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Everything posted by Dagwood

  1. Dagwood

    Shaking/Jittery Aim not Fixable

    Cook dat ass by sum fyre gurrl
  2. Dagwood

    Player run speed, turn speed

    I thought the sprint slowed down over time in the mod... Which I though was an elegant way to limit the sprint duration.
  3. Since y'all are here to answer questions, I have one of my own. Does the eastern silencer attach to the AKM or the AK74? It wouldn't make sense for it to be interchangeable. Anybody know?
  4. Dagwood

    mp 133 vs akm for cherno pvp

    AKM with drummags would be easiest to use. If you had 3 drums, you'd be set for a nice little killing session. But, as others said, your supply of ammunition is pretty much limited to what you haul into town. Shotgun is also easy to hit with, but if you miss your first shot and he has an automatic, you're shit out of luck. It's up to preference (lousy answer, I know). But both are good weapons for the urban combat you are preparing for. If you want to ambush from second floor windows and such, AKM might be better suited for the job. If you plan on running people down, go with the shotgun. My two cents.
  5. While I agree that fiat currencies would arise in the wake of a zombie outbreak or what have you, I don't think that dayz should be designed to tell that story. I think dayz (IMO of course) should give players the opportunity to survive and maybe form rough survivalist groups. The world would need to be far less dangerous (boring) for players to have the opportunity to effectively develop infrastructure to ultimately support budding industries. Player created items (industry if you will) should not exceed stitched boots and handloading ammunition with surplus supplies found around military installations. I just can't imagine players collecting coal or other fuel and being able to put the pieces together to generate products. I just don't think this engine could support that level of complexity. And with that level of complexity out of the picture, the need for a currency is also out the window. Currency is needed when the complexity of the market reaches a certain point. Trading survival gear with other survivors is hardly complex enough to warrant its implementation, so I doubt we'll see it's appearance in dayz. I enjoy discussing economic theory with you, sir. Especially theorizing about post apocalyptic economic conditions :) have some more of my beans.
  6. Because of your attitude about attaining loot? Idk. Let me ask you this: what dayz mod did you play? Because they all play quite differently. Original dayz mod made low tier military weapons common enough, but top tier weapons were not a guaranteed find. Epoch made weapon rarity a nonfactor with the currency system nonsense. Point being, your 500 hours of ARMA OA could mean a lot of different things.
  7. Dagwood

    Mil tents crashing servers?

    Dayz dedicated hardcore WA server? Not sure they got deleted by a crash...
  8. In the original dayz mod (vanilla), there were only 2 barracks on the whole map, and they were both at the NWAF. There were no "camo buildings/jails", no police stations, an no massive tent camps. There were about 15 tents spread across 3 locations (Cherno, berezino, and stary sobor) where you could also find military gear. All top tier loot spawned in those 2 barracks. You used to have to run the gauntlet of other players looking to reach the barracks. Then, when you got there, there was often no rifle at all. As others have said, you've become too accustomed to easy to find military gear. I can't blame you. You've only played dayz SA, and that's what it has taught you to expect. The next 6 months will hopefully be a challenging, yet enjoyable experience for you.
  9. Dagwood

    Why am I so bad?

    Play 1pp servers. You're diligent head swiveling will do you good there. On 3pp, the person on the move will always get spotted by trapdoor bandits that are invisible to him. In 1pp, they have to be within LOS to see you, which makes moving up on you while remaining hidden AND not losing you a real challenge. It'll feel scary at first, but you'll learn to love it. 1pp master race for life
  10. I'm currently running a Mosin+LRS+Compensator as my primary, with an AK74U as my secondary. I have 2 speed loaders for the Mosin and a total of 4 mags for the AK. Normally I run with some kind of assault rifle; preferably with long range optics. But when I got both of these weapons in the same military compound, I couldn't resist. While I prefer the aesthetics of the M4 and the AK74 over both of my weapons, I decided that I should try out this weapon combo and see if it is as deadly as one would think. I mean, it's the best of both worlds right? Only sniper rifle in game with arguably the best SMG in game. Here is my dilemma: I never use my Mosin! Nearly every engagement is within 100-200 meters and the AK74U is the only weapon I am comfortable killing with. Part of me wants to ditch both and go with the much sexier AK74 (that wood finish) and grab some binocs. Another part of me feels that if I just adjust my playstyle, I will get more utility out of the Mosin. Note, I pretty much stick to the west side of the map and attempt to hunt or be hunted by other geared players. Is anyone else using this weapon combo? Does anyone have any tips on using the Mosin when your target never stops moving? What weapon combos have you found to be more effective in the field? Any and all discussion is appreciated.
  11. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    Of course. I thought you were implying that the CZ75 and the FNX45 were superior to the AK74U in that secondary role. I agree though. A Mosin is not a good weapon for close quarters combat. Fires too slow, and you have to reload too often.
  12. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    Why? Because of size and ammo availability?
  13. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    The AKM is a great rifle. Plenty of punch out to 300 meters, and it's full auto capabilities makes it effective in CQC. However, it is inferior to the Mosin beyond 300 meters, and can be shut down by a shotgun in CQC. While the Mosin+sawed off shotgun combo is very effective at long range and close range, it leaves something to be desired at medium range (50-200 meters). This is why I avoided that combo, and the Mosin all together, until I got my hands on the AK74U with several mags. I've had both good and bad results with the AKU in close range engagements. I have a tendency to spray and pray, and it has almost gotten me killed twice now while carrying this weapon set. Can't forget to control your trigger finger! But, on the other hand, the low recoil, high rate of fire, and fast turning rate make it user friendly at short range (think military tents). I can't think of a situation where the AKU trumps the AKM. The only reason to carry it is to allow you to more easily carry a Mosin to compliment it. Maybe the AKU is easier to handle while firing successive shots at medium range, idk. But I know I would rather have the AKM's stopping power at medium range than reduced recoil; especially when players can weave like they can now.
  14. Dagwood

