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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. Ruger 10/22. Non-lethal against infected without head shot, but very quiet and ammo being much easier to carry in bulk. Would be great for making it clear to other players that you aren't hostile and military-esq attachments and modifications are common (although probably not in Eastern Europe)
  2. It only appears that the infected was out of range when it hit you because of a delay between when you were in his range and he launched the attack and when the animation actually occurred. His point is that In first person you don't see that because of the bug he appears to be hitting you with 3 meter long arms. Zombies aren't broken with overly long arms, the animation that shows the attack is currently broken
  3. You mean the medical areas that don't spawn antibiotics? I'm guessing that they removed medical supplies from hospitals to deny players an easy one stop solution for all their current/future medical needs. With one medical box, a squad of 4+ is ready to deal with any number of leg breaks or liters of lost blood. With the new loot drops, medical equipment is something that you will always need more of and not just a space occupier in your backpack.
  4. People using the word annoying to describe a likely fatal infection in a survival game is pretty telling. I survived staff and sudamonis infections IRL 3 years ago WITH 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics and THAT was annoying. Sitting in a chair for 30 minutes every 12 hours with fluids pumping into your heart is annoying. I would imagine feeling your body fall apart because you don't have access to those antibiotics would be much more than "annoying" as everyone in this thread is repeatedly describing the game mechanic. Having to carry a box of antibiotics around in your pack as a JIC piece of equipment (like in previous patches) is about as annoying as needing to carry a condom around in your wallet. Now that they are a necessity like a weapon and sufficient ammo everyone is complaining that its "annoying". Calling it annoying is an obvious tell that you do not value your life in this game unless it is a character that has uber leet equipment that gives you the capabilities to kill other players. In previous patches this mentality was not the fault of the players persay (I must admit that I generally felt the same way), but a result of a survival game not challenging the player from minute to minute to literally run/fight/hide for their life. This new patch has, rightly so, put the zombies onto the top of the food chain, and to enjoy it players will need to learn to love battling the new king of the jungle. Please stop calling a life ending disease annoying. It makes you all sound lazy, indifferent, and frankly unfit to play this game.
  5. This is how banditry is supposed to look. And with the new patch it is becoming imperative to team up when you do not have the gear to survive solo. Ripe targets for backstabbing
  6. Dagwood

    Best gun for player hunting

    Not for effectiveness but sheer brutality I will have to say the M1014 with pellets is my favorite. On a freshly spawned origins character a few months back I dropped a ghillie bandit camping the airfield with 2 blasts out of the darkness. Followed by 2 more geared bandits sprinting out to a car they had hidden and running away. Most players don't recognize the sound and it is INTIMIDATING. On another occasion I was covering a buddy looting a police station (tavi) and hit a bandit with one blast of pellets at about 25-30 meters. Giant red cloud covering his torso as he flew head first into the building dead. Also, because it is not a highly desired weapon by most players, you can easily be mistaken for a fairly fresh spawn if you are toting a survivor skin and nothing better than an Alice pack. Respect the boomstick
  7. Dagwood

    Best gun for player hunting

    Not for effectiveness but sheer brutality I will have to say the M1014 with pellets is my favorite. On a freshly spawned origins character a few months back I dropped a ghillie bandit camping the airfield with 2 blasts out of the darkness. Followed by 2 more geared bandits sprinting out to a car they had hidden and running away. Most players don't recognize the sound and it is INTIMIDATING. On another occasion I was covering a buddy looting a police station (tavi) and hit a bandit with one blast of pellets at about 25-30 meters. Giant red cloud covering his torso as he flew head first into the building dead. Also, because it is not a highly desired weapon by most players, you can easily be mistaken for a fairly fresh spawn if you are toting a survivor skin and nothing better than an Alice pack. Respect the boomstick
  8. Dagwood

