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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. Dagwood

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Found a v3s in stary, parked outside of veresnik, got an FNX with mag and sight, and an sks, v3s was stolen doh!, found a second v3s in Vybor, parked truck outside of south barracks, a 3rd v3s (different color) rushes down runway 30 seconds later. Conclusion: 10,000 vehicle servers are back!!
  2. Dagwood

    Need some Longhorn action

    Check mark is a like, yes
  3. Dagwood

    Trading Post

    They were suggesting trading items across games, like trading space ships in one game for guns in another ie a barter system. This is a trading forum, not a buying forum. 'Twas a joke. Although, trading items from one game for another could be seen as p2w like using money. Idk
  4. Dagwood

    Trading Post

    Y'all are a bunch of cavemen. This is why we have currency. Join the rest of us in the 21st century ya? ;)Edit: preapocalypse*
  5. Dagwood

    How hard should DayZ be?

    IMO, dayz should be a game that you don't play as your primary source of entertainment, as you might with battlefield or DOTA or WOW. It should be something you and your buddies decide to play for an afternoon, or for a week or so. Why? Because I think it should be frustratingly difficult. I have enough easily gratifying games. Dayz has the potential to be something different
  6. Dagwood

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    Lone wolves also need less to survive. If your one of those players that refuses to do anything but scavenge for survival, another mouth to feed can be a problem.
  7. Dagwood

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    The main thing getting in the way of teamwork, or strangers teaming up, is a lack of trust. I won't team up with you because I don't want you to shoot me in the back. Roughly. People have suggested penalties for KOSing, and I don't agree with that. However, I do like the idea of being "penalized" for shooting someone that you agreed to play nice with. Here's a rough idea: Let's say a "make truce" mechanic was introduced. When you bumped into a stranger, and you didn't blow each other away immediately, you had an option to offer a truce similar to the way we can check pulse in game currently. If the truce is accepted, you and that player are buddies for a short duration (15 minutes to an hour? Idk). This buddy status changes nothing. No gamey icons, no map indicators, none of that shit. The only difference would be that if one of you hurts the other player UNPROVOKED, and a new truce isn't immediately struck (to avoid friendly fire penalties), the offender would be punished. My thought is that this would maybe make it a little easier for us to trust strangers, and be more inclined to try and give someone the benefit of the doubt. The punishment needs to be appropriate though. No immersion breaking stat changes or permanent clothing changes (looking at you mod-humanity system). I think something subtle like that canibal laugh would be suitable. Something that would give a future, potential backatab victim a warning. Teaming up on the fly is one of the coolest aspects of dayz. I would like to see something subtle done to promote, or even just support this kind of gameplay.
  8. Dagwood

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    The main thing getting in the way of teamwork, or strangers teaming up, is a lack of trust. I won't team up with you because I don't want you to shoot me in the back. Roughly. People have suggested penalties for KOSing, and I don't agree with that. However, I do like the idea of being "penalized" for shooting someone that you agreed to play nice with. Here's a rough idea: Let's say a "make truce" mechanic was introduced. When you bumped into a stranger, and you didn't blow each other away immediately, you had an option to offer a truce similar to the way we can check pulse in game currently. If the truce is accepted, you and that player are buddies for a short duration (15 minutes to an hour? Idk). This buddy status changes nothing. No gamey icons, no map indicators, none of that shit. The only difference would be that if one of you hurts the other player UNPROVOKED, and a new truce isn't immediately struck (to avoid friendly fire penalties), the offender would be punished. My thought is that this would maybe make it a little easier for us to trust strangers, and be more inclined to try and give someone the benefit of the doubt. The punishment needs to be appropriate though. No immersion breaking stat changes or permanent clothing changes (looking at you mod-humanity system). I think something subtle like that canibal laugh would be suitable. Something that would give a future, potential backatab victim a warning. Teaming up on the fly is one of the coolest aspects of dayz. I would like to see something subtle done to promote, or even just support this kind of gameplay.
  9. Dagwood

