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Posts posted by cybercoco

  1. As you may have seen, i didn't play dayz for the last 10 days, i am currently playing on another game and so i can't afford to play two games at the same time. But i am back !

    And i will play Dayz everyday this week, now that i found the right community, i wish to find a perfect clan to join, i have already played with an american, but never seen him again due to the game times (i live in London) So i am looking for a clan to join and have fun with. i don't care if they are heroes or survivors. If "TheWolfpack" is ready to accept me into their clan i would be more than happy to simply say YES.


    Thank you for reading,

    I hope i'll see you around in Taviana...




    (this image http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/106/f/0/dayz__dont_forget_your_beans__by_3dsamm-d61wvr2.jpg is really nice by the way shiro, Good Job !)

  2. In reply to "Auralsynapse"

    The server is up : b_160_400_1_ffffff_c5c5c5_ffffff_000000_


    If you can't join the server then make sure you have installed Origins Mod (click on the top hand right corner of DC to see all available mod, scroll down to check out if Origins is properly installed).

    Then go to favourite and add to the list : You should be able to join by clicking on it.


    Still can't join ? My advice is to reinstall Dayz Commander, or ask help on Dayz Commander's forum.

    Good Luck !



  3. Hey Shiro !


    Thank you for all the time you took to prepare this perfect dayz server and also this community,  i am really enjoying myself !

    I have a suggestion to make regarding GameTracker, you gave us an adress for game tracker server page : http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

    It would make things better if you could claim the server on http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ by clicking on "claim this server" so that we could track the score of players on the server.


    I'll see you very soon !

