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Everything posted by DoctorScandalous

  1. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    Private Chief: PM sent
  2. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 EngineerZ Good trade! Good times!
  3. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Geneva. Easy trade. Good times.
  4. DoctorScandalous

    STANAG SD>M9SD Bulk Exchange

    Tricky... just sent you a message.
  5. DoctorScandalous

    STANAG SD>M9SD Bulk Exchange

    Don't have an M16 on me right now. Just looking for STANAG SD>M9SD trades at this time.
  6. DoctorScandalous

    Best/Most Practical Way to Find M9SD Mags?

    Just looking for extra perspective, my friend.... Anybody have any thoughts on this?
  7. DoctorScandalous

    Best/Most Practical Way to Find M9SD Mags?

    Yeah... that's what I was using... but I guess I was looking for everyone's input on favorite places/where they've had the most success... if there are spots that they feel are "better" than others.
  8. DoctorScandalous

    Best/Most Practical Way to Find M9SD Mags?

    Interesting. I NEVER see them spawn anywhere... in fact, I've only seen them in the wild (outside of trading) like 3-4 times.
  9. DoctorScandalous

    STANAG SD>M9SD Bulk Exchange

    I'm absolutely still interested... it's just figuring out everyone's schedules, lol. Drop me another PM... I'd love to get the trade going. (This post is more of a bulk-request thing... I'm hoping to get 5-10+ mags/trade with this route)
  10. DoctorScandalous

    M107/AS50: Still Viable to Trade?

    Have had some trades come up where players (still playing on old/active servers where the gun is still "in-force") want to trade AS50's/M107's... I mean, I guess if you're on a server where it works, that's cool... does anyone in here have any DESIRE to acquire one of these guys/ammo if I got one in stock? Curious minds want to know....
  11. DoctorScandalous

    M107/AS50: Still Viable to Trade?

    Roger that!!! Thanks for the input!
  12. DoctorScandalous


    I have 2-3 FN-FAL mags, but I probably won't be able to get them to you for another couple of days. If you're on in the early morning (4-7am EST), feel free to add me on Skype (DrScandalousDayZ) and I could certainly get them for you then. If nobody else can get you some, let me know... I'll figure out a way to get them to you.
  13. DoctorScandalous

    Need STANAG SD mags

    Did you tell the medic/guy who gave you the mags that you had an overwatch ahead of time? 'Cuz if you didn't... I don't know how funny I'd think that was if I were him, lol
  14. DoctorScandalous

    Need STANAG SD mags

    Kindness is rewarded. Don't always assume that everyone is a KOS'ing SOB... :)
  15. DoctorScandalous

    Looking for some NVGS

    I want to trade with THIS guy!!!! :) Hey Tricky... if you're hanging around in Stary Sabor for a couple of days and you add/see me on Skype, I'll hook you up with some STANAG SD mags for free... just to say hi and thanks for being so generous/accommodating to other DayZ'ers. Trust is tough... but you're making the right moves. Keep it up!
  16. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    UPDATE 9/4 (7:00AM) New SVD, M4A1 CCO, M249 SAW + BIZON PP-19SD.
  17. DoctorScandalous

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Elixium. Probably one of my biggest trades so far, in terms of gear... had to empty out ALL of the pockets for this one! Highly recommended!
  18. DoctorScandalous

    Traders: Biggest Trade Ever?

    Ok... now how about hearing from some NORMAL traders? (all in good fun, Dave!)
  19. Does anyone else still have the button floating around at the middle-top of their screen? If you click on it, it says that the page can't be found... and despite changing my password, it's still there. Does anyone know if it's eventually going to go away? I keep trying to click on forums/sections of the site and keep accidentally hitting that button instead. Small pet peeve, but still a curiosity....
  20. DoctorScandalous

    (TB) Password Change Reminder Button Question

    Ha ha... that's why I included the screenshot. I wasn't going to type ALL of that out, lol.
  21. DoctorScandalous

    (TB) Password Change Reminder Button Question

    If I click on it, it says "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" blah blah blah... couldn't find the page, please proceed to the forums. What does THAT mean? Broken link? Does that mean there might be an issue with my account? Bleh. :) Screenshot: http://imgur.com/1ExE67c
  22. DoctorScandalous

    Selling NVG, ghillie, rangefinder ++

    I'll check those out... thanks!
  23. DoctorScandalous

    Selling NVG, ghillie, rangefinder ++

    Might still be a legit question if he's still playing on old servers... it makes me sad sometimes when I realize that I've never heard the sound of an AS50 fire in-game... *single tear*
  24. DoctorScandalous

    DrScandalous Trading

    UPDATE 9/3 (6:30AM) Added a couple ghillies, camo clothing, a G36C (nice gun!), more ammo and and some more anti's.
  25. I love that I can ID your posts before I even see your screen name just by the initial caps.