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About Tekdrake

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  1. Tekdrake

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Cool argument, bro. I wish I could make such a huge impact in the community like you, just by posting random pictures to troll people.
  2. Tekdrake

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Nice job going full retard and not removing the increased LOS. Stay autistic, rocket! I hope your durr zombie game will stay more important than all the other mechanics that worked before 1.7.1 How about you actually start up the game and realize how the new aggro mechanics force every 2nd player into clusterfuck PvP-ing in the north the same as in the coast, because nobody fucking has the patience to crawl 24/7 and still be attacked by zombies because of the unjudgeable new distance.
  3. I did too, yet this mechanic changes everything around. I don't get why some people needed to be forced into crawling 24/7 in order to play like smart players, but now that they have been, everything else is broken and it's not actually smart anymore to keep crawling everywhere. It's pretty ridiculous not being able to vault over a single fence because a zombie 5 blocks away can see me. It's also pretty ridiculous how crawling completely kills certain mechanics such as hunting down other bandits and positioning yourself based on necessity. But the zombie enthusiast now have their shitty dream game at least.
  4. Case in point for making "Stealth" actually less stealthy.
  5. Stealth and Fifth, please actually play the version, before misguidedly thinking it's a positive update that improves gameplay. Because it is provably not the case. I'm sure it sounded good on paper to you, but the new line of sight can only be called an improvement if you have complete tunnel vision.
  6. All people who think Stealth has been improved by 1.7.1.(1.) are extremely delusional, and can't even begin to take PvP elements into the equation. New line of sight leaves a gigantic impact on Stealth, generally increasing stealth time SO MUCH that run n' gun becomes infinitely better of an option. In turn, actual PvP in the game has already begun the process of turning into much the same deal as the clusterfuck you'd see in the coastal towns. I've already seen several reckless players in Stary, NW Airfield and Berezino, that I have frankly NEVER seen in 1.7 People running around, causing a ruckus, shooting zombies, throwing flares and cans and smokes, running a horde of 15+ zombies, then simply hiding in an apartment building, the amount of carelessness is just the same as players who've got nothing to lose running around in Electro. And rightfully so, because you'd have to be autistic to put up with the gigantic new requirement the new Line of Sight gives you. But go ahead and disagree. I don't need your opinion. I know I'm right simply because I experienced what I've said. And all this happened why? Because Rocket listened to idiots who somehow thought crouching can't be stealthy. Well right fucking back at you, because now nobody is going to be stealthy. I'm glad all 5 of you who have a reason to crawl 24/7 from beginning to end in a town have got what you wished for. Too bad your stupid new mechanic doesn't fit in with literally any other of the gameplay elements.
  7. TL;DR 1.Crouch walking when permitted + crawling when necessary is a proper stealth mechanic that functions with PvP and other gameplay mechanics. 2. Crawl-only for the entirety of a town breaks just about every other gameplay element in the game, and in fact encourages reckless, unrealistic, dumb gameplay much more than forcing people into the new stealth mechanic, if you can call it stealth any more. With these increased vision zombies, the cons of Sneaking around FAR outweigh the cons of simply running inside the nearest building and picking zombies off one by one, even when the attraction of nearby players is considered. Make Zombies a minefield you need to traverse intelligently a-la 1.7, and not a mandatory nuisance in almost every situation. Killing Zombies is not a mechanic that can hold up this game. In fact, quite the opposite, such gameplay entirely trashes all quality. ArmA II is simply NOT made for this, and elevating Zombies above a secondary or "setting" theme in gameplay is a huge mistake. Do NOT make Zombies a necessary encounter wherever you go. Sneaking mechanics are broken beyond repair with 1.7.1's LoS, and is now based on an extremely inexact science of trying to judge where their pathing will lead them, and praying to god that you don't waste your time due to a zombie randomly turning around, only to see you crouching 5 nautical miles away. Not only that, the additional problems with the huge LoS are: -Unavoidable encounters with deer stand zombies. Unless you know you're going to hit a deer stand in the area, and you go prone 10 minutes before hitting it (in crawling time), you're going to get a nasty and absolutely unfair, non-calculatable encounter. -Rewards of understanding zombie behavior are diminished, as the new mechanic of avoiding zombies is, again, a completely inexact science and much more heavily based on dumb luck. This isn't what life should be like for an experienced Stalker, and immersion takes a huge hit. Not being able to control zombie situations is not the right direction for this game. Such emphasis on random chance should be strictly reserved for the PvP and Looting elements in this game. -PvP no longer influences stealth. It is not possible in the new crawl to win system to calculate other people into the equation. Most importantly, you are not able to make progress without alerting zombies, but are locked into snail speed mode (should you be so dumb as to actually do the whole crawl to win thing...). Once again you will need to result to alerting zombies in an untimely and reckless manner, if you are to engage or be even drawn into any sort of PvP event.
  8. It's hilarious to see all these people think Zombies alone can hold this game up. Good job completely missing what Day Z was about. And then you guys call us casuals. All you want to do is shoot some zombies. That's all Day Z is to you apparently. DURR ZAMBONIES, GOTTA BE ABOOT ZAMBONIES! ERRTHING ELSE MUST GO! PLZ DONT KILL ME DIS IS A ZAMBONIES GAME! I DONT WANT TO BE TACTICAL AND SMART I JUST WANT TO KILL ZAMBONIES WITH RANDOM FRIENDLIES!
  9. Tekdrake

