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Everything posted by AlphaN

  1. AlphaN


    Name: AlphaN (Joey IRL) Age: 16 How long have you been playing dayz?: 1 and a half year I think Timezone: GMT +1 Bandit/Hero?: I love to kill people but I won't kill someone who just spawned without a reason. How Active: 4 hours a day at least, got my summer holiday atm. Anything else we need to know: I have no idea. ;)
  2. Hey, I'm looking for someone to play with. I'm 16 (almost 17) and I like to play serious and tactical. My main language is Dutch but I can speak and understand English too. My timezone is GMT +1. I play DayZ around 1,5 years now. I prefer to play on Namalsk, Taviana or just playing origins/breaking point. I also love to play wasteland. I'm using Skype but I'm able to use teamspeak as well. I don't got a server tho. Send me a PM and I'll give you my skype ;)