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    How are we supposed to accurately give feedback on loot quantities and distribution if we go into the patch surviving on good from the previous, pre-patch system? When the game is in it's final form, we'll have reason to be upset about character resets. Until then, we've just gotta suck it up
  10. Dagwood

    so much for the struggle

    What's wrong with KOSing out of fear? I did it today. Guy asks if we're friendly in a military compound in the dark: I spray 30 rounds in his direction and run away. The difference is shooting someone to survive versus shooting someone because it's the only thing to keep you busy after the first 30 minutes of gearing, as you put it.
  11. Dagwood

    so much for the struggle

    Wait... If being a freshspawn was easy.... I wouldn't care if I died, as I could regear easily and enjoy the whole thing.... But when being a freshspawn sucks... I don't wanna risk dying and going back to the coast... It's like... They're trying to make us value our lives or something...
  12. Dagwood

    Welcome to the city...

    Found two players up north today. One looked like he killed a few guys at NWAF. I swooped in and stole an AK74U from the scene of the crime. Other guy stumbled into my group at Zelenogorsk military base during the night. Fired warning shots in his direction and we all bugged out. The key to finding players up north is to move slow, and hang around high priority zones. Finding players is even harder on 1pp servers, but can be done. Running around as fast as you can from town to town, as I assume most players do, is a bad way to find people. If you're the guy going slow, with his head on a swivel, you'd be amazed what you can find. Especially on private hives!
  13. Dagwood

    so much for the struggle

    This argument people keep making about the developers ie. Bohemia interactive only caring about making money is ignorant. The game has netted them more than many AAA titles do, and for a small fraction of the cost. Making money on this game is not the main priority (anymore). Now, if I had to guess, the main priority is keeping their customers from feeling robbed by completing the game they set out to make. If the gameplay quality doesn't progress past where it is now, Bohemia will have players that bought dayz that are too fed up to purchase another BI title. You can see this going one of two ways: 1) developers cater to lowest common denominator. Game stays easy and pleases majority until they get bored and move on. 2) developers make anti-game that dean promised. Many players quit because it's too time intensive, and "not fun" at times. Core player base is pleased, and the game stays relevant for a few thousand players for 1 year. My guess is that they will take the latter approach to save face, but only time will tell.
  14. Dagwood

    Most detested item in Persistence

    Cooking pots and frying pans. I find them EVERYWHERE.
  15. Dagwood

    so much for the struggle

    I joined a 3pp private hive yesterday as a fresh spawn in Cherno. I made it to pavlovo base before I starved to death. No loot, no foraging, no living. I then joined a 1pp private hive and spawned in solichny as a fresh spawn again. This time, when I was orange hungry in Polana, I foraged apples for 5 minutes until I was yellow hungry. Made it to gorka, looted, found a sporter and a box of rounds, foraged up to yellow hungry, hit novy. By this time I had all of the supplies to either hunt or grow crops except for matches or a water bottle. And all of this in jeans, a leather jacket, and a 12 slot courier bag. I had spent maybe 90 minutes crossing the map, and probably 10-15 of those minutes foraging. I could have easily crossed the map with this strategy. When I got to veresnik military base I hit loot nirvana and made it out with an assault rifle, completed chest carrier, silenced makarov, backpack, the complete kit. Here is my point: that 2 hour journey across the eastern half of the map kinda sucked. It was mildly stressful, and made me even more upset at myself for having died and lost my avatar in the first place. That relatively less enjoyable chapter in my character's life has made me value what I have now that much more. I don't want to have to experience that again. I think this is a very important thing to consider. Yes, foraging sucks. But if you are diligently looking for the supplies you need to acquire food in less tedious ways, you won't have to forage forever. It's just for the first part of your life. And then it's over! You've found cooking supplies and now you can hoard food and thrive. It's no worse than grinding levels in an MMORPG. If we had to feed our characters by foraging forever, this game would very quickly lose it's charm. But the way people are whining about having to do it at all makes me sad. I mean, if finding food were a given, why incorporate it into the game at all? Just so we get to watch him/her gobble down cans of food every hour or so? TLDR; being a fresh spawn sucks more now. Makes me appreciate not being a fresh spawn even more. Whiners gonna whine?
  16. Dagwood

