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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3


    not practical. maybe mud when its raining. like parking in mud in the rain you will need a tow out or something
  2. methr1k2dop3

    alcoholic running around cherno!

    he drank a 5th of vodka if you haven't seen movie
  3. methr1k2dop3

    New Spawning Suggestion

  4. methr1k2dop3

    Rarer food and fuel

    hmmm interesting but how long would it take to farm something... maybe have fruit trees around that can possibly yield foodstuffs. or maybe be able to loot those pumpkin patches i see around cherno.
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Buy Arma2 set or wait for the standalone?

    hmmm this upcoming E3 sounds promising for a potential release date announcement.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    I need to ask something.

    what he said.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    I can't get the Debug Monitor on

    some servers i play on have it and some i can't seem to find out how to turn it on. everyone tells me "insert key" i press it and nothing happens. i have a laptop and my insert key is like fused with "delete" when i press it my character turns right*... if someone could help me out that would be great. *already tried holding shift and alt while pressing.
  8. methr1k2dop3

    Rarer food and fuel

    yes, siphoning gas should be thing! have sorta formula with all the cars. for instance 6/10 cars have no fuel 5/10 cars are missing a wheel or have a flat. 8/10 have body problems. (broken glass, mess up fenders, ect.) and so on. basically making it a 1/10 chance of finding a working car. so its almost like a puzzle finding decent car and scavenging around to get it up and running.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    Rarer food and fuel

    be cool to see roads and stuff stacked with cars but all of them not in working order. i love the idea of making fuel a precious resource. far as food and water goes making it more hard to find would be great. add another survival aspect in the game. like in the mod i got to the store get 2 foods and 2 waters and 100% of the time its there, and i'm good for the night. would be cool if it took like a average of 30 mins of looting houses and stuff just to get food and water. stocking up and saving supplies would be more crucial. this is would i think the roads should look like! http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/846949307693180934/C0E4CCE244240446F62AF6891862E0C20B9D1DC0/
  10. methr1k2dop3

    I can't play Dayz

    What kind of video card do you have?
  11. methr1k2dop3

    In one of my rare helpful moods

    you lost me at Krutoy Cap
  12. methr1k2dop3

    New player ready to start, important question

    don't fall in love with stuff you find. http://dayzdb.com/map learn where you are! there are plenty of whitelist private hives. as in you gotta ''Apply" and they give you a password. don't worry a lot of them accept every one and its just use to keep spammers and hackers out. try out 'Hunters Den' Admins are usually really cool and will help you when a hack happens.
  13. yep. best to stay outta chat and just pay attention to how people act before you trust them. like if you play on a server try to remember who is doing the killing and who truly is in it to help people.
  14. methr1k2dop3

    Where To Buy Dayz Standalone?

    just keep checking on steam for it should be out here soon.
  15. Agreed. PC gamers tend to be more mature and not so casual. need to be tech savvy to game on a pc. probably a 4-1 ratio. tis why console gaming is bigger than PC. Doesn't make consoles better. like for instance not a lot of people drive Mercedes around. doesn't make it a shit car.
  16. o man console debate. let me go grab some popcorn. PC master race! although next gen consoles both look pretty impressive even tho microsoft botched there reveal. i own all the systems and would have to say consoles just catch a simple more casual gaming experience.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Imagine SA using the ArmA III engine

    watching over somebody's shoulder playing Arma 3 looked pretty sweet. still in beta. probably want a great machine to run like its suppose to. if you're into military sims and enjoyed ARMA2 then i would definitely pick it up.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    Buy Arma2 set or wait for the standalone?

    buy it i was in the same pickle a couple months ago! Arma 2 is a great game by itself anyway, if you're into military simulators. getting awfully close to SA. if money is a prob get the 25 dollar version and kick back till the SA drops!
  19. Great question. i would like to know the answer as well. Server you play on might dictate what happens.
  20. methr1k2dop3

    Linking DayZ with steam workshop

    hmm.. the ridiculous things people would make imo,would kill the zombie apocalyptic feel.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    Realism Mechanics

    6 months later.... i like the longer you are alive the more success you will have doing something. making surviving a long time more critical.
  22. methr1k2dop3

    Dayz "Skills"

    my sides hurt^ i would absolutely hate that. Last thing Dayz SA would need is some sorta meta game. for instance if you don't have a certain spec you will suffer because everyone else maxes out X. X=OP skill we need to all be equal at start. if anything like in my previous suggestions be able to choose a class/profession type thing. something small is which ONE key item you start off with. (toolbox, map, compass, axe,makarov etc, <-- not to get off topic. but i just cant see any good coming from skill trees or any of that kinda stuff.
  23. methr1k2dop3

    Entrenchingtool for digging up hidden body?

    What if we can burn bodies....
  24. methr1k2dop3

    make flying helicopter harder by 1st person

    no. i want to be able to fly a helicopter. Be pretty shit if you spend hours fixing a helicopter up and its dam near impossible to fly. there needs to be a reward for fixing one up. like being able to use it.... i personally fly in 1st person and land in 3rd.. if people want to complain about challenges blindfold your selve.
  25. methr1k2dop3

    How customizable should clothing/character customization be?

    i agree. have you played saints row 3? thats exactly what i don't want.