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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Complaining about people that are complaining about people that are complaining about 1.7.7 is ultra ironic.
  2. methr1k2dop3

    New city names!

    i get ovulate and Ballchinian. Ballchinian from men and black https://si0.twimg.co...llchinian_9.jpg edit* premenstria was easy. Inmybutgrab is the problem child.
  3. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    we sometimes forget its a video game and imo frustration doesn't belong. a good challenge tho, ill drink to that
  4. methr1k2dop3

    Are Helicopters worth the effort?

    yes then can be very beneficial. usually want a tight compadre to help you tho. o and play Arma2 and learn how to fly!
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    Only tip i have for you is to play by yourself. Best way to learn the ropes and have fun is to be on your own. good luck my friend.
  6. methr1k2dop3

    Noobie questions

    ^what the guys above me said. The SA alpha might be a little bit longer you should consider picking up Arma2 until then.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    End game suggestion - holy book

    good idea. but i think Dayz is about making your own adventure. stuff like this is a bit to gamey to belong in Dayz. imo of course!
  8. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    i like this game to be hard and challenging. not frustrating. there is a difference. I simply can't enjoy other parts of the game anymore because its so easy to get a infection. so the time i do spend playing revolves around getting antibiotics. but i will just have to deal with it i guess.
  9. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    complaining about people complaining. i can almost smell the irony.
  10. methr1k2dop3

    End game suggestion - holy book

    but i'm atheist.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    New city names!

  12. methr1k2dop3

    Some questions about this game....

    nobody knows. if i had to make a prediction.. 14.99. We should get a pool going for SA alpha price.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    I agree with op. but come on.... this infection thing is just silly imo. tone down infection rate a little bit. maybe antibiotics make you immune to infections for a couple hours. Would like to see a tad more antibiotics. one fresh hosptial should at least yield 1.... i love the new challenges. but i can't enjoy the game because i'm on a quest for antibiotics 100% of the time.
  14. methr1k2dop3

    Some questions about this game....

    no there isn't that i know of. once you buy Alpha you will own the official one when it comes out. Similar to Minecraft and Arma3. reason why mod is 25 is because you are buying Arma 2 and DLC.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    Happens to me every here and there. i usually just restart and its fixed. but seems like that isn't working for you =(
  16. methr1k2dop3

    What you guys think about the new update?

    if they could down the infection rate just a little bit i would be fine with everything. love how its harder. but its way to easy to get a infection. (Typically have it where a hospital yields at least 1-2 antibiotic every time.) maybe tone the knock down rate a smidge. other than that everything looks great. gonna give it one more go tonight. if i don't like it i gonna downgrade to a older patch and play on a hive.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    Another way of playing (SURVIVAL VS SHOOTER)

    Absolutely not. ^ :beans: ---- this would be great.
  18. Hopefully there are bunches of different types of headwear. I like how this looks.
  19. methr1k2dop3

    What you guys think about the new update?

    i realise that... but 3 major cities should IMO give me something. Each have hospitals. after berez i was so low on blood i couldn't even see. i had better luck earlier today with it tho. maybe it was just my time to go. EDIT: I looted what i could off zombies.
  20. methr1k2dop3


    lol.... after playing this patch more i am getting a little frustrated with this infection thing. after getting infection tonight i spent hours looking for antibiotics and i couldn't find any.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    What you guys think about the new update?

    Zombies knocked me down, i got up took a few steps and they knocked me down again. this happened 4 times in a row. i looked a bit silly trying to make my way through Cherno. at first i liked this update. (still sorta do) but once i got a infection. Cherno, Electro, and Berez did not yield one antibiotic. >:( So i sat under a tree reminiscing about life waiting for death to take me away. :( Edit: I think patch is in the right direction. maybe a few tweaks.
  22. methr1k2dop3


    i like it. Basically have to find this pump to get fuel from tanks.
  23. methr1k2dop3


    Finding extra antibiotics is like striking oil. which is a goodthing
  24. methr1k2dop3

    SA: Departure from ArmA Animations?

    I think a lot of people felt the same way. but it being pre alpha i don't think i'll lose a minute of sleep... yet. good read. beans to you sir. off topic- I have never seen gameplay of WarZ just heard horrific stories about how bad that game is. maybe i should check it out so i could appreciate good animations.
  25. methr1k2dop3


    i actually like this. makes antibiotics key into survival. maybe up the % a little in finding them. i personally haven't got a infection that killed me yet. ( takes a little bit to find medicine but i eventually find some) usually takes awhile for it to kill you. maybe after taking antibiotics you are immune to an infection for an hour.