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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. No matter what happens it will be the farthest thing from Call of Duty. regarding the the gross monstrosity in the middle of the screen, im sure its a development thing and if not i hope you can turn it off.
  2. methr1k2dop3

    E3 and our attendance

    unfortunately a lot of the information wasn't anything new. however i did like to hear some of the thinking behind some of the decisions from Dean. i have faith in the development of the SA. did a very well job explaining the release date issue and i am satisfied with having to wait longer. rather than having some sort of blanket statement "like yeah you are gonna have to wait till next year"
  3. Here is my suggestion. -Trophy system. ->NOT achievements.<- here is what i have in my head. -i started a character. survived 13 days on the main menu i can go to my "stats page" or "trophy room" w/e you want to call it i can see my character stats for that life span. zed kills / bandit kills / etc. miles walked. gear i had on me upon death. a way to share the stats via social networking sites. option to save it. obviously not gonna save EVERY single death. might be a fun little way to brag to your friends on how long you can survive. and have a way to prove it. Also, might combat the KOS issue. if its addicting to have a high lifespan, people will play safer! you just aren't a good dayz player if you can't link a character that has a month survived. hope everyone picks at the idea as much as possible. Major flaw i see is how would we keep track of time spent. should it be hours played? like if i start a character and i don't play for a week i should not have a character with a week survival time. Another flaw would be surviving for a long period of time and dieing from a hacker or some silly bug. Happy surviving! EDIT: i got this idea from Diablo2. Making a Hardcore character and having them still in your character slots showing what level you died at. EDIT: i know everyone will throw rocks at me for even mentioning a level system.... but this could be that hidden level system. not so much level 3. but 3 days survived.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    e yes. exactly what i had in mind.
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    yes. living is your reward.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    [SA] Regarding Zombie Knockdown

    :beans: i would love to see something like this implemented. specially with the new knockdown system.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    Infection 1.7.7

    Don mean to be a thread terrorist and sound stupid. but i can't seem to find it. is why i asked.
  8. methr1k2dop3

    Infection 1.7.7

    These new viral zombies what do they look like?
  9. methr1k2dop3

    Best way to occupy yourself during sniping

    this... :beans:
  10. methr1k2dop3

    Not sure if I'm smart or stupid.

    self blood bagging you can find on private hives. but i find it crucial that you cant blood bag yourself. makes it almost a sure thing you are gonna need someones help eventually. which is a good thing. influences heroic actions. and heroic actions is what Dayz needs IMO of course
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Blood levels and desaturation

    I approve of this suggestion. nothing grinds my gears more than one zombie hitting me and i have to look at a slightly desaturated screen until i find blood. ​which is usually around 20 mins.
  12. methr1k2dop3

    Combat Logging

    so many things wrong with that statement. they are gonna be doing something about combat logging in SA.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    How do i update Dayz?

    well there is your problem. Dayz Commander>everything else goodluck!
  14. methr1k2dop3

    Remove gamma and brightness settings

    this wouldn't work... do i have to explain why? i'm sure you can see it.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Remove gamma and brightness settings

    lol... Beans to you sir.
  16. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    ok i feel like you're just that 1% agree to disagree.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Remove gamma and brightness settings

    exactly what i was about to type. totally on point :beans:
  18. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    if you are not rewarded then what is the point of anything in life. pats on the back are good things. people don't care about dying because there isn't a reward system other than not having to make that long walk on the beach. Name a video game that doesn't have a crucial reward system. yeah yeah yeah dayz isn't about being "gamey" but this doesn't really apply to anything in game.
  19. methr1k2dop3

    Remove gamma and brightness settings

    i bind my alt key to switch views. so i can grab the benefits of third person and first person. everyone should do the same and just stop complaining about it.
  20. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    it would make surviving more addictive. and thats the point of the game right? surviving?? it will reward those who strive to better themselves. rather than running around killing everything that moves and dying all the time. so like in the current mod. i will run around like crazy because it doesn't matter if i die. i have all my gear stashed away or i'm a fresh spawn. it will push people to survive and develop their character. making it more rewarding to live longer.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    well yes... it would be accessible online for easy sharing. but have a kinda epic way of doing so.
  22. methr1k2dop3

    Remove gamma and brightness settings

    its just a exploit we all have to deal with. i don't think making it only accessible in beginning of game will stop people from doing it.
  23. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    lol... stat whore. but would essentially people would be playing the game the "right" way. right way as in not running around and making cherno a giant deathmatch. i want to be able to share with people the feats i have accomplished. a journal would be the same concept. but you can access the journal outside the game and share it.
  24. methr1k2dop3

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    i would use it for epic single player games. i don't know about fast paced multiplayer action.
  25. methr1k2dop3

    Yeah, i'm pretty much a bad a**.

    nononononoononononoono. you having a character that has 6 months survived is your little digital trophy! hmmmm. Mayb rocket could sell actual trophies with your character on the top and your name imprinted in it. with days survived. of course you would only order one if you had a prestigious character and you want to put high up on the mantel.