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Everything posted by iTrauma

  1. So when I spawn in I generally get a pistol. But it never has bullets. Weird thing is that I have 1 or 2 mags in my gear. So why can I not use it? I click rearm and it does nothing.
  2. I'm on EST time USA. I'm 15 years old. I can record gameplay. I have all maps installed. I don't hack. I have Mumble,TS3,RaidCall,Vent and Skype. Looking for a clan to play with. Thanks
  3. iTrauma

    Looking for a clan

    Thanks. I'll come check it out
  4. iTrauma

    Gun Reloading Trouble

    Staph 0_o
  5. iTrauma

    Gun Reloading Trouble

    Thanks dude :)
  6. iTrauma

    Can anyone give advice for a noob

    Crouch and slow walk when in towns or cities to prevent a zombie from chasing you. Also if they are chasing you run into a clump of trees and lay down. :)