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Might be a stupid question: Will the infection still proliferate from player to player contact? If so how? I'm also liking the idea of 3-4 players teaming up to find antibiotics, finding only a stack of two, and the ensuing backstabbing. This is how pvp should look in this game: literally fighting one another for survival
  9. Been following this thread for the past few days and I've played 2 hours or so on the new patch. It's definitely harder. No joke about that. But everyone in my usually crowded server throwing in the towel and calling it quits? It's not BROKEN, just painfully harder. I got into this game 6 months ago because I heard it was the hardest shooter I will have ever played. The average life was around 15 minutes, nobody could be trusted and it would actually get my heart pounding. And even with the clunky engine and woefully obvious mod-symptoms I fell in love. Even with the hackers and massmurdering gates and such we all stuck with it. What's different now? We've all been lulled into a false sense of proficiency. After a few months we were able to figure out all the loot spawns, the zombie agro and associated tricks for losing them, and so on and so forth. I'm getting off track here.... My point is that we all need to remember that the all mighty Creator of this "game" called it an anti-game. It is not supposed to be like any other game. It's a high res ram hack with more to lose. And we've all stuck around this long because the sense of accomplishment is like no other shooter I've played to date. This "broken" patch is going to be figured out in time and we'll all be better gamers with some white hairs when we do. Winter is coming
  10. Just a suggestion with the new patch: I would recommend doubling the spawn rate of antibiotics (if its possible to do so) and advertise that you are doing as much on the server description/title on dayz commander. People are upset about the new infection mechanic and this will likely do little to alleviate their (antibiotic) scarcity but will attract players. Just a thought Oh, and disabling the teleport anti hack will apparently keep people from spawning in debug land
  11. @throbbin I was almost afraid to loot the body for just that reason. Almost...
  12. Had some buddies log in as birds last night around 9pm pst ish. Is this a glitch or a script or what? And will they retain the gear that they had from before this glitch. We'd rather not lose two coyotes, 2 m4cco's (one sd), an m14, GPS, camo, cz550, etc etc (had to brag a little. Never been so geared on a vanilla cherno server ;)) If they do in fact spawn on the beach next time they log in, would you be able to restore their equipment by checking the logs to verify what they actually had and what was lost? In game names are Fonzi and Will Willis
  13. On a separate note, while looting NWAF last night I came across 3 bodies with (combined) an m16 acog, range finders, NVGs, a coyote back pack, a cheq backpack, a cz550, and all the other tool belt goodies. We then checked the barracks for good measure and found an m4cco and m4ccosd. Couldn't believe there were all of these bodies with bountiful booty that hadn't been looted. Anybody know wtf happened in the woods around the southern barracks? It kills me to say this... But drunk, you should check my gear for hacked items. The second body was a bandit with EVERYTHING and nobody returned to loot it. Idk, seemed fishy I guess
  14. In regards to the sidechat issue: in my experience I have had more problems with sidechat than I have derived any benefits from its existence. I generally prefer servers with sidechat disabled as the majority of dialogue that occurs through that channel tends to just be trolling or 2 players having a play by play breakdown of a firefight that occurred 15 minutes earlier. But occasionally you'll see survivors coordinating and joining forces through the use of sidechat, so I do see the benefits of leaving it enabled. What I would suggest as a remedy to the frustration of players that are annoyed by the music and constant yacking is to give instructions on how to mute players and how to disable VON through your audio settings on the loading screen. I have never run my own server so I do not know what creating a custom loading screen entails, but I can't see the harm in listing rules and some helpful advice (for the love of god turn off your radio!) If anyone else has any thoughts on the subject, I'd love the input/criticism Dagwood
  15. Apex clan? Are there legitimate clans operating on the server now, or just a couple of guys with matching clan tags?
  16. Dagwood

    Non-Modded Servers?

    Try us 420 Dallas. Med/high pop server that is 100% vanilla. Had an average population of 15-20 players when I started 2 weeks ago and hit the cap (50 players) for the first time this week. Glad to hear there are still others looking to work toward survival and not have it handed to them at the beach
  17. Dagwood

    Non-Modded Servers?

    Try us 420 Dallas. Med/high pop server that is 100% vanilla. Had an average population of 15-20 players when I started 2 weeks ago and hit the cap (50 players) for the first time this week. Glad to hear there are still others looking to work toward survival and not have it handed to them at the beach
  18. 50 players!? Better watch your back. No more sprinting across the airfield for this guy ha
  19. Maybe I've just been lucky, but in the two weeks that I've been on this server, I have had zero encounters with hackers, or anyone that I would even suspect of hacking. It has been months since I have played on a truly vanilla server (private) and I have had terrific fun during my time on 420 Dallas. IMHO, the accusations directed at other players in regards to hacking are almost entirely unfounded. Maybe I have just been blessed in my experience. Who knows. I hope that other players do not let the complaining of a small minority turn them away from a properly managed server with a competitive, sportsman like community. Regards, Dagwood
  20. Read about your server while procrastinating at the office yesterday. Logged in around 6:00 PST and was cursed with an Elektro spawn; or so I thought. While looting the cafe located across the street from the school, I saw a fresh survivor with a Lee approaching with a small Z-train. I told him not to enter the building or face the consequences. I was answered by what sounded like a boy of about 8-10 years of age. He offered to give me his weapon, his backpack, etc. He has been playing for all of 2 weeks and with youtube-frankie training, was ready to take on the world. I told him he could keep his weapon but to stay away from me (what can i say, it's Elektro.) Long story short, he and I traveled through a few towns and up to Stary with him playing axe-zombie control for me. The point of the story, after one night on this server I can already tell the community is great. After a fire fight at Stary where one bandit led to 3 of the 5 survivors involved perishing (I love this game), everyone took a moment to reflect on it together over sidechat. No griefing, no screaming hacker. The kind of sportsmanship that is nearly impossible to find on other servers these days. Breakfast, thank you for your M14, and brok, thank you for your beautiful green Skoda ;) I hope to see all of you on there soon. Dagwood