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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. Go check out dslyecxi and the rest of shack tac. Do they play 3pp? Why not?
  2. Dagwood

    Arma or Sa?

    Why isn't "be a consumer and decide for yourself, money bags" an option?
  3. Dagwood


    It's sarcasm!
  4. Dagwood


    Read my post again. Look between the lines and you'll see my deeper meaning....
  5. Dagwood


    Dude, this is an alpha game. Suggestions that aren't immediately applicable to the game in its current state, or that could be interpreted as negative, ARE NOT TOLERATED ON THESE FORUMS. I have killed men for less. That is all.
  6. Shit rolls downhill: 3rd person perspective is going nowhere.
  7. Dagwood

    DayZ for purists - Keeping it real

    Funny how the most people's main concern is the disadvantage you suffer for this playstyle. Dayz shouldn't be played to "win". There's no posted K/D, no kill streak bonus, no reward for surviving. Dayz is a game you play for the experience, not the gold medal. OP has the right idea!
  8. Dagwood

    Amazing .51 Experience

    "He has the potential to follow us, therefore we must kill him". If you want to kill people, do it. But please don't make up stupid excuses for why you did it. By your "friend's logic", you should have killed every person you've interacted with so far. If that's your MO, good for you. Own that shit. Kill everybody. Don't hide behind excuses for killing. You're just throwing flames on the fire. The fire of elitist forum-warriors that will belittle you for not playing the game as they see fit. If you murder or KOS, and one of those computer-commandos begrudges you for it, you tell em this is dayz, and they can go back to their own god damn game if they don't like it. As a matter of fact, if you ever see their sorry ass around chernarus, they can consider themselves greased too.
  9. Dagwood

    Found a MP-133 Pistol Grip Shotgun

    ... Not to be on topic and get away from the flaming but.... Does the pistol grip shotgun fit in our pack? Does it have a wider spread than the traditional pump?
  10. Dagwood

    DayZ for purists - Keeping it real

    To take this "purist's" approach a bit further, why not force yourself to purify all of your water and use disinfectant spray to pick up any loot from a corpse? Cook all canned food?
  11. The balota riots were definitely something to behold. I picked up my first SA M4 in a barracks there and had three different encounters in the next 30 seconds. Yelled at one armed (M4) player entering, and he peacefully backed away and said he meant no harm. He was immediately gunned down at the front door. His assailant then crouch-raped him and a squeaker laughed over the mic. I shot the squeaker dead. I picked up one more mag out of the barracks and was confronted at the front door by an axe wielding fresh spawn. "Don't do this man. You can have the loot outside and we can go separate ways". He raised his axe and charged. I gunned him down and ran for my life. Basically got the full dayz pvp experience in my first encounter. Good times. But, glad the game has developed in a different direction.
  12. Dagwood

    DayZ for purists - Keeping it real

    Radios would make finding one another much easier you know... While using notes and predetermined drop points sounds intriguing, radios would make getting together and actually playing together a much shorter process. I respect your mentality in regards to other players' choices to exploit or somehow gain an advantage over you. The feeling of accomplishment after winning from a disadvantageous position makes all of the losses in between seem irrelevant. This is a great example of how dayz can be whatever experience you choose it to be. Beans to you, sir.
  13. The only MMO I ever played, WOW, made you work waaaaay harder to obtain the top tier gear. We're talking days upon days running the same, several hour encounter repeatedly. Dayz is generous enough to not force us to find the top tier gear to play the game enjoyably. If you want to farm gear, try a different game. Don't expect us, or the developers, to cowtow to your needs.
  14. If I had been the one with the repeater and he'd had an M4, I would have shot him in the head when he lowered his guard and made off with his gear. If you want to play friendly, I suggest you do so with mediocre gear. Top tier military gear makes you a threat and a target. Why he shot a less geared player who was running away is beyond me. Most likely a strong competitive streak. But asking everyone to openly state their intentions while playing this game is asking for a lot. The threat of the unknown is what makes this game worth playing. Not knowing if you can trust the stranger you're conversing with makes teamwork in dayz so much better than in other shooters. Diligence. Dayz rewards the diligent, and punishes the naive.
  15. Dagwood

    Backpack stacking still works?

    I should make a video of 3 guys with 30 magged spotters unloading on a guy with internalized vests all loaded up. Would be interesting to see the beating he'd be able to take with that much frontal protection.
  16. Dagwood

    How do you imagine DayZ?

    Harder zombies that make staying alive difficult. Not being able to get fully equipped in one session. Needing to be diligent all of the time to survive. The risk/reward balance for teaming up with strangers needs to be tweaked. Pvp needs to be more detrimental to your character (more in depth medical system). Dean Hall described dayz as an anti-game. To me, this means that difficulty takes priority over entertainment. Surviving needs to be a goal, not an easily obtained status. Right now we can get geared and live forever no problem. To die, you need to go looking for trouble. It should be the opposite. You should be praying for a break from the constant struggle. Until people are uninstalling in droves and whining about how unfairly difficult dayz is, dayz won't be the anti-game many of us are hoping for.
  17. Dagwood


  18. Dagwood

    Persistently boring empty servers.

    As someone else said, struggling to find the best gear is what keeps you moitivated to survive. The fact that it took you hours to find that sks with PU scope means that it'll be that much more tragic when you lose it. That kitted AKM you found in an hour cost you little to obtain, and will not be as painful to part with. If having the best equipment for pvp is your goal, why not try arma wasteland or even epoch? Those games are catered around giving players an easy road to obtaining what they want. Dayz is supposed to be the opposite of that
  19. Dagwood

    is DayZ the best FPS ever made?

    The unreliable audio is the biggest downside for me these days. I can shoot a zombie right in front of my friend and he hears absolutely nothing. It's pretty terrifying to get shot and hear rounds slamming into the wall next to you with absolutely no idea where they are coming from. Makes me glad I have unreal tournament movement in the game for the time being.
  20. Dagwood

    Trading Post

    1pp. Have: Mosin black with LRS and compensator 2 Mosin speed loaders AK74U with AK74 stock 4 AK74 mags plus 90 loose rounds Want: M4 or AUG Will also accept other offers
  21. I think players being able to just disappear out of the world and escape a stalker/hunter is more unacceptable. Because of this, I won't hesitate to kill a "warping" player if they look like the right type (full military garb, assault rifle or Mosin+LRS). I will also do the same if I can tell they logged out to intentionally avoid conflict. It's an ugly part of the game, but it's still part of dayz. Be wary about where you decide to leave your avatar.
  22. Dagwood

    sightings of V3S?

    Found one in miglioevka
  23. Dagwood

    Chapaevsk military loot spawns suck

    Why enjoy the game when you can just hop from server to server forever
  24. Dagwood

    Loot gnomes

    Not having your pack filled from to to bottom (versus bottom to top) will cause you to lose larger items upon login. As I understand it, the game sorts all of your items to the top of the container they are in when you logout. So when it tried to move your drums or your case upward in your inventory, into open slots, they're wasn't evoking room available (only 1-3 slots) and so the item was deleted. Hope that helped answer your question
  25. Dagwood

    Reason to Walk

    How many players have you spotted while they were walking? How many while they were sprinting? How many times were you spotted while sprinting? How many times while moving slowly? Walking gives you a lot of stealth. It also keeps your weapon steady. It also makes looting towns feel more tactical and immersive versus sprinting from building to building. But I guess enjoying the game instead of loot whoring for hours isn't for everyone