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About stice

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  1. Not a nice solution, but works: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/disable-program-has-stopped-working-error-dialog-in-windows-server-2008/
  2. what are other guys server fps? i got ~15 all the time, i7-980x, 3 dayz servers edit: disregard that, after restart i have 50fps too
  3. Wasn't able to get 94997 to run. After manual expansions/battleye & battleye update to v1.61.94945+ server started, but every user got kicked with "battleye initialization failed" (same with automatic installation through installer file) Downgraded to 94876 again, will try it again tomorrow. Running out of time.
  4. stice

    '... uses modified data file'

    try downgrading to 94876
  5. Patch to 94876 and copy in the 94545 files, worked for me. With newest hive & dayz files.
  6. stice

    Experimental test patch

    did, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28806-experimental-1721-test-patch/page__st__440#entry303760 :)
  7. stice

    Experimental test patch

    Set up a little mirror, hope its okay if i post here. Newest dayz files: http://files.sticed....uq/dayz1722.rar (<- only necessary files) Newest ARMA 2 Beta Patch 94945: http://www.sticed.com/ARMA2_OA_Build_94945.zip Sponsored by DE 78, DE 125 and DE 196 ;D
  8. stice

    New Server

    DE 196 will be up and running tomorrow. Completely new. UTC +6, Expert with DM: on.
  9. stice

    Dayz Server hosting

    Thats why i have a 12ms ping on all my DayZ servers (hosted at hetzner). Maybe you should have stopped the porn dl before playing. @Cyberwar With the new system 1-3 days
  10. say -1 blablabla And yes, at the moment its pretty impossible to make automatic announcements 5min ahead of the server restart, but thanks to http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27863 i think we will see better admin software soon :).. btw. dizzymagoo, why did you stop the development of your software? :/
  11. i love youuuu... thought something like this would be awesome all the time..
  12. Arma uses 3 ports, standard port, standard port + 1 and standard port + 3. So if your port is 2302 it uses 2302, 2303 and 2305. For more instances your next available port is 2306. So set serverport #1: 2302 and serverport #2: 2306.
  13. My server doesnt get further then the mission loading screen and then freezes
  14. This is the official DE 78 server thread. More info & stuff will be coming here. I just wanted to post that i am configuring the server at the moment. He will be off, on and locked. With max. 1-2 Players.
  15. Hey Guys, i already got my server name and instance id through a pm (thanks for that :) ), but nothing further and now i'm pretty clueless what to do. I have neither the dayz server files nor a clue how to get/setup hive. Is there a tutorial? Where do i get the server files? I know there is a google dayz group, but how do i get access? I dont want to spam any staff members, but i don't know how to proceed from this point on. Would be awesome if someone could give me a hint. Thanks, stice