    so much for the struggle

    Can you see that this is a work in progress? And that the end product will be all the better for the imperfect gameplay we're experiencing now? Yes, without persistence, the game is more consistent, and ultimately, more enjoyable. CURRENTLY. But these growing pains will pay out in the long run. Introducing imperfect mechanics is the name of the game. Calling it a problem is ignorant and comes across as whiny. Not trying to be rude. Just an observation and my opinion.
  17. If you have so little faith, why are you still on the forums? Not suggesting that you stop, just curious. And didn't he choose this guy as a lead producer when he was still part of the game?
  18. What you're outlining is very similar to how loot spawned in the mod. Loot gets removed from spawn point, player leaves area. New/same player enters specified area, "random" loot respawns. While that worked pretty much right off the bat, it was also very easy to exploit. Rather than server hopping for loot, players would "farm" loot by forcing loot to respawn in high value areas over and over again. It also didn't force players to move around the map very much. You (the whole server) could hangout around a big city or a military base and loot would continuously be made available. The new loot system, while much more complicated and difficult to properly implement, is going to dramatically change the way we play the game. Survivors will no longer be able to get geared in towns x, y, and z, die, respawn, and loot towns x,y, and z again, and again, and again, and find the same quality and quantity of loot. That is the static gameplay we have now. Instead, we will have to explore the map and search different towns and even buildings to get what we need. In a way, every day you play will be different from the day before if you are playing on a high traffic server. One day the NWAF could have an AKM, an SKS, some vests, and some 7.62 rounds, while the next day, it only has makarov and a box of 9mm. So, you're forced to go find a different military base to find gear; as is the other guy who is looking for military gear. My hope is that this will force players into the same areas like we see in the survivor gamez. I know your frustrated, but try to hav some faith. These guys aren't getting paid the big $$ for no reason. And dean wouldn't leave his million dollar idea with someone he thought would bastardize it. Be patient.
  19. Dagwood

    Battleye weird issue. Anyone?

    I have a similar but not identical battleye issue. When I select a server for the first time after launching the game, my game minimizes and I get one of those text boxes. Then dayz relaunches and I can join servers like normal.
  20. Dagwood

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    That's funny. I asked the same question a couple weeks back because I had assumed they were incompatible. But apparently they are. So PSO is usable on AKM, AK101, AK74, but not the AK74U. If I am spreading lies, please correct me.
  21. Dagwood

    Suppressor for the Mosin and Other High-Caliber Rifles?

    Use AK74 with suppressor and PSO if you want to be quiet. Why would any PVP oriented player use anything else if they could have silenced high caliber weapons? DMR and AS50 wielding snipers were terrifying enough in the mod. No need to make their job any easier.
  22. Dagwood

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Can you imagine the mass QQ if we were a year further into development when the zombies were all ironed out and the devs removed 3pp? No more seeing zombies before you round corners and such. It would be like removing aim-assist from a shooter: crippling and tear-inspiring.
  23. Dagwood

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    These infected people don't have floating camera angels to help them find their next meal? That's not very fair considering 90% of the player base will see them coming from over a wall across the street. All jokes aside, I wonder how the growing difficulty of the environment (zombies) will change the community's perspective on 3pp being a part of dayz. I'd imagine having 3pp enabled will make stealth a laughably achievable feat for even the most novice of players. Toggle walk, enable floating camera, hold alt, hold w, and spin head in circles. Omniscient ninja mode activated.
  24. Who doesn't buy dayz because of the weapon momentum? That's like not buying halo because you don't like the way the frag grenades fly/bounce. "I'll buy halo once they fix that small feature" said no one ever. Expecting the devs to provide an entirely new gun handling mechanic so that people can turn it off would A.) be a huge waste of time B.) turn every popular server into a non-dexterity server. People like easy. Easiest server is most popular server. Look it up.
  25. I like playing with ESP cause having to find people the hard way isn't my playstyle. When can I admin server that let's me use ESP? It's my server. It doesn't affect you if it's on my server. Let me play how I want. What's your problem with weapon dexterity anyway?