill and should move in silence and strategy. If you run around Cherno like a chicken with his head cut off you deserve to catch a piece of led in the noggin. that being said sniping should be fun and basic. not complicated. i personally don't find my self sniping in game. if i pick one up i'll sit on a hill and scan areas before i head into town. (rarely) so this is not coming from that asshole that sits on sniper hill picking off bambis heading into ele.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Am i right?

    pretty much explains 50% of the gameplay
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Backpack and Weapons Question?

    Watch some youtube videos on how the storage system works. it is a bit confusing but really simple when you understand it.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    will dayz standalone be a mod as well?

    you can now use a mouse keyboard on the ps3 not sure about the Xbox. would be cool if sony and microsoft make a keyboard mouse that is UI friendly for these next gen consoles.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    will dayz standalone be a mod as well?

    the next gen consoles will have the power to run it. depends if rocket has the motivation to come out with a console platform. but no sir the Stand alone will be its own game. not a mod.
  8. methr1k2dop3


    yes. but having the same caves around would be pretty stupid to camp in one. Maybe have dynamite or some sort of explosive make your own cave! not randomly throwing a explosive and it making a hole in the Earth. but having a option in scroll menu "Make cave" if your in a appropriate place to do so and have the supplies.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    Cars should break not explode

    lol myth buster FTW :thumbsup:
  10. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    hitting a stationary target was pretty simple..... like it should be.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    making sniping hard is not making the game less "challenging" actually makes it more challenging when you think about it. people with basic knowledge of how sniper rifles work should be able to use them. what more could you ask for?
  12. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    were overall talking about sniping. i'm all for a challenge. so making that casual gamer sitting on the hill able to hit me makes it a challenge because i have to take it in mind sniping is a thriving thing. making sniping hard anyone can run around cities with not a care in the world.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    no... just no. People like you just want to make this game so incredibly complicated it would be a headache to pick up and learn.
  14. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    A good mix of simplicity and reality is needed. Dayz IMO should be able to attract a casual gamer. if it can't do that the money just isn't there and it could not flourish like it should.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    i actually find it harder to hit targets in dayz than it would irl. i'm a mid 20's American that just has basic knowledge about guns and shooting. a video game needs to feel gamey. i really don't feel like having to learn some complicated system on sniping because i rarely use rifles. and when i do pick them up i want to be able to be mediocre at it. Might as well make piloting a hele impossible too why we're at it. i agree with taking out a weapon that is just stupidly OP and follows 0 physics and reality. but killing sniping would just be depressing. :(
  16. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    removing real things is unrealistic. dayz is a realistic game. a video games needs to be easy to play.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    When you have to survive in a world with hostiles around it is pretty much a death sentence to run around, snipers or not. If EZ mode sniping goes it will not fit with the rest of the gameplay. They would also need to make shooting every weapon harder to compensate.... make one aspect harder need to up the others. i don't want to see sniping dead it plays a viable part in dayz
  18. methr1k2dop3

    Don't be afraid

    valid argument. but that just isn't fun. sniping needs to have a part in the game and making it hard to do just would kill it. i love snipers. when i play bf3 i single them out and flank them and there rendered useless to the might of my AK. .
  19. yes of course. and finding locks to! i just find it easier not to fall in love with gear that i find. maybe finding a lock and being able to lock up any house you come across even ones in cities. and having the ability to build small sheds or houses by gathering wood.
  20. some sorta house idea would be great. maybe just a average padlock with numbers. simple as looting a padlock and using it to lock a door. maybe even get wood and be able to make some sorda small cabin in the woods. If you're lucky to come across a crowbar you can break into peoples houses. i don't really like the idea of having a place that is ABSOLUTELY impenetrable by other players. seems very unrealistic.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    Noob :)

    Filter the word 'noob' play on noob friendly servers and get a feel for the game.
  22. i <3 the scrolling system! might take one less thing out tho. which is good imo
  23. Prisons would be cool! all i need is a cross bow and cut sleeves and i can RP as Daryl Dixon! :D
  24. methr1k2dop3

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    great suggestion. beans for you
  25. methr1k2dop3

    No more 50 cals!

    lol @ people that want insanely complicate sniping. yall forget its a video game. and i don't know about you guys but i sure as shit don't want to have to "train" so i can handle myself with a rifle. Learn to use cover and smoke grenades.