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Everything posted by methr1k2dop3

  1. methr1k2dop3

    SA - Dynamic Damage

    first 20 secs of video just pissed me off.
  2. methr1k2dop3

    White flag

    Fantastic idea. but it would be taken advantage of by bandits.
  3. methr1k2dop3

    Red light.

    Was out camping the other weekend and had one of these works great. Reflectors on cars also light up when light is pointed at them. Would be a neat idea. Lights don't give away position so easy. Edit** Also i forgot to mention when using these lights don't mess with you natural night vision. Eyes would remain adjusted to the dark.
  4. methr1k2dop3

    1.7.7 really punished stupidity

    bugs shoulda bin taken in consideration when buffing them. im done with you
  5. methr1k2dop3

    Tents should reset when you die.

    then why even have tents? Only reason i even use tents is to gear up after spawn.
  6. i love this. getting nicked by a zombie is a potential death sentence unless you can find a cure.
  7. methr1k2dop3

    1.7.7 really punished stupidity

    Adapting to what? broken zombies? and yeah i played the patch, i got up north, geared out, fixed a car, and slayed some bandits. zeds already bugged, making them stronger was bad. I liked the hotfix. flows a lot better. still some stuff that makes me want to beat my dog but its all gravy. im about that life.
  8. methr1k2dop3

    1.7.7 really punished stupidity

    Only timed zeds killed me was because of bugs.(hitting through walls, teleporting, etc.) bug + death = no fun no fun = Warz half life 3 confirmed.
  9. i like the idea of slow zombies in mod. i think it would be great if they just walked. Of course have damage increase by a bajillion percent. basically one or two hits kill you. IMO, i think they should just fast walk. would make the game more fun. in current mod i don't even call them zombies i call them bugs. big ass giant bugs that hit through walls and run around like they are hopped up on meth.
  10. Yes and gives your CPU super powers. Also, it causes cancer.
  11. methr1k2dop3

    Nothing except for cans spawning?

    the hotfix made it manageable. I'm having fun with wasteland right now tho.
  12. methr1k2dop3

    I and Many other Demand Change!

    Something like this would make me KOS more so i don't fall victim to some senseless act in Cherno firehouse.
  13. methr1k2dop3

    Best places to find camping tents?

    Sometimes the gods bless you with plenty of tents. Sometimes they are rare mythical creatures.
  14. methr1k2dop3

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    I can see something along the lines of there being a 2 min period where you are critically wounded and need someone to help.
  15. methr1k2dop3

    Why don't people leave the coast?

    Because you spawn on the coast. bambis go to electro and cherno for basic supplies bandits stalk the cities for people that are undergeared heros are there to kill bandits PvP cod kids go to 360 quickscope people.
  16. methr1k2dop3

    standalone missions

    These PVE scenarios should be random. One thing will happen every hour. and its pretty small. example. Cars with survivor NPCs make their way through cherno. Boat wrecks on to coast. All similar to heli crashes. just different forms of it.
  17. methr1k2dop3

    What the Standalone really needs.

    Would be sweet for cinematic before start menu. Just showing Chernarus going to shit.
  18. methr1k2dop3

    New DayZ Loot Spawn Locations??

    i think most of us are on reddit as well buddy. or at least i am.
  19. methr1k2dop3

    Long guns not worth it

    Axe is all you need brother.
  20. methr1k2dop3

    Why its better to stay at

    Op makes valid points. Adapt to what? bugged to shit zombies? that just isn't fun. ok ok you are a badass and like a challenge ... cool me too but zeds are too buggy to make them more difficult.
  21. methr1k2dop3

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Difficult zombies and no loot is great. I like the challenge. but see here is the thing.. Zombies port around you, hit through walls, hit you from 5-7 ft away, have irregular run patterns, 20 of them will spawn when you walk into a building and follow you in. THE ONLY THING that a makes these zombies "difficult" is that they are buggy as hell. <-- and thats why im gonna roll back to 1.7.6 If zombies were more fluent and put together then sure bring it on. I know Arma is what's holding back more fluent zombies so maybe this isn't for the mod. Here is my story, names have been changed to protect the identities of the victims. Spawned in kamenka. dead bambie in the road. Crawl all the way to the road avoiding zed aggro Get there. Right when i go to loot, a special zombies ports right behind me hits me and gives me infection. he begins to run around me while i'm trying to shoot him. Miss every shot, not because i'm a bad shot but because damn zombie is running around like a maniac Aggro more zombies. 6 zeds on me i double tap W and try to lose them. Running through the forest and running around buildings they followed me ALL the way to Balota, or maybe i lost them but pulled more along the way im not sure i couldn't lose them to go back into stealth mode, was a zed on me 100% of the time. Finally get into building at airfield and lose them. Hive i'm on has a barracks so i enter ze barracks with one zombie on me and none around. When i get to the back of the building 10 zombies start entering the building.. I'm bout that life kill like 4 of them. Then one hits me through the wall knocking me out. ALT f4 and here we are now.
  22. methr1k2dop3

    Dupers in 1.7.7 don't know what hit them

    Dayz porn. 10/10 would fap. :beans:
  23. methr1k2dop3

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    First person cannot capture your surroundings like 3rd person. Yes peeking around corners is a exploit but somethings gotta give.
  24. methr1k2dop3

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    i play in 3rd... i think its more realistic.