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Everything posted by DoctorScandalous

  1. DoctorScandalous

    mountain dew :D

    Tin can was previously a can of beans. I felt that no other type of can would be fit for consistent post-mortem use in the wilds of Chernarus. Now, if this were back in my younger, wilder days... it might have been a can of "Unknown" that I had recklessly consumed on an arrogant whim. But today is not that day... nor will I ever feel that young and carefree ever again. *sighs* I propose that we conduct this trade in the center of the NWAF runway for safety's sake. I will, of course, require an overwatch sniper for this transaction. His modesty prevents himself from you seeing his face, however... so he will be wearing a light tan head covering. I assure you that he will be trustworthy, however. He's told me many stories about how his ritualistic sacrifice of the slack-jawed devil goats who frequent the wilderness earned him the honor of his head-dress bestowed to him by the shaman who live at Green Mountain, who admired his dedication while he strove to craft his own bloodbags (I think he's preparing for the standalone) from the goats' blood. All in all, I feel pretty good about this trade...
  2. DoctorScandalous

    mountain dew :D

    I'll trade you one tin can for it... if not just so I can take it to Skalisty Island where it can be properly exiled where it belongs. This is not a hasty trade. I LOVE my tin can. Boil all of my water with it. We're tight, if you know what I mean. Serious trade only. Think about it. Major life decision you're embarking on here, buddy.
  3. DoctorScandalous

    Poll: What's your Favorite Gun for Heli Crash Looting?

    I was starting to consider using either a M16A2 ACOG for easy STANAG ammo (plentiful, ACOG makes popping zombies outside the audible distance easier) or a M249 SAW (more ammo, 80m audible range) I like the DMR/M14 idea, but the 180m audible range seems like it'd cause more harm than good and you'd have to be a decent shot when the zombies are rushing you....
  4. DoctorScandalous

    Poll: What's your Favorite Gun for Heli Crash Looting?

    Do you find that using silenced rounds is sustainable, though? I mean, you only run across SD ammo boxes once in a great while... :)
  5. DoctorScandalous

    Mic's Store: [Closed]

    Heh heh heh heh... motor ass. I'll keep my eye out, buddy... 'gratz on the heli find.
  6. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    UPDATED 8/27 (8:45AM) Updated stocks, now have an SA-58V ACOG in the mix. Played around with it a bit... not too shabby. I might stick with the M4A1 CCO SD, though. :)
  7. DoctorScandalous

    Open Question to Traders RE: Tents

    Quick question for all of you traders out there: it seems safe to say that tents are the hottest commodity to own/use as collateral in trades, with the only other close options being sandbags and satchel charges. So here's my question: Do you ever trade FOR tents? Or do you end up just having to look for/find your own? I'd love to trade for tents, but it just seems like nobody really ever has them. Or... let me ask another question that kind of goes in the same direction: What do you think a fair trade for a tent would be? If you were shopping for a tent and someone walked up to you and said "Hey, I've got a tent I want to trade"... what would you offer them for it? What do you think is fair? Just some food for thought... pick the brains of all of my fellow traders. :)
  8. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    I think I just blushed. I don't know how I feel about that, to be honest.
  9. DoctorScandalous

    Brady's DayZ Trading Outpost! Customer Satisfaction GUARENTEED!

    Brady is a great trader and very friendly guy. I highly recommend him as a trader.
  10. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Brady12 Quick, easy, friendly... everything you could ask for in a trade.
  11. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    UPDATED 8/26 (5:30AM) Finally got an M40A3 in stock... what an awesome gun! I'll have it listed up here for trade, but you'll probably have to make a PRETTY awesome deal to pry this thing away from me. It looks SWEET if you've already got a ghillie on.... That being said... I'd love to get my hands on another one, so just because I already have one in stock (and this goes for ANY weapon on my list) I'm always looking to get more! PM me with your offers....
  12. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    Great trade with Brady12... can't wait to trade with him again in the future! +1 !!!
  13. DoctorScandalous

    Mic's Store: [Closed]

    Is the list you have up there accurate now? Cuz if you do... boy, we have some TRADING to do! :)
  14. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    PM sent!
  15. DoctorScandalous

    ISO E-Tool

    Does anyone have an e-tool they'd be willing to trade? I'm down to trade aggressively for it....
  16. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    UPDATED 8/25 (2AM EST) Updated with a BUNCH of new goodies... what a FANTASTIC night for new gear and looting!!!!
  17. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 GrumpyCat Great guy, great trade... dude literally saved my life! lol
  18. DoctorScandalous

    ISO E-Tool

    Thanks, Grumpy!!!
  19. DoctorScandalous

    ISO E-Tool

    PM sent
  20. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    Hicks, You mean like being an overwatch sniper? Hmmmmmm... hadn't given that much thought. PM me... let's chat.
  21. DoctorScandalous

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Sorry to hear the bad news, man.... best of luck!
  22. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Filas02 Smooth trade, very friendly... couldn't ask for more!
  23. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    Great trade with Filas02! Thanks buddy!
  24. DoctorScandalous

    Trading away Ghillie suit.

    Thanks for the great trade!
  25. I'm just wondering how far you think someone who has full health could run before they died by infection/blood loss? Assuming the following: Level groundUnarmed/armed with pistolStarting with full health/food/drink metersThoughts? Estimates? Hard facts?