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About Parity

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  1. You're wrong again, I do have the arma beta patch and my position still stands.
  2. I have no problems with the nighttime, chemlights, flashlights and flares work just fine for me. The only downside I see is the transition (Twilight) between day and night is just way too short considering gametime runs in realtime 1:1 ratio.
  3. Parity

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    Spot a player | V Did he spot you? -> Yes -> Kill | V No | V Can you avoid? -> No -> Kill | V Yes | V Carry on, collect beans, profit. That's how I roll. The only decision I find hard to make is when I'm about to enter a building, do I call out in direct chat/voice if someone is holed up in there or do I sneak in? If I come upon a person without notifying, he may get the drop on me and will fire out of self defense OR will my notification mean they know I'm coming and are ready? There's a chance of the person being friendly and avoiding a confrontation. Choices, choices.
  4. Parity

    Zombies with missing limbs - Easy

    Except they're not the living undead, they are infected people. If they were losing limbs they'd be dead sooner than later so your idea is void.
  5. NO But decrease mags/supplies greatly (Gives bandits less incentive to hunt newly spawns)
  6. YES Adds some depth/detection to it without taking away clothing options.
  7. Parity


    Seconded, I really liked EU13, was wondering why it was gone since yesterday.
  8. Parity

    Bug Hax or glitch?! (picture)

    That's either a bug or a very severe case of packrat mentality right there
  9. Parity

    I'm a murderer T_T

    Did I say kill on sight? No I did not. Avoid if possible, if it's not possible then it's better to take the shot first. Read up on Prisoners' Dilemma. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoners_dilemma
  10. Parity

    Aww Man

    He really wanted that pepsi
  11. Parity

    I'm a murderer T_T

    See a player | V Did he see you? --> Yes --> Kill. | V No. | V Can you avoid? --> No --> Kill. | V Yes | V Find some beans, profit. That's how I stand.