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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. When military bases and other militaristic structures spawn one weapon half of the time at best, players will move around the map more or they will server hop. The spawn rates in the alpha currently (gotta let us find weapons so we can test them and constructively gripe) are not a good representation of how they will be in the finished product. Hopefully we'll be desperately searching every shed and deer stand to find a pistol or shotgun while fighting off starvation and infection in addition to a bullet in the head. Also, when airfields are sufficiently infested with zombies, players won't be able to sprint in willy nilly without proper equipment.
  2. Dagwood

    Which bullets are bigger/do more dmg?

    .357 magnum is biggest (smaller projectile than the .45), higher velocity, ultimately it hits with the highest kinetic energy. .45 is the next heaviest hitter. Slowest speed of any hand gun round (maybe close in speed to .22) but because of the projectiles weight it has considerable power. The 9mm handguns I don't know too much about in-game. Probably highest velocity round and so it would make sense for it to also be the most accurate. .22 is a little baby round with very little stopping power. But because of the small charge, it is also pretty quiet.
  3. Dagwood

    First impression of DayZ SA

    Enjoy this time of ignorance. This is when dayz is the most exhilarating. Don't go on YouTube and look up where to find all the uber loot. Figuring everything out for yourself will be much more entertaining and ultimately fulfilling. Welcome to the clusterfuck that is dayz.
  4. Dagwood

    SKS vs M4

    And handguards and buttstocks are more aesthetically noticeable. That would be my guess as to why. But I agree with you, a handguard or a buttstock modification would have pretty negligible effects on shots within several hindered meters.
  5. Dagwood

    SKS vs M4

    Anyone think that maybe they incorporated this big difference in performance between a stock M4 and a magpul-equipped M4 to simulate differences in weapon condition and quality? That's my speculation anyway.
  6. Dagwood

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    OP, how do you predict that a more dangerous environment will change player behavior?
  7. Been rocking a red hoodie, beige cargo pants, black baseball cap and a courier bag to try and appear friendly and or a newish spawn (some consider synonymous). Getting frustrated at the lack of space for RP items in my courier bag (matches, cooking gear, extra tools for fellow survivors, etc). My question is: would a blue taloon backpack appear more or less friendly/newbish than my courier bag? Or should I just upgrade to an improvised backpack? (Which I consider to look more militant/threatening than most other packs).
  8. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Umm... How is looking less militant akin to running around screaming friendly? Are the people who play this game only capable of black and white views of how to play the game? I would like to think not. Whether Frankie staged his videos or not, I thought he would have taught everyone that playing friendly doesn't necessarily equate to throwing your life away.
  9. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    This is the mentality I want to foster in strangers I encounter. Do you think the taloon or the improvised appears more "low-gear"? I would run the no pack look but I like carrying assorted tools and cooking gear with me.
  10. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Oh that's where I left it! Now I can upgrade my courier bag ;)
  11. Dagwood

    Videos claiming people are bandit's

    Same reason racists use racial slurs. Much easier to abuse someone who you treat as subhuman. Plus being shed in the light of the good guy is every little kids preference
  12. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    The same way you "knew" I was an ignorant noob running around yelling friendly while playing dress up. Don't insult people and you won't get called out for doing so. It isn't listed on these forums, but it's a golden rule you have probably heard of.
  13. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    ^^thank you for the thoughtful response. Yes, the right clothing guarantees nothing. But I think what you're saying about the improvised backpack being camouflaged and thus a bit more militant is right. I guess the cost benefit analysis comes down to being harder for player hunters to see as the pro of the courier bag against the more civilian, non competitive look of the taloon pack making me appear less likely to shoot at someone who tries to talk to me. Such a difficult, insignificant decision haha
  14. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    I had over 600 hours in the mod before the SA released, so no need to talk down to me. I've gone through the shoot everything to insure my survival stage. When you learn to talk face to face with armed, hostile players while doing it in a way that puts you in little danger because of superior positioning and effective communication skills, you will understand how foolish your black and white thinking and playstyle truly are.
  15. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Was checking my map in a red brick building (just south east of krasnostav) tonight trying to guide a friend in to me when I heard footsteps and heavy breathing. I closed the map to see a hoodied and helmeted player standing before me with his blazer shouldered. After nearly shitting myself I explained my situation to him, informed him of the loot situation at NEAF, and we parted ways. While many of you think that coast dwelling PVPers are the only people who play this game, there are some players who approach different players with different intentions based upon observations. Some of those observations are based upon their actions, and others are based upon the weaponry and garb of the survivor. "I shoot everything because I can't handle the risk of controlling a face to face encounter." If you see me first I'm screwed anyway so obviously I don't care how I look to you. This interest I have in appearing more friendly is for players who understand that player interaction makes this game exciting; not the glitchy, exploit ridden gunfights.
  16. If players on regular server get magic floating cameras, is it fair that the zombies don't? And yes, this in response to the "everyone gets 3pp, so it's not an unfair advantage." argument :)
  17. Dagwood

    Zombies on 3pp enabled (easy) servers

    That would be more fair, no? And might put regular servers on more of an even difficulty level with hardcore servers?
  18. Dagwood

    Zombies on 3pp enabled (easy) servers

    Pov higher than their head*
  19. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    Wait.... So you're telling me that people in this game will even shoot at friendly looking players? While I absolutely hear what you both are saying, I think towns off of the coast on hardcore servers tend to be populated by players that are a little less trigger happy. And I carry matches and other "dead" items to prepare myself for when carrying these things is necessary. Only having room for one mag and one stack of bandages makes gameplay more difficult and ultimately more rewarding. It also postpones the, "I have everything I'll ever need in my massive backpack... What now?" Moment. Revised question: does an improvised backpack appear more or less "threatening" than a taloon pack? Based upon your own experiences with players wearing either (forget the shoot everything people. I don't encounter them)
  20. Dagwood

    Another thread about looking friendly

    And the hoodie and suboptimal backpack are an attempt to look like I have less than the guy with olive drab/camo and a hunter backpack. New question: does the taloon backpack make me more approachable to a level that warrants choosing it over the superior (in my opinion) improvised backpack?
  21. Dagwood

    What is up with the spammers?

    It's my favorite...
  22. Pulling out your pistol a half dozen times before you're able to actually draw it is pretty frustrating. But, we all decided to make the jump from mod to alpha so this is what we get I suppose
  23. Dagwood

    Small, meaningless, yet rare items

    Adding ball caps with various insignias and emblems and such would be a nice way to differentiate players. Oblivion Yankees cap anyone?
  24. Dagwood

    Log in Timer Poll

    ^^planar step for 0ft?
  25. Dagwood

    Log in Timer Poll

    Am I the only one that is able to play the game without being kicked repeatedly..? I don't understand. I think the bigger problem here is the ridiculous amount of servers being hosted. I don't know a thing about server architecture, but that might be putting more strain onto them. Maybe there should be a cap set on the number of servers hosted at any one time. If the server hosting companies don't like the idea of losing revenue because of the loss in customers, they can just jack up the price of hosting a server. Not only would this reduce server strain (which I'm basing on absolutely nothing) but it would also insure that only serious people are admining servers. Also, fuck all of you pussies gearing up on empty servers and then hopping onto full ones to start shooing everything up. This is your fault.