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Everything posted by VoidObject

  1. http://emergegaming.net/ Active admins, zero lag, forums.. public mumble Three servers hosted on a dedicated box (not by some random hosting company, we control our servers) All servers have anti-hack scripts, bloodbag self scripts, refuel scripts, remove part scripts, etc Chernarus 300+ Vehicles/Custom Buildings IP: (AI @ Devil's Castle guarding loot) Origins IP: (No custom vehicles/buildings) Sahrani IP: (Custom vehicle spawns) We host events occasionally on Fridayz Server is hosted out of Dallas and we already have a good amount of regulars, add yourself to the ranks! Hope to see you soon!
  2. 16 on Chernarus and 5 on Origins but it's still early, will fill up more later on in the night One of our admins streams occasionally, you can see that here: http://www.twitch.tv/crash_collide Our owner also has a twitch stream: http://www.twitch.tv/eXy247 Chernarus is half full at 25, commander is bugging for me though so I can't update on Origins, will soon Merged
  3. stop what? im not even bumping anymore and you still havent removed the post I requested
  4. there's like 25 people on Chernarus right now and about 10 on Origins.. need more population guys try us out =) the servers are still "new" but we already have a good group of regulars as well ill update the current population from time to time on this thread
  5. really? I see a lot of people bumping threads 5+ times a day on this forum and would you mind deleting Applejaxc's offensive post please? There's no reason for that kind of language on my thread.. thanks!