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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    So Many Helicopters!

    this isn't anything strange. some servers have stupid amount of hueys around. or server just got hacked and someone spawned a bunch
  2. methr1k2dop3

    pulling off drive-bys

    i dig it
  3. methr1k2dop3

    Chernarus and more.

    ok so we have Chernarus. but what if it was possible to take a boat or a plane to a different part of the world*. it of course be automated. (you don't control the boat or plane it just goes to the place*) fix up a boat on the shore to take you somewhere else*. make it add on content maybe... take a lot of supplies to get plane/boat to go. (once vessel is fixed up its good to go back and forth) Giant cruise ship you can run around in why its going to destination. basically make it possible to make different environments within the same server. if you play WoW its sorta like taking a zeplin from Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms. think of Kalimdor as Chernarus and Eastern Kingdom as North Korea.<--- Example, don't want to turn thread into what other place should be. *a different location, it be Japan or the US. created by players or Rocket as DLC. An option to add a different environment other than Chernarus with in the same server. Possibilities are endless on what destination could be. it could be a island that is just a giant military base or even Los Angeles. Edit--Maybe even a giant boat in cherno that goes back and forth from Chernarus and location* every 20 mins. you could get on and run around boat why it sails for 20 mins. i want to avoid posts about how game developers make DLC half of the game... when i say DLC i mean it be free download or so what if you have to pay 5 bucks for a badass map of LA then its worth it. not what thread is about
  4. methr1k2dop3

    DayZ Standalone map editor

    i haven't had this feel yet... i just started a month ago and have been playing on private hives. i would like some sorta customization, see what people can create!
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Increased threat posed by zombies...

    Id like to see zombies chasing somebody into a building and if you close the door they can't open it but stay at door until something aggros them off! might bring a whole new way to be a hero! save someone thats trapped on top of a building or stuck in a house running low on food
  6. methr1k2dop3

    Dead Penalty, Animals, Phicopatism

    but this would be cooool B) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyNu0CDim0w
  7. methr1k2dop3

    there should be dog

    im gonna have it up to here with dogs after i buy and play COD: Ghosts
  8. methr1k2dop3

    The Armsel Striker!

    basically what i said.... this would do the same amount of damage as any shotgun.... i don't see how a slower firing rate would be a flaw. as in the shotty in video would have increased firing rate than current pump action shottys if anything should have a faster firing rate. semi automatic. only upside is faster shooting and higher round capacity. downside is less accuracy and slower reloads. a lot slower a shotgun is a shotgun. what matters is what kinda load you have in it. this would have horrid accuracy and range but be able to pump out rounds a lot faster a pump would have increased accuracy and ranged on a count of a longer barrel. shotguns aren't viable against people. ( but still extremely deadly at close range,but so is any gun) they are made for hunting. only reason police and military use them is to avoid civilian casualties. a shotgun round is only gonna go as far a wall lets it. but a rifle round will pierce dry wall like paper so best option is a shotgun if you have to raid a apartment or a heavily populated area
  9. methr1k2dop3

    The Armsel Striker!

    they took 50 cals out. i think the message behind that was they don't want any OP military type weapons in the game. nice to see a shotgun tho that is actually worth using.
  10. methr1k2dop3

    Increased threat posed by zombies...

    lol. i can finally shoot zombies outside. usually i kite into building before i kill. rarely i kill zombies outside unless i know i can down them before they start buggin out
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Skin loader in DayZ

    Ronald Mcdonald running around cherno with a AK would be a sight to see.
  12. methr1k2dop3

    Increased threat posed by zombies...

    from what i gather from official posts about the SA they are improving zombie pathing.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    Something cool for DayZ?

    better yet be able to shoot off limbs!
  14. I've read some where. can't remember where. that there will be like hidden skills in SA. that WILL NOT affect combat. when you die it will be reset. if someone could link it that would be awesome.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Chernarus and more.

    you are missing the over all point man! its not about how such things happen it's about having a different environment accessible. maybe a big ass plane somewhere that is set on auto pilot to land in Italy or some American City. i've seen many threads about other places.... but what if another place was accessible from Chernarus. maybe 2 ways of getting to said place. if you're a bandit you go by boat if you're a hero you go by plane if you show up at locations to travel to place you will be shot at if you don't have the humanity. or get a plane, boat, or vehicle move out of map and have a option to travel to destination. loading screen..... ,,,, ,, , ,,,,, ,,, Appear in location.
  16. methr1k2dop3

    Chernarus and more.

    what if it was a free download? random ass island? the possibility to make any enviroment and it be incorporated with Chernarus and the same server. i see it now! SA comes out! free download comes out for LA and all you gotta do is catch the ship in cherno.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Chernarus and more.

    yeah i see the realism factor. but maybe you are the captain of boat, maybe get lost? marooned on a island? or just add a gamey feel .... get on boat... loading screen........ in a city on the coast of Canada. this is just suggesting a option to go to another map. the means of making that happen are another thread.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    DayZ Standalone map editor

    a map editor would be nice. don't like it? don't play on that server. would be cool if rocket came out with official maps of different locations!
  19. methr1k2dop3

    E3 and our attendance

    great post! i most definitely won't be missing the E3 action
  20. methr1k2dop3

    Randomly dying..WTF

    A. Don't fall in love with your gear. B. hackers and bugs are a bitch! C. every one has died from bull shit. D. if you didn't die from a player 9/10 your body will be there so make your way back to your body! E. good luck my friend! hope you have a better experience. everyone have these moments. to give you a related story... i once fixed up a ATV (took me like 40 mins) was driving outside ele NE,along coast. got to a bridge. when i got to bridge i launched into the air about 30 feet and flipped like 8 times and landed and died. i brushed it off spawned and made my way back there. picked up my DMR and my ATV was surprisingly not too damaged. made my way to NEAF and had a bitchin time
  21. I play Dayz to have a zombie apocalyptic gaming experience. clans running around with machine guns and sniper rifles in Helicopters looking to "frag" someone kills the mood imo. but thats just me. Donor gear, impenetrable clan bases, 20 helicopters flying around, groups of people driving along coast killing people for the hell of it is just simply not my cup of tea. but don't get me wrong getting a few amigos together and helping eachother out is fun! but its just silly when i'm walking down the coast fresh spawn and a truck pulls up and 5 people come out and slaughter me. then in side chat 'L2 PvP fagit'
  22. even hearing the term 'clan survival PVP' in dayz makes me want to vomit. Clan survival pvp = Get military weapons and camp bambies trying to get gear.
  23. methr1k2dop3

    E3 and our attendance

    Stoked!!!!!!!! how does one go about watching E3? like last year i watched it with Xplay and stuff doing their coverage. now Xplay and AOTS are no more what are some other ways to see live coverage?
  24. methr1k2dop3

    Self Blood Bags

    hmmm i like the idea of need a medical room and equipment to do a blood trans. not so much blood bagging your self maybe that being the only way to blood bag your self? having to be in the hospital.