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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. wesley.billiaert2@telenet.be

    Traders and Traitors List

    Yeh, i will be helping Dave out :)
  2. wesley.billiaert2@telenet.be

    Traders and Traitors List

    DaveAzoicer +1 thx for the shiny new nvg :D
  3. L85A2 Holo + ammo M16A4 Acog + ammo SA58p + ammo mp5sd6 + ammo dmr +ammo Antibiotics gps Frag Grenades anything you see of this list? :)
  4. wesley.billiaert2@telenet.be

    Traders and Traitors List

    DaveAzoicer + 1 nice and smooth.
  5. still looking for that dmr/svd?
  6. Morning Dave, let me know when ur ready
  7. i like to wear camo or ghillie clothing, your less visible to everyone else so survivingis abit easier, i never carry a sniper rifle though m4 kinda gun though, it's sad to see other survivors/heroes shoot camo/ghillies on sight.... edit : ofcorse i'm a survivor, but being killed on sight everytime to bandits or survivors makes me wear them suits just to be less visible i travel allot and i do like them hotspots its where all the good stuff and fun is anyway, whats the point staying in a bush
  8. yeh sure no problem, i'll see if you are around later on
  9. you needed a tent and an m9sd im looking for ghillie, camo suit and m9sd mags
  10. someone told me to use Dayz commander wich i've done and reverted back with ;)
  11. how can i do this? just because the server i play on with my camp has not updated yet and i cant reach my tent camp, for the moment i would like to revert. i have erased the @dayz folder and replaced it with full client and the patch, but i still cant get on the server, so i must be doing something wrong edit: removed link
  12. okay thanks for the help, i'll give it a go
  13. Hey dave, i've got a spare tent if you want too also some other stuff http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139255-wanted-m4a3-cco-ghilliecamo-suit-nvg/
  14. ok for me, ill be online this evening round 18u cet
  15. vehicles still respawn, aswell dmrs and svds, nothing broken on the vanilla i play on.
  16. wesley.billiaert2@telenet.be

    Give Away

    Yeah, Dayz brings out true nature in people, f....ng selfish pr... Thanks for the gesture though.