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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. Dagwood

    SVD Draganov

    So I should keep it in my pack until the hot fix. Thanks dimitri
  2. Dagwood

    Ability to remove firing pin

    Because Jason statham took the firing pins out of the bad guys' guns in this awful movie called Parker that I saw last night. Made me think of how useful that would be in situations where you want to trust the fresh spawn you just met, but you don't want to give them a weapon that they could very easily load. So you give them the Lee with the firing pin removed (to avoid every weapon being permanently rendered useless, the firing pin could not be separated from the weapon). I would want reattaching the firing pin to take at least the same amount of time as it takes to bloodbag. Somewhat vague I'm sure. Thoughts?
  3. Dagwood

    Excessive military loot

    I was enjoying this thread: BACK ON TOPIC!!
  4. What they don't show you is Chris Hansen going upstairs with the girls once the perp is outside and the cops are distracted.
  5. If you want to see some "literature" that gives you an idea of how a zombie infection could spread into a global crisis, I would recommend picking up max brooks' book, world war-z. Detailed and very believable.
  6. I've died for the first time from zeds in months firing a weapon in town a few times. And not even a big town. If you don't have a back door or a silenced weapon, you will be eaten. So awesome.
  7. I've found that military weaponry is more common along the coast than before and civilian weapons have been dialed down. I was hoping for the exact opposite, but I guess razor figured that more M4ccos around the coast was best for the mod. It would be interesting to see how things would change if all of the 7.62 weapons were removed and the M16/SA58acogs were the only remaining scoped rifles. Would definitely make long range KOS more of a challenge. Hopefully the SA will find a proper balance.
  8. We've all seen inumerable KOS rants and discussions. One camp feels that the game needs to be more condusive to social/player interaction and that the game needs more mechanics to support this. Another camp feels that any kind of "restrictions" on player interaction and freedom are against the ethos of dayz. Here is a novel idea: both sides have very valid points. Yes, random player encounters and interactions that don't start with gunfire or KOS are much more exciting. But at the same time, those interactions can be risky and potentially dangerous; so players should have the freedom to shoot on sight instead if they feel more comfortable doing so. These discussions never reach a conclusion because nobody is ever willing to compromise. I want you all to listen very closely as I am about to give you all the answer to the big KOS question. Ready? Here it is: The game is not hard enough. Period. A player with a few weeks/months experience can survive indefinitely alone. Until this changes, players will continue to follow this "better him than me" competitive mentality that has lead us to the KOS majority we are currently experiencing. So what's the solution? Don't expect KOS to ever become the minority in the mod. This will never happen. If the zombies/environment are deadly enough in the SA we will see more player cooperation. Until then, I would suggest practicing hold ups or just interacting with other players. Yes, this might get you killed because that guy you are trying to communicate with is a KOSPOS. But gear is replaceable and killing everyone you see to protect it is what leads to these KOS threads. Here's the point in a nutshell: As it stands in the mod now, infected are something that can get you killed and lead to the loss of your hard earned gear that you were more concerned about losing to a "bandit". This game will realize its potential when gear is something that you NEED in order to better your chances of survival against the ENVIRONMENT. ^^please take a moment to reflect upon that last distinction and let it sink in. Your savior, Dagwood
  9. I've actually noticed an improvement in reducing coast-player density since this feature was implemented... Top four choices for your player looking to grab a weapon quickly are: Balota, Cherno, elektro, berezino. In my experience thus far, if I see or know that a sniper/murderer is loose in elektro, I can spawn in balota and stay west instead. Or I can spawn in berezino if I really want to avoid snipers. If you're playing on a server where everyone is spawn-kill-die cycling on the coast, politely inform them that the map actually continues up the hills to the north, and then try a different server.
  10. Dagwood

    How to end the KOS issue!

    I agree with you that players blundering around and expecting not to be shot is absurd. If you are constantly exposing your position to other players, you deserve the swift death in your imminent future. But if I am being stealthy and have worked my way deep into a zombie infested town and you have done the same but see me first, wouldn't firing your pistol/shotgun/rifle bring a horde down upon your head? I missed that step in logic during your narrative of our hypothetical encounter.
  11. Dagwood

    How to end the KOS issue!