    If I were rocket...

    Rocket doesn't actually know what he's doing. He started out to make a generic Zombie game, and almost by accident got MUCH more than that, in no small part due to the PvP. Stealth, Survival and Anarchy are Day Z's true themes, whether Rocket admits this or not. Zombies are just a side feature. However, 1.7.1 has completely damaged this system. -Stealth is no longer an option. Zombies have gone from a dangerous minefield that must be cleverly traversed according to the situation, to a nearly unavoidable and mandatory confrontation. -In the long run, this also eliminates PvP related stealth, as everyone will UNDOUBTEDLY develop a run n' gun nature from the new LoS and aggro zombie mechanics, that is bound to be carried over to PvP as well. In short PvP is about to become a lot more in-your-face, as NOBODY is going to bother trying to track someone down through a town and get them by surprise, since it's impossible to do that AND try to manage this ultra-realism aggro. Rather, from now on, expect more random deaths by getting sniped, and obnoxious players dashing through a town, causing a ruckus, and running up close to you to start a fire fight.
  10. Tekdrake

    If I were rocket...

    Fun fact; even though your capitalistic morals have taught you differently, a large part of any entertainment belongs to the community just as much as it belongs to the creators. Also, you don't have to suck up to Rocket. Nobody has to stand for bullshit.
  12. Tekdrake

    WTF agro bat man

    Good thing that's not actually a valid excuse, or else you would have had yourself a valid argument there.
  13. It's too hard to stealth. It's too easy to just run wherever you want and never stealth again. Return LOS to how it was. Gameplay is more important than ultra-realism. Zombies and Towns in 1.7.1: -Enter town. -Run to building of interest. -Disregard all zombies and player activity. -No repercussions, as zombies can't find you anymore, even if you run inside a dead end building. -Run back out. -Lead zombies down a hill so they fall and die. -Congrats, you looted a town. Who in their right mind would ever want to sneak past zombies anymore, when it's near impossible now? Not to mention they can still see you through walls as well.
  14. 1. You're heavily implying that it's JUST a simple 3 click patch that won't cause version issues later down the line. 2. Implementing a change like this without taking it's effect on coastal PvP into account is an extremely retarded and irresponsible thing to do. Are you telling me we can't trust the devs themselves to develop the game further? Is the mod dead now, then? 3. If Rocket cuts lose the unintended mechanics of anarchy, stealth and PvP threat, just to bring the LOL ZOMBIES SO COOL mechanic to the foreground, then he truly is the George Lucas failure of the decade, and understands nothing about design.