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    Depends on how much the client is paying for the attack. A larger network of computers launching the attack can "shuffle" the attacking forces and stall how long it will take to resume service. Likely, this is a small attack and things will be back to normal shortly. Of course, I just did a google search and am completely talking out of my ass so, there's that too.
  15. Dagwood

    Is firefighter axe OP

    I think his point is that while it should do the most damage, it shouldn't be 3 times as effective as a machete, or 5 times as deadly as a woodcutters axe or sledge hammer.
  16. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    Has anyone used the AK74 yet? How does it compare to the AK74U? Might just ditch the Mosin and go with the AK74 and a less militaristic setup
  17. Dagwood

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    That last sentence was the whole point... 5 players putting 10 hours each into a base over one weekend have together put 50 hours into their base. You're suggesting that 2 raiders attacking the base should need to put in 25 hours each to get into the fortress. What if it only took one hour for 5 players to erect. You think it should take 5 hours for a player to breach? Wtf would they be doing for 5 hours? Attacking the gate with an axe over and over? While I agree that game balance is not something to ignore, I do not agree that balancing should be done in regards to base building/protection/destruction to prevent griefing. And for future reference, just because I disagree with something you said, doesn't mean you need to call me names or be rude in your response.
  18. Dagwood

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Why should game mechanics be built around you're sensitivity to griefers? Why is griefing a problem? Bases are end game. If you finish your base and it never gets destroyed, you've essentially ended the game. When your base gets fucked with, you have more to do. What doesn't make sense is clans being able to put 100s of man hours into a base which makes it impossible for less... dedicated players (or newer to the hive) to breach their fortifications.
  19. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    To you Mosin users: what advice could you give me for using the Mosin? How to properly implement? Where? Tips for hitting moving targets? I have almost zero experience with it, so any little tips would be appreciated.
  20. Dagwood

    Most versatile weapon combination?

    It is quite a lot of gear. But I'm getting by with a SPOSN and high cap vest with room to spare. In your experience, is the CR75's performance comparable to the FNX? I don't trust the 9mm in dayz at the moment, and unfortunately, it's the only high capacity pistol that spawns outside of heli crashes.
  21. Dagwood

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    ^^that seemed a bit inflammatory... Anyway, I think base building should be a means of fortifying small structures in towns so that you have a place to retreat to should the zombies overwhelm you while looting. Or you could fortify the rear exit to the building your taking cover in so that zombies don't flank you while you're fighting off bandits. Building standalone structures is a big time sink, which is what many gamers need to remain entertained. I, on the other hand, think development time would be better spent on other aspects of the game. Wasn't pointing at you Irish! Just the ass-end above you...
  22. Did anyone use a suppressor and confirm that they now function properly?
  23. Dagwood

    How the North has Changed

    Nobody has mentioned zombies. In a class 5 zombie outbreak, the wilderness would be the place to hide. This is where the remaining humans would retreat to find relief from the undead. Decreasing the wilderness area essentially gives us less places to escape the undead. Black Forest and the south eastern "mountains" provide the most significant wilderness area. However, they are both near spawn points and aren't as isolated as the west and north were in the mod. IMO the developers have a vision for how the map will flow and how players will move around the map. I won't pretend to know that vision, but I imagine it involves more nomadic gameplay and less cluster fucking in the same 4 locations on the map. Adding a ton of extra villages and decreasing spawn rates is a step in this direction. Kids will cry, quitters will uninstall, and the hardcore shall endure.
  24. Dagwood

    Amazing .51 Experience

    Wasn't KOS. It was CAS (catch and shoot).
  25. Christmas patch means Christmas presents all over the place! I get it. Even cooler than releasing original patch from last year. Thanks devs. Too bad I'm away from my computer for the next 2 weeks...