    But if you are dealing with so many infected that fighting them all off alone after firing a weapon is near impossible? Then it's not all of this "gear" worshiping. Then it's about trying to get out of town alive. When we are safely in the woods away from town you can shoot me in the back of the face. But when we are surrounded by more zombies than can be handled alone at once, you will learn not to fire your weapon "needlessly" when you can play nice and then go for the backstab/ambush in a less dangerous environment. Is it so hard to see what I'm getting at?
  12. Dagwood

    1.8 Makes Melee Nearly Pointless

    Only tried the hatchet and it seemed to work fine. Also try coming at them from angles and not head on. Assuming you're in a barn or warehouse of course.
  13. Would have been more badass if you hadn't used 3rd person to line up your shot
  14. Dagwood

    Something To Make People Team Up

    #resident evil nemesis project
  15. Dagwood

    Something To Make People Team Up

    If you've played the mods that have blood suckers added, you've dealt with creatures more dangerous than the standard infected. When playing those mods with friends, I did get that, "oh f*ck! Let's all take this thing out" feeling when I heard the telltale roars coming from a nearby bloodsucker. Adding boss-like "creatures" to the environment IS a good idea, but they should be soldiers with body armor or some other kind of plausible, ungamey addition to the vanilla zeds. For the record, I don't do bears.
  16. Dagwood

    Awesomeness of the NWAF

    Pro-tip: Players camping the airfield are often a good source of top tier loot.
  17. Dagwood

    More Apocalyptic World.

    Unless we done hooked up some reciprocating mowers to them there tractors I be seein yonder
  18. Dagwood

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    As I see it at the moment, shotguns are almost never chosen over any other primary weapons. If given a choice, from my experience, almost every player would choose the rifle. Why? Because players are a much larger threat than infected are. And having a disvantage in long distance engagements can mean death. My point is, when infected are more of a threat, will we see more geared players toting a pump shotgun with a flashlight attached or an automatic shotgun rather than an ak or M-series rifle? High thought. Your thoughts?
  19. Dagwood

    General Tips Thread

    If you leave a player the opportunity to take advantage of a situation, they will
  20. Dagwood

    The stealth system, noise and stances.

    Keep it simple. FOV and noise levels dependent upon player surface+ground surface and the speed travelled. The more complicated the system or mechanic is, the more gamey it feels.
  21. Or the same 12 people can repeatedly spawn at elektro and kill each other endlessly and make the place hell for anyone trying to be approachable
  22. Dagwood

    Trade Outposts

    How about randomly spawning, run down cabins that can be "saved" and then improved upon with lumber and other materials. This way they could be somewhat fortified and personalized even perhaps. If a randomly spawning cabin is not interacted with or saved for X amount of time, the cabin respawns in a new random location. Now before somebody jumps the gun and says that these cabins would be easily found and ransacked, or someone else says that they need to not be universally accessible (think origins), I have an alternative: traps and guard dogs. Craftable and lootable traps could be used to fortify cabins against lone/casual passer-bys. Imagine stumbling across a cabin in the woods, approaching, breaking a leg in a bungee pit etc, and having no additional meds to continue your approach after fixing the break etc once. Guard dogs would be simple AI found around the map that can be trained and "ordered" to persist on the map when you are not and guard your cabin. Fortifying a building or creating any kind of significant outpost is a difficult game mechanic to support when players are not online 100% of the time
  23. Dagwood

    Some gun suggestions

    I think the key to balancing out the pvp and PvE is making less lethal weapons more available than their deadlier counterparts. Think a lee enfield that does ak74 damage per shot. Weapons that are just overall inferior to their military counterparts but more common. And as someone said earlier, the attachment system would be more relevant if lesser, more common weapons could be "customized" to challenge military tier weapons or overpower stock versions of civilian rifles. Attaining better gear in dayz is like leveling up. So creating more frequent rungs as you move upward toward obtaining optimal gear creates a higher "level cap".
  24. Dagwood

    Trade Outposts

  25. Dagwood

    SA idea - You have died, or have you?

    With third party communication it would be easy to navigate someone to your position to save you. Good idea, but it would be exploited.