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About Mr.Mister

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  1. Mr.Mister

    What are fun things to do in DayZ?

    If you find a red golf in Dayz, you can hop in the trunk and have players steal the car while your in the trunk. Not only is this hilarious but you can also find their base. Sure you may lose your one and only car but its a great trick to use if your bored. :)
  2. Mr.Mister

    Looking for a Clan.

    How many members are in your clan and How old is your clan?
  3. Mr.Mister

    Looking for a Clan.

    Hello forum members and visitors reading this! I am looking for a clan to join, and in this thread I will say a little bit about me and what I am looking for. I am a 15 year old gamer that has been playing games since gameboys and the original xbox. I am an experienced member of FPS and Strategy type games like Dayz. I am a team player and thats that. I prefer to call myself a friendly bandit, not always a bandit but if a player COULD bring harm to me then they should be disarmed or killed in my eyes. So unless your armed well and heading towards me, theres nothing to worry about. I speak English and have TS, skype, and a working microphone. I have been playing dayz for about 8 months and I have seen everything there is to see, aswell as crashed my share of helicopters. I am looking for a clan that is ACTIVE and not brand new, must have at least 15 members. I would prefer a clan playing on private hive and I would NOT prefer to play on a clans private servers, due to the fact admins can be abusive. Even if they are on my team I just dont like it. So im hoping to play in a squad later today. If your just a player without a clan and your looking for one, feel free to team up with me untill you find your home! -
  4. Mr.Mister

    Forming a small 4 man squad

    Hoping your still looking for members since you posted "bump" anyways... ​Age: In Game Name:Mcc83 Native Language:English Country:United States of America Time Zone: Central Combat Skill: 6-7/10
  5. Mr.Mister

    New "Predator Event" - BANDITS NEEDED!

    Mr.Mister Here! I am not a friendly or bandit player, and dont really care if I am predator or pray. But this certainly looks interesting! If I had to pick one it would be to act as prey but predator is something I would like to try aswell.
  6. For people with some high quality taste, I listen to this when I go driving or "Truckin" around maps on dayz.. I have a whole libray of "Road Trip Music" Anyways here we go... Which of course is eastbound and down, if you have never seen smokey and the bandit then you do not have my 100% respect :beans: And another great song when traveling... Which is non other then paradise city. Enjoy - The one and only, Mr.Mister
  7. Mr.Mister

    You see a hero

    I took this poll a while back, and recently, had an encounter with a hero. Not all heroes are nice, especially private hive ones, they just have to bloodbag their bandit buddys and what do you know they have a hero skin. The other day they had opened fire on our heli, which we declared friendly in chat, and managed to kill 0 of my friends and I was the person to kill the hero. Long story short, bandits are masters of disguise, and trust is something every player should keep in mind. - The one and only, Mcc83
  8. Mr.Mister

    Looking for a Group

    So the title says it all! I am a 14 year old male who has been playing dayz for over 6 months. My real name is Michael an my IGN is mcc83, I excl in areas such as being a pilot or being an assault soldier. Teammembers must speak clear english, have a mic (must be working WELL), and can commit to being a team player. I will not join a copy and paste clan or group, as they do not care for their recruits. If someone wants me to join and play with them, they can spend 30 seconds typing it. And before I forget, I prefer to play on tavianna, origins, and the normal dayz map servers, but any map is fine for me. Well hope we play together sometime -The one and only. Mcc83
  9. Mr.Mister

    Traders and Traitors List

    Perhaps, someone could create some kind of list engine, that you would be able to type any players name, and see if they have positive or negative trades.
  10. Mr.Mister

    Watchout!!! ]ST7[ Snake is a bandit

    I really hate people that abuse the trust and kindness of other players. Even if they are bandits and at least they should have some dignity by going through with a deal.
  11. DAYZ ME ROLLIN! DAY HATIN! Get it...
  12. Mr.Mister

    Taking Out a Clan

    This is certainly something to be proud of, but if you took out a clan of 9 fully geared like that, well then I bet the Private Hive admin just spawned it in for their buddies, I mean they must be the worst shots on earth.
  13. Mr.Mister

    [SA]Who you were before shit hit the fan .

    I think this is one of those amazing ideas that will have to wait untill Hall isnt working on standalone or something important. Oh WAIT! Thats now, we have been waiting for so long for SA and all they do is make the release date further so marketing works out. EVERYONE that plays dayz will get SA so please Bohemia and Rocket, just give us the damn game. That was a bit off topic, but anyways good idea! And for players that think you could commit suicide to change your class, well there could be timers, so your class would only change if you died after an hour or so, long enough for the player to get gear and not want to commit suicide.
  14. Mr.Mister

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Well look its almost June, marking the days one at a time!
  15. Mr.Mister

    DayZ still so much hackers/cheaters?

    It seems you never find a hacker untill you find the best possible gear, here is an example. You: LOOK A TANK WITH 3 thermal AS50s! Wow and a helicopter! (Insert troll): Not for long! (Teleports everyone to an island). So here is a tip to help stay away from hackers and being killed/losing all your loot, when a hacker is on and 2 people have complained, get the hell off the server before he teleports everyone. Try and stay away from your base as often as you can so if a hacker teleports to you he doesnt know where your base is.